I'm 23, new to this and could really use some friends x

Hi everyone, I am really nervous posting this...I don't know why! But it's my first post and my first time on the community bit of MFP.
If anyone would like to be mates then that would be great. Anyone at all is welcome, I am not picky lol. Just really need help keeping motivated because I always mess up after a couple months.


  • SolomonTemplar
    Don't be nervous we are all in this together!

    FR sent.

  • OldDiggerMan
    Friend Request sent
  • CopyCat1978
    I am new as well. And looking for friends.

    Sent a friend request.
  • sunnysophie
    Thanks a lot everyone. I'm not bad at losing weight just terrible at keeping it off and I really don't like exercise! Thank god for my dogs or I doubt I would walk anywhere lol. It's not good because my bf will eat absolutely everything in sight and never gain anything.
    I had a terrible day and binged today but then I came on here and got myself motivated again instead of getting upset about it,
    that's why I wanted to find some others in the same situation who can understand.
  • Ks1122345
    Ks1122345 Posts: 6 Member
    friend request sent!

    I am the exact same way as you are
  • pinkjayhawk726
    pinkjayhawk726 Posts: 11 Member
    We're similar in age and situations.. I'm a newbie as well! I'm also looking for more friends! Good Luck!
  • pink_bubbles16
    Really need friends, motivation.. struggle with dieting and fitness but been trying so hard since january, feel free to add me anyone x