22 and back on the wagon.

So, I joined MFP last year and did pretty well for 6 months or so, getting from this first picture to the second.

Of course, life caught up to me, plus my weight loss slowed on its own, then school and work got crazy, and things sort of fell apart. And now I find myself back here: tumblr_inline_mgfeiptrQ81qmv91v.jpg

I got off my old MFP account and made a new one, because I want a fresh start instead of wallowing in disappointment because I let myself get back here. this recent weight change aside, I have years of struggling with weight loss, with an eating disorder, and with a whole slew of issues. This past year has been great for me in terms of self-confidence and starting to accept myself and my body, but I still want to make the most of what I have and be truly fit. Who's with me?


  • AmandaP_23
    You did amazing the first time and I'm sure you'll do amazing and even better this time. Keep your chin up and don't let anything get in your way. =] Good luck!

    I'm definitely with you on this one, girlie. =]
  • mlb2661
    mlb2661 Posts: 14 Member
    I think your facial expressions say it all, But if you did it once you can do it again! You have the tools and this time you will see the hazards before the undermine you. That second picture show how proud of yourself you were and can be again! You can do it!
  • wiseone111
    Your smile said it all in pic 2! Good luck. I did Weight Watchers & lost all my weight, but bad habits crept in & here I am once again, back on the starting block with more weight than ever to shift! You can do it...we can do it!!!!
  • theoesque
    theoesque Posts: 36 Member
    Thanks, guys! Yeah, I'm definitely feeling frustrated with myself, but I can do this. If I can be reasonably happy with my body again by the end of this semester, I'll feel like I've accomplished something big :)
  • Gizzy1976
    Gizzy1976 Posts: 126 Member
    You can do it again. feel free to add me and I will try and support and motivate as much as I can ????
  • cupcakecutie1985
    cupcakecutie1985 Posts: 110 Member
    I hear ya gurl! I lost some weight before my wedding last August, and was feelin pretty fine w myself! Well, honeymoon, Halloween, thanksgiving and the holidays all got the best of me! Not to mention my overwhelming sense of wanting to indulge because I had worked so hard! I remember thinking that is I just let loose a little but still worked out a bit, I could be aiight. Well, the working out didnt happen and the food was def let go...so I'm in the same boat. Disappointed and with about half my previous losses back w a vengeance! I can do this, you can do this! We just need to make the commitment! Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like! :)
  • ToriiXx
    ToriiXx Posts: 14 Member
    Wow, the change between the first and second picture is amazing! Just look at that pic for motivation. If you managed it before, you can do it again :) I know how you feel though, I'm restarting again after a disappointing few months, and I feel like all my previous hard work was for nothing :/
  • Jperez08
    Jperez08 Posts: 18 Member
    Hey there I'm 22 as well :) you can add me we can motivate each other!! :D
  • theoesque
    theoesque Posts: 36 Member
    Thanks guys! Pretty sure I added everyone here - now out for a quick run before work. Gotta start sometime, right?
  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    I loved your red bra, it's so nice!

    Besides that, you will certainly have success the more you want it and it sounds like that's what your looking for :) If you have gotten that far once just think how much farther you will get this time!
  • FatgutBgone
    FatgutBgone Posts: 73 Member
    Life happens, at least you are not giving up and going at it again. I might get beaten but I never give up until I win.
