Hello, I need friends....


Hello everyone,
I have been a member via the app and am just now realizing there are groups here. This is great because I could really, really use some support. I am 35 years old, married with two children. I have been trying to lose weight for the longest , but didn't get serious until last August. My goal is to lose 50 lbs. by my birthday in July. I have been eating well ( except for the holidays) and exercising, but my main issue is my weekend binges. This is stopping me from reaching my goal and I think if I had supportive friends on here and vice versa, I can overcome this and get rid of this weight once and for all.


  • dsmorrow

    I am new to fitness pal and really need some support as well! I think you might be a good motivator for me as I am going to Vegas in July so need to reach my goal date by then as well!!! I have a really hard time actually going to the gym and not eating food!!! So maybe we could help each other! I am 31, and married with a son who is 18 months. So maybe we can help each other reach our goal! :smile:

  • shandylove
    Hi! My name is Shandy and I am 30 with 4 kids. I need support too, so its nice to meet you :) I have struggled my whole life with being overweight, always being "a pretty face". I recently went through a terrible divorce and gained 50lbs last year and have developed a slew of health problems...now it is serious!!!! I currently live in Oregon, and I work in a call center where everyone around me eats CONSTANTLY. And this isn't just munching, this is like junk food, sweets, take out and soda all day long. Since the 7th I cut out nearly all starches and carbs, I eat only fresh fruits, veggies and raw nuts as snacks and I drink TONS of water. I basically snack on healthy stuff all day long at work and eat a very light dinner of protein and veggies for dinner, never past 6:30. I haven't lost any pounds but my body already feels different! I am not as tired and I'm NEVER hungry. My clothes even feel less binding. This is VERY encouraging. Right now my biggest obstacle is exercising. I work so early and have been trying to get up at 4:30 to walk but I cant get out of bed!!! Exercising in the evening is even more difficult as I have the kids to care for. BUT- I am going to figure this out. My #1 goal for now is to get through the week and weekend adhering to this change in eating. Next week my goal will be to incorporate some exercise...
  • jennfran1
    Hi - I am new here too. 38 from Michigan, mother of 3 busy teen boys. Losing weight has been a part time job for me since the birth of my firstborn. I am at a turning point in life and have been making time to finally achieve the weightloss I so very much want. I liked the title of your post "I need Friends", yes you do. Having support makes all the difference. I am finding good support here and at a biggest loser contest I am doing with strangers on Facebook. It has helped. Feel free to add me as a friend, I would love to share motivation.

    I also struggle with the weekends, I have a weird sense that I owe myself the pleasure of overeating on the weekend and I am batteling to change that. I also keyed in on the word "binging" that you used. I also have issues with that, sometimes my mind just goes to a frantic place where it tells me I need to eat a whole bag of oreos and that its ok to do that. One of my goals is to find out what stresses trigger this and hopefully find a solution to it.

    July Birthday is a good goal for you, mine is in August and I am looking forward to wearing shorts with pride this year. I have about 50 pounds to lose. Good luck!
  • 4sandrad
    4sandrad Posts: 283 Member
    Feel free to add me!!! Good Luck on your journey........ you got this!!!!
  • Anikib
    Anikib Posts: 76 Member
    Hello, feel free to add me all of you. I have just came back and need to lose what I've gained back over the holidays. I also need to tone up, but I'm not a fan of much exercise, so I will be using our WII and the Kinect. I turned 40 this year and have 3 kids, they are all a little older, but I home school my daughter.
  • labtracks
    labtracks Posts: 108 Member
    So nice to see some thirty-somethings with families! I'm 37 married with a one year old. I'm so glad you came on and found the community here. Honestly browsing these groups, reading and being motivated by photos has saved me from my before-bed binges on many a night. This is my go-to location to waste an hour or two before bed.
    I used to go on Pinterest, but all the recipes kept making me hungry... so now I come here while I drink my decaf tea and wind down for the night. Some of the people here are fabulous! I wish I lived close to them because I think I would have a lot of best friends. I hope you meet some great ones and feel the same way. Makes the journey easier when you have people there to motivate you and cheer you on... even from miles away.
  • prebee
    prebee Posts: 5 Member

    Also new here. I'm Priscilla and i'm 26. I've got a couple of friends on here but the bigger the community the better chances we have of succeeding! Feel free to add me as a friend =D It's great so see such encouragement on this site!
  • JennsPups
    Hi everyone, I'm pretty new too. 30 years old, no kids yet but my husband and I would like to start a family this year. Having friends to support you and help keep you accountable really does help, feel free to add me!
  • lfergurson1
    lfergurson1 Posts: 137 Member
    great plan! Amen!
  • llpaq
    llpaq Posts: 263 Member
    HI!!! And Welcome!! :flowerforyou: You can do it!!!........ stay on your game keep your eye on the prize! I say shoot for little itty bitty tiny goals instead of one big one......... My 40th bday is November and I'm trying so hard not to keep a huge goal for that day but to just be HEALTHIER that way every little step I make and when I finally get there I will be the stuff :bigsmile: and feel super good!
    My goals go by minutes on the treadmill (staying on it for 35 minutes - but turning it up for at least 3 4 minute intervals)
    to weekly increasing my workout a little more in some kind of way- up the incline, up the speed, up the time - every week!
    Anywhoot Glad your here and keep up the great work!!! :smile:
  • wannalikeme
    Hi! My name is Karla, I actually set my profile up in October of last year but never really used this. So now I am trying. I do have one friend on here from facebook but would also like some more support. I will do my best to encourage and support fellow members...I just want to get healthy and get off the medication that I am currently on. I also want to feel good about myself, I think its time for me to feel this way.
  • clohara
    clohara Posts: 21 Member

    Feel free to add me and we can work together. I have 40 pou nds to lose as well and getc frustrated easily. I have tried a ton of things as well. I have 3 kids and am 40. I look forward to chatting with you.
