anyone in there 40's


I have recently started back on a healthy eating,,, anyone else in there 40's and finding it harder to lose weight this time??? Would love to chat to others for motivation and support and a good kick up the backside from time to timex


  • castell5
    castell5 Posts: 234 Member
    I am 48. I did find it harder, or so I thought til I got serious about calories AND added exercise in every day at least 30 minutes.
    Don't forget to drink lots of water and work out every day doing something.
  • cinrn68
    cinrn68 Posts: 215 Member
    It's definitely harder as we get older, BUT it's doable!! I'm 44 and starting it all over again. So frustrating, but it's a must at this point. Time to admit to myself that I'm past middle age and NEED to get fit and healthy once and for all!! I was so fit and healthy in my early 20's. I really want to get back to that.
  • 48 in Ohio and I also am having a hard time. I've been going about a wk with the counting & at least 30 min or more workout . I think we just need to stick with and do this for ourselves....
  • lewshetland
    lewshetland Posts: 52 Member
    I am trying to lose weight and finding it much harder than when I was younger. This time round I am finding I really need to focus on my diet and not really so much on the exercise shifting the weight. Would love to support and receive support.
  • Yep. It's harder in the two score decade, but it can be done. Just form a plan and follow it. You'll get there!
  • 44 & have been struggling for some time to shift the fat. Used to find it easy in my younger days, but then I lived alone & had control over what was in the cupboards!
  • Easnic44
    Easnic44 Posts: 41 Member
    thank you all for your replies,,, i lost 6 stone back in 2008, sadly most of it went back on,,, but am determined to lose it this time and keep it off for good,,, so far since middle of November i have lost 1 stone 3lbs but weight loss seems much slower than last time,,, maybe it could be because of my thyroid problem possibly,, i will just stick with itx
    LOOSN4LIFE Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 47 and a newbie here... I find that it is just HARD in general... It may have been a bit easier when I was younger, but my appetite for good food is my biggest problem... I am determined to stick with this lifestyle change... I have never been so transparent with my efforts to lose weight... Until now... Hoping to find mutual support and motivation here...
  • Easnic44
    Easnic44 Posts: 41 Member
    feel free to add me and we can support and motivate each otherx