Bum and thighs !!!

I looking for advice on how to tone my bum and thighs...I have a stone (14lbs) to loose and know that this will help to loose at bit of the saddle bags that have developed on my upper thighs :blushing:

squats and lunges hurt my knees and it needs to be exercise I can do at home !! ...... any ideas??


  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    Aerobic exercise of any type. The more fat you burn, the more shapely you will be all over! Also, have your tried incorporating resistance bands? Slim N 6 tapes from Beachbody.com uses resistance bands in their workout. These are fun and motivating workouts. Good luck my dear!
  • vicidoesstuff
    vicidoesstuff Posts: 214 Member
    Leg lifts are good.

    And sit ups with your legs in the air.
    Standing side leg lifts (stand up straight, keep your left leg firmly straight and lift your right leg to the side gently... then repeat 8 times and do the same on the other side)

    Do a google search or a youtube search and you'll find loads.

    Davina McCall's workout DVDs have loads of good bum and thigh exercises.
  • erzypher
    erzypher Posts: 1 Member
    Try getting a 10-12 inch step and doing some step aerobics. I do it while watching some tv and the time flies by. Ankle weights can also make it a bit more challenging. Combine this with some yoga stretches and leg lifts and it should help tone everything up nicely.

    E :o)
  • TropicalKitty
    TropicalKitty Posts: 2,298 Member
    Adding to what ikiness said, also do backward leg lifts: kick out behind you with leg straight. Make sure to squeeze the bum! Use resistance bands to change intensity or ankle weights.
  • sonnacchio
    sonnacchio Posts: 57 Member
    What about walking? Up the stairs, down the stairs, around the house, around the block...I have been successful just with walking more on a daily basis. I can definitely see a change in my bum and thighs just from my 35 minutes of walking a day. And it doesn't hurt my knees...
  • nomuffintop
    thanks for all the advice.....I have to put in the work now and before long I'll have buns of steel.... LOL !! :laugh:
  • hill242
    hill242 Posts: 412 Member
    I'm of the firm belief that nothing makes your thighs and bum look better than some old fashioned squats.

    Along with deadlifts, lunges, box jumps, and jumping rope.

    Of course, losing fat will help accentuate the awesome muscles you develop from these exercises.