
New and so excited!!:happy: :happy: :happy:


  • Me too!!!!
  • Itzzie
    Itzzie Posts: 14
    Me 3 LOL! Well new again since I quit last year. That was dumb. But this time I have my bff's!!!!!
  • leafstucker16
    leafstucker16 Posts: 136 Member
    Welcome to all of you! :)
  • firstlady8
    firstlady8 Posts: 17 Member
    me too we can do this :flowerforyou:
  • I'm new too! :) Feel free to add me!
  • Well............I am new too. Have not had too much time to "lurk" the boards but I wanted to say you are not alone. I am hoping for 30 lb loss. Lost 52 lbs 3 years ago but have slowly gained back 30............stress, family stuff, etc.....I am NOT gaining it all back. Time to put the brakes on that train! LOL.

  • OK so here comes post # 2:

    What does everyone have as a goal, food wise, calorie wise?
  • I started yesterday! Soooo ready to do this!!! :D
  • Itzzie
    Itzzie Posts: 14
    I am trying not to eat anything processed. My cals are at 1330 right now and I am using flax seed oil. Doing Just Dance 4, eating about every 3 hours and I have a great buddy system here in my town with my friends Barb and Kathy!!!! How about you?
  • Itzzie
    Itzzie Posts: 14
    I am also doing one by vi shake a day and my it works wraps!
  • I am doing between 1200 - 1300 calories per day and keeping carb count under 100. I am drinking 6-8 glasses of water. :huh: Going to the gym 3x for 60 minutes. :frown: That is it for now. Been going to the gym for 3 years but that alone does not work. Diet is really key, I don't care what anyone says.

    Glad you have a great support system. This is going to be my support system. It worked for me the last time. I did another diet plan then and it was very successful but expensive too.

    Going to weigh in "officially" once per week on either Tuesday or Wednesdays.............what about you? Or anyone else out there.....:bigsmile:
  • Ready2Serve
    Ready2Serve Posts: 113 Member
    Welcome aboard all of you. We will make this journey all better for each other.

    Anyone can add me, I am on a few times a day.
  • Itzzie
    Itzzie Posts: 14
    I think I will weigh in weekly as well. Thinking Thursday or Fridays!!! Definately not on Mondays in case of a cheat day or get together!
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    Hi to all the newbies, and welcome!
    MFP REALLY, REALLY DOES work! I was here a few years ago and actually reached my goal. But, my knees were bad, and eventually I had to have double knee replacements, so I could't exercise and gained half of what I'd lost back. So now I'm back, and going strong!
    As you'll see from all the posts (threads) there are MANY, MANY members who have lost anywhere from 50 to even 125 pounds, which should also tell you that MFP DOES work! All you need to do is be honest and log everything that you put in your mouth, and "work" with your numbers by getting some exercise if you need to "up" your numbers. That's what got ME exercising, LOL. And exercising doesn't have to be expensive, I just walk, jog to my Wii, and dance to a CD that my hubby made me of all my fast oldies.
    You CAN do this! :smile:
  • ShanR77
    ShanR77 Posts: 287 Member
    Welcome and good luck. :flowerforyou:
  • mhabing
    mhabing Posts: 21 Member
    I have done it work wraps. Got some results but not the best I dont think. How were your results?
  • Im new here, and Im new to any kind of diet, was always active doing cycling at weekends 60-100+klm spins plus a few ring of kerry cycles 165klm play a bit of football and could always eat what I wanted recently I started to gain weight so started jogging a 5klm circuit dark evenings put a stop to that and I gained about 1/2 kg over christmas.
    Joined a fitness gym, plan is circuit training twice a week and weights twice a week rest friday cycle sat and sunday starting off at 60klms increasing by 10 each week.
    Stopped eating all wheat products, biscuits and crisps are also gone, no alcohol for a month and not a big drinker anyway.
    Thats the plan, comments welcome.
  • rsharper97
    rsharper97 Posts: 242 Member
  • caryn7780
    caryn7780 Posts: 54 Member
    I starte two days ago. I am trying to lose 70-80 pounds and I am hoping that if I keep myself honest and have others to encourage me along the way I will be able to do this and make sure that this time I am successful and the weight stays off for good. I am trying to get healthy and set the right example for my daughter. If anyone would like to add me, please feel free! I look forward to getting to know new people!!!
  • Athena125
    Athena125 Posts: 102 Member
    I'm new too. I started officially on January 1st, though I was working out and trying to eat better (not keep track though) since September. I lost about 7 or 8 pounds in the fall. I'd like to lose btwn 15-30 more. I have never been muscular, so now that I am doing weight lifting and toning, I don't know what I should weigh. I looked good at 125 pounds but that was with no muscle.

    I'm aiming for 1200 net calories a day. I usually eat between 1550-1750 depending on how much I work out. I allow myself to eat what I want (within reason) on holidays but work out more if possible.

    Right now I'm focusing on getting enough nutrition. I think part of why our bodies' metabolism slows is we are missing certain nutrients if we aren't dieting smart. So I'm adding A LOT of fruits, veggies and taking vitamins too. I HOPE this will help!