Need advice with rebound water retention



  • pspam
    pspam Posts: 9
    Is there a way you and your doc could work together to TAPER you off that strong diuretic so that your body doesn't experience such a shock? (I know that with meds such as prednisone, one MUSt be tapered.) Perhaps tapering over the course of a month might ease the rebound water retention.

    Unfortunately he has already gone off, so this shouldn't be a consideration. Also, the net amount of change in weight due to water would be the same, just extended over a longer period. This was a good thought and brought up some very valid points about other medications, though, and I like how you are thinking.
  • mstissa02
    mstissa02 Posts: 83 Member
    Thank you for this post! I was on HCTZ, but my doctor changed my meds to Losartan. Once I lose weight, my doctor may take me off, so this is good post to see what I will be expecting in the future.
  • b14a3w3
    b14a3w3 Posts: 61 Member
    I would weigh once a week knowing it's temporary and then be extra careful to do what I am supposed to do...that is, no cheating at all for those 3 weeks. Exercise as usual (I know you are attacking that with a vengeance)Then I would be sure it's the meds and I am not on a slippery slope.
    Imagine how you will feel again when the weight starts slipping away again.

    Congratulations on losing the first of your meds. That is an accomplishment!
  • lovechicagobears
    lovechicagobears Posts: 289 Member
    I have a similar issue when I retain water for two weeks every month. I keep weighing, just to keep an eye on it, but I don't record the gains on MFP (that's why my ticker doesn't move very often).

    If I start to notice big spikes in my daily weigh-ins, I adjust my sodium and such accordingly, but I really just have to tough it out. It IS frustrating, but at least I know the reason for it. So will you. Please try not to worry, as you know why the water is piling on and that it WILL come off. You've done great so far, Scott. :)
  • Colleen118
    Colleen118 Posts: 491 Member
    If seeing the gain will upset you, then no, don't weigh in regularly. Keep an eye on it (say every two weeks to monitor) in case you need to report to your doctor, but in that case, I might even have my spouse take the note of the weight so I wouldn't get upset. The number effects me that way sometimes and with the numbers that high in gain, I would freak out whether I knew it was water or not.
  • TheFinalThird
    TheFinalThird Posts: 315 Member
    Thank you ALL for your suggestions. Here's my plan.

    #1 Weigh every day, same as always.
    #2 Own it going up, knowing that I'm doing all the right things nutrition and calorie and exercise wise AND it's just temporary.
    #3 Shrug it off and keep doing what I'm doing.
    #4 Own it going down, knowing that I've earned every ridiculously large loss b/c of #2.
    #5 Decrease sodium intake.
    #6 Increase potassium intake NATURALLY (food rather than supplements).
    #7 Shrug it off and keep on keeping on.

    You folks REALLY know how to keep a guy balanced and focused. Thank you again!!!
  • Colleen118
    Colleen118 Posts: 491 Member
    Thank you for this post! I was on HCTZ, but my doctor changed my meds to Losartan. Once I lose weight, my doctor may take me off, so this is good post to see what I will be expecting in the future.

    I was taken off Losartan about a month ago and didn't gain any water weight that I know of. My trends stayed the same. I recommend same to you as everyone else says to OP, watch sodium, drink water.
  • prokomds
    prokomds Posts: 318 Member
    Thank you ALL for your suggestions. Here's my plan.

    #1 Weigh every day, same as always.
    #2 Own it going up, knowing that I'm doing all the right things nutrition and calorie and exercise wise AND it's just temporary.
    #3 Shrug it off and keep doing what I'm doing.
    #4 Own it going down, knowing that I've earned every ridiculously large loss b/c of #2.
    #5 Decrease sodium intake.
    #6 Increase potassium intake NATURALLY (food rather than supplements).
    #7 Shrug it off and keep on keeping on.

    You folks REALLY know how to keep a guy balanced and focused. Thank you again!!!

    If you can wrap your mind around the idea that hey, there's a scientific reason this is happening, and I'm still doing all the right things... sure, keep weighing yourself. You'll be able to look back at this and see how you overcame a huge mental hurdle - that's a huge deal. I like your plan :)
  • wiltl
    wiltl Posts: 188 Member
    Thank you ALL for your suggestions. Here's my plan.

    #1 Weigh every day, same as always.
    #2 Own it going up, knowing that I'm doing all the right things nutrition and calorie and exercise wise AND it's just temporary.
    #3 Shrug it off and keep doing what I'm doing.
    #4 Own it going down, knowing that I've earned every ridiculously large loss b/c of #2.
    #5 Decrease sodium intake.
    #6 Increase potassium intake NATURALLY (food rather than supplements).
    #7 Shrug it off and keep on keeping on.

    You folks REALLY know how to keep a guy balanced and focused. Thank you again!!!

    This is what I'd do, mainly to ensure that the water weight does come off and there aren't any adverse issues that the doctor needs to know about - in the 6 weeks if you don't see those drops then maybe Doc needs to put you back on the diuretic. Then you'll start seeing when you're past the water weight drops and onto the fat burning. Both of my parents have HBP/hypertension and family histories of cardiac disease, so I definitely understand its nothing to mess with and how big of an accomplishment it is to be off those meds. :happy:
  • r5wr
    r5wr Posts: 203 Member
    Drink lost of water! It seems weird but the more water you drink the more water weight you lose. Us woman deal with it every month. Just drink and drink!!
  • mrsjas2000
    mrsjas2000 Posts: 908 Member
    I am on 40 mgs of hctz, from what I am hearing I won't ever want to come off of it
  • RissyK1
    RissyK1 Posts: 15 Member
    I was on the same dosage of water pill. I recently went to the doctor and discussed my water retention. She wouldn't up my dosages, matter of fact she lowered it, due to bp being too low. She suggested that I watch my sodium intake. She said frozen meals, regardless if they are healthy or not, are loaded with sodium. Watch your diet sodas, chinese foods, (frozen veggies too), and fast foods. Anything processed is going to have sodium. Consider switching to sea salt if you already haven't done so. She didn't share with me the amount of water I could gain, but I have noticed feeling a little different. I am uping my water intake daily to help shed the excess water. If your body thinks it's going to get enough water, it will start letting it go. If you don't drink enough, it will put everything into reserve. Good luck and hope it's not going to put you in a stress mode to where you give up. Sounds like you have done a fantastic job so far. Keep it up!
  • That's a toughie, I have such a hard time just with plateaus.

    The logical side of me says you should weigh in anyway, but I KNOW how hard it would be to see increases even though there's a perfectly solid medical explanation with a light at the end of the tunnel. The emotional side of me says you should wait it out so you don't have to see the increases on the scale, but I know it would be hard to not know what's going on!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ughhhhh, good luck with your decision!

    Keep in mind that we're all rooting for you while you go through this adjustment.

    *EDIT* I replied before I read through and saw your plan. Good one. :)
  • arcticfox04
    arcticfox04 Posts: 1,011 Member
    Its about Sodium and Drinking enough water to flush it out. I average 2300mg sodium a day and I drink 24-30 cups of water. My system is always flushed. I ignore the scale weight.

    Also you have to watch out. Some Meds you take could make you retain water.