Breastfeeding Mom...I need help!

I am a breastfeeding mom of a four month old baby boy who was born almost six weeks early but has the appetite of a child much older than he is. I need some advice on what to do. I lost 75 lbs in 2011 following MFP, taking Metformin, and exercising 6 x's a week after a couple decades of being the sarcastic fat girl. :) My husband and I found out that we were having our second child on February 1st of 2012 after almost a year of trying and he was born at the end of August. I gained about 40 lbs with my pregnancy (would've been more if I would've gone all the way to the end) and I have lost about 20 of it in 4 1/2 months (7 of it being just him), but I have stalled for about the last month. I am hungry ALL THE TIME. My diet mainly consists of protein, lower carb foods, and the like as I have PCOS and I am also insulin resistant, so adding protein to my diet is a non-issue. However, no matter how many high protein shakes, lower fat meat, nuts, or anything else high in protein I eat, I am ALWAYS hungry. The weight loss with breastfeeding has not come easily to me like so many other women. Advice?


    EJCURRY Posts: 9 Member
    I would advise you to listen to your body. I was the same way. All of these women out there rave about how easily the weight came off because they breatfed. I breastfed my daughter for 6 months (I was hoping for a year), and it was the most difficult thing I have ever done. I lost about half of the weight right away, but the rest stubornly stayed on until I stopped breastfeeding. Right now, with a little one, you have enough to worry about. Focus on taking care of him, and worry less about the weight. You are stressed, you aren't sleeping enough, you probably aren't really exercising because you are exhausted all the time, and your body is going through an incredible healing process. For now, just make sure you aren't gaining weight. Eat when you are hungry. Do your best to get as much rest as you can. Exercise if you have the energy, and then get serious about cutting calories after you ween. I know 4 1/2 months seems like you should have lost all the weight by now, but give it some time. Mine came off much easier once I stopped breastfeeding because I could safely cut calories and I wasn't starving all the time. Good luck and hang in there momma.
  • shivles
    shivles Posts: 468 Member
    I can't see your diary so I can only help so much, at 4 months there is a BIG growth spurt. Baby been feeding a lot recently? Even if he's not he will be taking more milk, which means you'll be making more and so need more calories which is why you're hungry. What exercise are you doing? It might not be what you want to hear but many BFing mums experience a stall in weight loss about this time and usually its because your body needs some extra weight to breastfeed. You can't expect to produce milk without the added bulk, you're body needs fat stores to make the milk nutritious for your baby and stop milk production sapping vitamins from your bones.

    Your baby is 4 months old, just enjoy him for a bit and stop worrying about loosing weight, you've lost 20lbs and that great but now I'd leave trying to loose more weight until he is on more solids than milk or you stop feeding him. I noticed once my LO was about 9 months and on plenty of solids the weight started to drop again.

    HTH, btw I'm a breastfeeding support councellor so if you want to chat or need advice feel free to message me :)
  • kylawelsh
    kylawelsh Posts: 10 Member
    When I was breastfeeding I was also hungry all the time, and I ate. I lost the initial weight and then stopped for a while. It was not until after I stopped breastfeeding that I finally lost the weight. In the meantime I suggest being kind to yourself. You just produced a miracle and your body is in a changing state right now. Go for walks, lift weights, eat smart and in due time you will lose weight. Focus on health and wellbeing.
  • zudleymarie
    zudleymarie Posts: 100 Member
    Right now I am training for a half marathon and my training schedule has me running four days a week.