Things we hate...



  • AlayshaJ
    AlayshaJ Posts: 703 Member
    Watching/hearing people eat/kiss on tv.
  • projectxreborn
    -When you sign in to use a cardio machine at the gym and someone jumps on it just before you
    are supposed to go on
    - when people sweat like crazy on the machines and don't wipe them down
    - playing crappy music at the gym so loud I can't hear what's playing on my mp3
    -women who say they feel so disgusting being a size 6 (or lower) when I would absolutely be flying
    high to be that size
    -when people wear jeans and belt them under their butt...seriously, what is the point?
    -someone yapping at me when I am trying to read
    -bad sinuses
    - being on a pay-as-you-go plan on your cell phone and when you tell someone you will
    either email or call them so you don't run out of minutes, they keep texting you!
    -how crazy the world is getting
    -never knowing when an avocado is at the perfect stage to eat
    -trying out a new healthy recipe and it doesn't turn out or does not live up to the hype
    -no energy/not being able to sleep
    -trying to think of healthy lunches for my 11 year old who is extremely picky and only wants
    -having to break in new gym shoes again
    -trying to stop being addicted to diet coke and replace it with water
    -strangers who comment on what I have/how much I have in my cart in the grocery store
    -getting to the end of an awesome book
    -squats and lunges!!!
    -people that bave to turn everything into a competition or a bragging session
  • mlclarke22
    mlclarke22 Posts: 551 Member

    and people chewing really loud, cant stand that.

    God yes !

    definitely this...chick in the sauna last night snapping her gum and chewing with her mouth open..i could hear her with my headpones on blast...ugh!!
  • Crayvn
    Crayvn Posts: 390 Member
    Pretending foods are other foods.

    (Reference: Sweet hummus with chocolate chips pretending to be chocolate chip cookie dough)

    omg..what is sweet hummus?!!!!????
  • iLoveMyPitbull1225
    iLoveMyPitbull1225 Posts: 1,691 Member
    the fact that food and alcohol make me fat
    that i have to wear a bra everyday
  • lmbs1966
    lmbs1966 Posts: 57 Member
    politicians who are there to represent their people, but have their own agenda.
    people who collect welfare because they lie
    educated idiots with no common sense
    people who abuse animals
  • ZhayneRaye
    Girls who speak in IM
    People who stand in the middle of the isle
  • committed120
    - people who start to ask a question with the word "question: ..." (my sister does this and it is so annoying)
    - people who think they own the left lane on the interstate (really??? this is a disease of epic propotions)
    - nightly news (which I avoid like the plague)
    - people who don't even let you get in the door before they start bombarding you with questions which really could have waited 5 or 10 minutes
    - Pepsi
    - speeding tickets
    - people who invade my personal space (6 feet people, 6 feet at least)
    - when people spread out across the track 3 or 4 across and then won't get back on their side of the track when I'm passing which forces me to step off into the grass filled with duck poop so I don't get knocked down. I swear they look at you like it's a game of chicken or something.

    I could go on...but really I feel my blood pressure rising just from thinking about all of this... sigh
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
    Going to the bathroom after eating jalapenos
    People who are cheery when its early in the am
    people who are cheery when I am having a bad day
    People that talk to me
    People who give me work to do
    Waiting on people
    99c stores
    Splelling bewks
    Chicks who wear leggings under skirts
    Chicks who dont wear skirts
    Onion rings that are too greasy
    People who just slop your sandwiches together at subway
    People who complain about bad tips - especially delivery people
    Not having water
    Not being able to workout
    Having to bleed
    Not having money
    Having money - means I have to pay a bill
    The pokemon "Mr.Mime'
    Gas prices
    Paying for things that arent for me
    Cooking chicken for an hour and its still doesnt finish

    omg!! ahahahahahahah - you included a pokemon in there...and fwiw, I don't like him either...
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
    Improper use of the english language
    the word ain't
    people who talk down to me
    people who chew loudly and groan loudly while chewing loudly
    mean people
    mean people who won't friend me
    Adventure Time...god I hate that show and everyone who ever had anything to do with that stupid freaking cartoon.
    the people who spawned the people who have anything to do with the show Adventure Time.
    that my kids love the show Adventure Time
    bosses who think there is no invisible wall between them and me....maybe its the hundred grand more a wait, its just me.
    people who want to know what I'm eating....
    not being able to gouge the eyes out of someone who wants to know what I'm eating.
    being overly emotional at inappropriate times
    waiting for anything....
    people who jump to conclusions
    jumping to conclusions
    people who have their heads so far up their *kitten* they don't even know how self absorbed they are...
    being accused of something I didn't do...
    people who won't own their mistakes.
    being powerless to help someone
    this one time at band camp....

    guess I should stop there...or I'll be banned for gratuitiously long posts.
  • SmexAppeal
    SmexAppeal Posts: 858 Member
    That list is WAY too long.
    But the top of that list....
    USA Government.... just saying
  • trancenhouse
    trancenhouse Posts: 76 Member
    People with 2394823094832 items that go to the fast check out lanes designated for customers with max 10 items.
  • SmexAppeal
    SmexAppeal Posts: 858 Member
    People with 2394823094832 items that go to the fast check out lanes designated for customers with max 10 items.

  • Fit_Vixen1
    Stupid people
    Dirty People
    People that don't even try
    Auto Correct- it has made me a very bad speller!!
    Cell Phones- I don't know anyone's #!
    Men that whistle while driving or walking past me
    Women that give you the stank eye. That's right, HATE!!!!!
    Scary Movies because they are NEVER scary
    Cleaning the restroom
    Cleaning the fridge
    Stupid drivers.
    Slooooooooooooooooooooooooooow drivers!!!!!!!!!!!
    This is a never ending list, I'll stop now.
  • the_journeyman
    the_journeyman Posts: 1,877 Member
    People with 2394823094832 items that go to the fast check out lanes designated for customers with max 10 items.

    That's annoying. Surely you can at least count to 10 (local grocery store) or 20 (Walmart)...

  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
    People with 2394823094832 items that go to the fast check out lanes designated for customers with max 10 items.

    WALMART ....god I hate this store and the creepy people in it.....ugh.
  • ruggedBear
    ^^Love this!

    I am really put off by "close talkers" as well as:

    dog puke (or anyone else's for that matter)
    being cold
    reaching into the garbage disposal
    ignorant people (don't expect me to help you out - I am NOT the *kitten* whisperer)
    wasted time
  • rlmiller73190
    rlmiller73190 Posts: 342 Member

    -women who say they feel so disgusting being a size 6 (or lower) when I would absolutely be flying
    high to be that size

    This! I was shopping at American Eagle (I'm only 22, so I think it's still acceptable, for now). I was browsing the rack and grabbing things in sizes 4 and 6 because I'm not sure what size I am there, when this pre-teen girl and her father come up. Dad grabs a pair of cool looking pants (that I had just looked at) and says "how about these?" and she says "ew dad, no! a size 6, that's sooo fat!" I was disgusted by that because I worked hard to get here and I don't think I'm fat at all!
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    The New York Giants ..... for not even making it into the playoffs ..... they suck !

    :grumble: :grumble:
  • lmbs1966
    lmbs1966 Posts: 57 Member
    Snobby people with their nose so far up their own butts, that they will never see the light of day!