40 and Over and Rocking It!!!!

My name is Suzi. I turned 40 last July and I still feel really young and awesome lol! I wanted to start a motivational group for those of you 40 and over. We can share our daily workouts, challenges, victories, etc. I am currently on week 4 of Les Mills Combat and I LOVE it! I have realized that I love Martial Arts and want to learn more about it. I have started looking into local classes! Post here and say hi if you would like to join in!!!!


  • PhotogirlTX
    PhotogirlTX Posts: 85 Member
    Hey there.... my name is Kate and am 45. I've started back for the umpteenth time back on December 3rd, and I am hoping this will be the last time I have to fight this fight!

    This next summer, I want to be in shape enough to go do the hiking that I've tried for the past two years and have struggled with. I would love to lose 70 to 90 pounds, and I am thankful that I have already shed 10 of those. My normal daily workout is 45 minutes in the morning on the elliptical, then at lunch, a Jillian Michael's kettle ball 25 minute workout, and in the afternoon.. I've been getting on the treadmill ... I haven't been doing that everyday, but I am happy to say, I have been on the elliptical every day this year!

    Good Luck with your goal! Hope to meet others who are in our age group! This is much tougher than when I was in my 20's!
  • shellyw214
    shellyw214 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi there! I also just turned 40 in November. I've always been active and enjoy tennis, hip hop dance class and sometimes yoga/pilates. BUT I have carried 30 or so extra pounds since I had my second daughter 7 years ago! ENOUGH! I've lost 20+ pounds a few times, but it always creeps back on. Seems as though it's all or nothing with me... either I'm religiously watching my food intake, or it's wheels off. I need to figure out something that's sustainable! I really enjoy food and eating out and WINE. I do enjoy health foods and cook a lot, but I also have a carb issue and a sweet tooth! When I've re-gained weight, it's been because I've given in to lots of bowls of cereal, banana bread, rolls with butter, etc.

    I'm doing this for my health, not necessarily to rock a bikini. But I do want to feel better in my bathing suit for sure! Trying to incorporate good health habits in our children as well.

    2013 is our year! Good luck and stay strong!
  • It's great to have you both here! It is harder when you are older, but it can still be done! 2 years ago I was 25 lbs heavier and felt awful, sluggish, just yuck! Now I workout hard every day and feel great! I just finished my Combat Hiit plyo workout! I love the shorter, more intense workouts because I really don't have a lot of time to workout! I am a little shaky, but feel good!!!
  • Luvmichnata
    Luvmichnata Posts: 186 Member
    Hi Suzie,
    I'm Amy and 47 years old. My goal is to lose about 15 lbs or so . When I hit my mid 40's my metabolism hit a wall. A couple of years ago I wasn't feeling well and was misdiagnosed with depression and treated for 1 year on meds I didn't want to be on. I knew it was something more physical than mental and got a new doc and discovered I needed my gallbladder out! Well I have to say I gained weight during that year because I wasn't very mobile. Gallbladder is gone but the weight isn't and it is harder when your 40+. I've never done any formal cardio programs up until the last week and really want to get commited to it. You scare me with everything you've done but I think you'd be great for motivation and advice. I am waiting on The Body Revolution to arrive and I hope I can manage it and will like it. I want my energy level boosted and feel refreshed when I get up in the morning. Working 50+ hours a week though leaves me really unmotivated to work out. I AM GOING TO TRY! fyi-my 16 year old daughter is a 3rd degree black belt. Given what you've done already I think you'd be really good at it!
  • Wow, you have been through alot Luvmichnata! Make sure with all of those hours working that you aren't overwhelming yourself by trying to do a workout that is too long. That was big for me! That is awesome that your daughter has achieved 3rd degree blackbelt! I think I would love to do that too :) I am here to help with anything or just for support and motivation :)
  • cleotherio
    cleotherio Posts: 712 Member
    Feel free to add me. I'm 41. I was in really good shape through my college years and 20s. I'm still active and in pretty good shape and looking forward to getting some muscle back. I want to lose 10-15 lbs and gain some strength.
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    47, lost all my weight. Working on bodyfat now. That seems to be very difficult. I've recently, like this week, completely changed my diet to try and shake things up.
  • 47 soon to be 48... over the break (2 weeks) I got soggy and gained 5 pounds... and it's not muscle! :P I plan to lose it and more. I want to kick this cold first! :P
  • How is everyone today? What workout are you doing? I am doing Combat 30!
  • Luvmichnata
    Luvmichnata Posts: 186 Member
    Well, I can finally walk a little better today after my Tuesday night cardio. Going down stairs is still a teeth grinder! I plan on Doing the elliptical tonight to get the muscles moving gently! Will see if I am up for a strength work out after that.
  • slboling
    slboling Posts: 117 Member
    I'm Steve. Just turned 46 at the end of December. The cool part now as I get older is that I am losing weight and feel better than I did in the younger years. So saying that I love my 40's would be an understatement. Love the idea of this support group and look forward to helping each other succeed.
  • slboling
    slboling Posts: 117 Member
    How is everyone today? What workout are you doing? I am doing Combat 30!

    Pressing play on Power 90, then heading to the gym for treadmill and cardio.
  • Hey there. I'm almost 43 and I have lost 25 pounds and starting to feel so much better. I have about 14 pounds to go but I need advice and encouragement on losing body fat now. Keep up the great work everyone and 40's rock!!!!
  • I just turned 45 and need to reboot my regimen. I've lost 85-ish pounds - got to my goal weight this last summer, but recently, I've had a hard time maintaining my weight, especially over the holidays. I have added 8-9 pounds and am up about 6 pounds from this time last year. Not happy about that. I need to stay motivated! At least I have kept up with my workouts, but have to get back to being strict about food intake. THAT is key, even more than working out.

    I have been up and down the scale many times during my adult years and have found that maintaining weight loss to be much more difficult than losing. :/

    I honestly don't mind being in my 40's - I feel good and look young, but I really want to get a hold of myself and not spiral out of control and gain a lot back, like I have done in the past. You'd think that being 45 would bring maturity and wisdom, LOL, still waiting for that to set in…weight loss and maintenance is just plain hard work for me, at any age. :)
  • melissandra
    melissandra Posts: 49 Member
    I'm 45... and like everyone, I'm just trying to stay healthy and lose those pounds that have creeped up on me over the years.. ugh
  • Sox90716
    Sox90716 Posts: 976 Member
    I just turned 47 last week. I've been on MFP since February 2012. Love to run and lift weights. I'm currently training for my 3rd half marathon in June. Please feel free to add me!
  • Chainbreaker
    Chainbreaker Posts: 124 Member
    How is everyone today? What workout are you doing? I am doing Combat 30!

    I am 43 and still have a lot of left to check off my list, so I am pushing it farther than ever before. Feel free to include me.

    Today was a boxing/circuit training routine that I designed.
  • crazy4lulu
    crazy4lulu Posts: 822 Member
    im gonna be 44 this summer. to much to know so creep my profile... its all there!!!:wink:
  • MikeInAZ
    MikeInAZ Posts: 483 Member
    Just turned 40 this month!! I did a 5 mile obstacle course/mud run on my birthday. I beat out countless people half my age!! Wooh Hoo!! I'm in better shape now than I was when I was 16!
  • byHISstrength
    byHISstrength Posts: 984 Member
    I will be 40 in two weeks!