how long before I lose some weight?

HI everyone, i'm new! Hurrah!

So this is probably what everyone asks on their first post but when will I stay to lose some weight?! I have been using my fitness app for just over a week and either my scales are broken or i'm not losing any weight.

I am probably under my calorie count most days (and I don't think I am in starvation mode after a week.

Porridge for breakfast (soya milk) and a cup of tea (soya milk always not normal)
Lunch 4-5 slices ham and leafy salad
Tea - small portion of either meat, fish or prawns/veggie meat equivalent then veg steamed to full rest of plate
Snacks - one clementine, one small banana
Fresh fruits for desert
A highlights hot chocolate before bed

I'm not having any dairy, no potatoes, bread or pasta, no desserts/cakes/sweets/choc.

I have been going 11 days now. One night according to my scales I put on 6 lbs over night so they could be faulty but have since just been constant.

PS I weigh 14.3 according to scales and i'm 5'8 and turn 30 on Monday x x


  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,422 MFP Moderator
    Can you open your diary so we can see. How many calories are you eating? do you workout?
  • I think the setting is changed now, I had it on private
    Dog walking but not back at the gym yet (I know this will help I just expected some initial results)
    Ignore the weight at start, I guessed it, then the scales went funny and they have said 14.3 for a week
  • Guamybear
    Guamybear Posts: 1,061 Member
    Your not eating need at least 1200 calories possibly more depending on the weight you have to lose and how much exercise you do.
  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member
    Congrats on the 7 pounds you've lost so far. How did you get the 1200 goal? Did MFP set it for you? First, check out this post to see what your BMR and TDEE are and what you should be eating

    Looking at the last 3 days, you're under 1200 calories, you need to be eatin more. I saw a few snacks, are they between meals so you're eating more than just 3 times (breakfast, lunch, dinner)
  • Sorry, ignore the 7lbs loss, the scales went funny and said I was 13st 10lbs then the next day said 14st 3. They have said that since so not sure what is going on. I guessed the first weight as scales were packed away
    I know i'm under but I still would have expected some sort of loss?
  • Congrats on the 7 pounds you've lost so far. How did you get the 1200 goal? Did MFP set it for you? First, check out this post to see what your BMR and TDEE are and what you should be eating

    Looking at the last 3 days, you're under 1200 calories, you need to be eatin more. I saw a few snacks, are they between meals so you're eating more than just 3 times (breakfast, lunch, dinner)

    Yes, the app calculated. I have a banana mid afternoon so i'm eating 4 x a day
  • SpongebobPantless
    SpongebobPantless Posts: 101 Member
    FRIG I know how you feel. I feel like I have been off/on dieting my whole life and now it's literally taking forever to drop any weight. I am trying to just get back into running so trying to focus on that and maybe the boosted exercise metabolism will kick start some weight loss or at least inches.
  • kw0205
    kw0205 Posts: 62
    MFP set 1200 day for me, and I come in either on target or just under. I lost 1.8 pounds the first week (first week weigh in was today). Are you drinking plenty of water? For me, eating more protein than carbs is pretty key. I also am eating fresh foods (nothing from a can or box and nothing processed), no bread, just a little grain (made ground turkey stuffed peppers last night with brown rice), and definitely no sweets right now. How's the exercise coming along? The other folks may be right - you have to eat enough (sounds like an oxymoron, doesn't it?) so try to stay as close as you can to your calorie count with good for you foods. You'll do great!! Also, I got a digital scale which is wonderful!
  • FRIG I know how you feel. I feel like I have been off/on dieting my whole life and now it's literally taking forever to drop any weight. I am trying to just get back into running so trying to focus on that and maybe the boosted exercise metabolism will kick start some weight loss or at least inches.

    I'm glad it's not just me. I was terrified about posting in here and sharing my diary as well! I used to be 10 done as a dance teacher but then got an office job and 4 stone had crept on and suddenly i'm fat!
    I'm getting married next year but I don't want to set a date until some weight shifts. I'm miserable! X x
  • nicleed
    nicleed Posts: 247 Member
    I would suggest you track sodium and try to keep it below 2300 mg..all that ham, veg sausages etc could mean you are retaining water...
  • jellybeanmusic
    jellybeanmusic Posts: 161 Member
    I think the setting is changed now, I had it on private
    Dog walking but not back at the gym yet (I know this will help I just expected some initial results)
    Ignore the weight at start, I guessed it, then the scales went funny and they have said 14.3 for a week

    Try to weigh once a week under the same conditions. So for example, always do it before breakfast rather than when you've just consumed the weight of the food/drink or wearing simillar clothes (or always naked etc) to try and avoid any variation on the scales. If you weight at night, you'll generally always get a different reading the next morning etc. If you do it under the same conditions each time, you'll get a more consistant result.
  • I would suggest you track sodium and try to keep it below 2300 mg..all that ham, veg sausages etc could mean you are retaining water...
    hmmmmm that's interesting, I hasn't noticed that. I'm not eating anything really processed or over cooked. Is too much veg bad? What should I have instead that's not carbs?