New and on my way!!


This is the first time I'm posting here. I usually don't post on sites because no one usually wants to actually discuss losing weight. I find people on MFP actually discussing weight loss. So here I am.

I just turned 35 at the end of Nov and was completely grossed out with myself. I literally cried all day because I couldn't fit into a nice outfit to wear to dinner. The next day I started MFP at 162.4 at 5'3". I knew I wanted to be at my all time goal of 125-130 by my next birthday.

Fastforward almost 7 weeks and as if yesterday I was 151.4. That's 11 lbs in 7 weeks which also includes a 3 week stall. But I stuck it out and the scale is moving again.

This week I've started carlorie cycling and I'm aiming to exercise 3 days a week. I'm done having kids and I'm finally in the mind set to get my body back and at some point fit into those size 7 jeans again.

I'm very excited and really enjoy everyone's motivational posts. Please add me as a friend for motivation.


  • Jessiebell527
    Jessiebell527 Posts: 110 Member
    I had a similar breakdown on my 30th!! Good for you getting here!!!
  • Great Job, keep up the good work:happy:
  • Inspirational post. I am adding you right now :)
  • Good Job !
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    Great job. My nadir was when I had to wear a suit for a nice function and I found that I had outgrown all my fat suits. Now I'm too slender to fit into my previous "average" suits :-) I'm so happy to hear about your success and especially your stick-to-it-iveness.

    A three week stall is a pretty demoralizing skid and to have it so prolonged, so early in your attempt . . . that's what makes most people give up.

    Unfortunately, I'm sorry to say, I think you're doomed to be a major success! You have no choice at this point but to keep heading in the direction you've gone, and hit your goals. I know it's a bummer but pretty soon you won't have a weight loss goal to shoot for. :happy:
  • hayleycreates
    hayleycreates Posts: 27 Member
    Hi, I'd like to add you too.
  • theoesque
    theoesque Posts: 36 Member
    Sticking out plateaus is hard, and not doing it is what made me backslide, so congratulations! If you've gotten this far, you can make it to the end, I'm sure :)