Hi, push needed here

Newby here, looking to get over a wall I seem to have hit.

Started dieting/ exercise back on 17 Jan when my SW was 219 and the missus brought a cross trainer for us.

Since then set myself tiny goals - lose 10lbs - acheived by 6 Feb, from there, lose 4lb (to make a stone) - acheived 22 Feb, then get to 200lb, acheived 13 March, then acheive 196lb (14st) acheived 10 April.

I have been doing at least 40 mins on a high resistance program (approx 600 cals) at least 6 times a week or swapping one of those workouts for a run (have gone from struggling 4 miles in 45 minutes, to feeling good after a 6 mile run in 57 minutes) or cycling 6 miles each way to the train station. I have been exercising religiously to this regime.

So far I have lost 23lb, but for the last 3 weeks I seem to be yo-yoing between 196 and 200, and just dont seem to be able to get under it. I'm hoping that actively participating on here it will help me over this blip....

Anyway, my next target is 193lb which would be 2 st lost, and my overall target is 168lb, aim to be there by October when I hope to run a half marathon. But looking at baby steps all then way :)


  • cnflet2
    cnflet2 Posts: 42 Member
    you need to change up your workout routine completely.
    last month i was stuck at a weight for three week and i didnt know why. i worked out three or four times a week doing a lot of cardio and finally asked a personal trainer why nothing was happening.

    He told me to change things up for a week or two, like completely. IT WORKED. i always did the elyptical or bike so instead i ran and did steps.

    also try this- half way through your cardio workout. stop.
    and do some quick training for ten minutes (aka 30 seconds of jumping jacks, 30 seconds rest, 30 seconds sit ups, thrity seconds rest, thirty seconds other exercise, then a minutes rest. repeat and repeat again) of course you can do which ever quick exercises you like- sit ups, push ups, squats, etc.
    then go back and finish the second half of your cardio.
    this actually boosts the amount of calories you burn by quite a bit

    when your body gets used to a routine it wont react as well. when you throw it off and it doesnt know what to expect you'll burn more

    good luck
  • onebeer
    onebeer Posts: 36
    Thanks for that. I thought that by mixing the cycling, running and cross trainer I was getting the variation, but I was conscious that they were all similar cardio workouts. I will try and throw in a few other bits over the next few weeks and see how it goes.

    Thanks again.
  • electricgypsy
    electricgypsy Posts: 32 Member
    try and do some strength training too. alternate it with the cardio.
  • onebeer
    onebeer Posts: 36
    Thanks for the tips. On days when I'm using the cross trainer, I have stopped doing the 40mins straight, but have instead chopping it into 3 blocks, and doing weights/ sit ups in the gaps. Have also varied the programs I am doing. First result is that I'm managing more 'calories burned' (subjective I know, but a good marker when using the same machine) over the total period, than when it was was stint.

    Oh, and I dropped through the 196 barrier - just got to sustain it now :)
  • Natalie43
    Natalie43 Posts: 122 Member
    whilst weight loss is the ultimate goal, maybe you've been losing inches and adding muscles....
  • onebeer
    onebeer Posts: 36
    I can see that I have been :) - quite happy at the moment, I can see the difference the last 3 months has made.
  • onebeer
    Seeing as I'm back here again, thought I'd rehash my initial introduction.

    Since I left last, I maintained my weight at around 193 for about 18 months which was quite good and without much effort. However over the last 3 months have put on 8lbs and crept back over the 200lb mark thus, I have decided to make a concerted effort to finish what I started.

    During the period I was away, I have completed my first half marathon, but am looking to do another to improve my time which I know I can do.

    Looking for new friends to encourage me along the way, and also if anyone can point me in the direction of any of the male support groups, there seem to be an awful lot of ones for women, and previously when i joined these I felt like a bit of a spare part!

    Anyway, thanks for reading this far, look forward to talking to you!