Does being overweight/obese make it harder to find a job?



  • Mlkmaid
    Mlkmaid Posts: 356 Member
    Yes, of course it's part of the problem. First impressions count and there are negative ideas attached to obesity. Many are untrue but everyone judges a book by its cover, even though they may claim differently. And many employers won't hire obese people because of the health insurance ramifications. Still others may not want an obese person representing their brand or product(s). And they've done studies that show that attractive people not only get jobs more easily but they also make more money long-term.
  • It really shouldn't matter, but I do believe that if your overweight, employers see that as a negative. I am in the same boat. i am unemployed and been trying for months to find a job. ITs the economy, but also the being overweight has an effect for me too.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    depending on the field she is in, then definitely. fields like PR and sales are probably among the worse in terms of hiring overweight female candidates.

    but, what's important is that she have the necessary skills and present herself as the perfect candidate for the position that she wants and is interviewing for.

    we can't control other people's prejudices but we dont need to let they be an excuse for us to not do our best.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    of course it does. plenty of jobs require a certain image and with everything else being somewhat equal its better to choose the fit/attractive person.
  • jnp96
    jnp96 Posts: 163
    It certainly does. Many people look at fat folks as lazy, slow, undependable, sloppy etc. Fair? No. Accurate? No, but first impressions do matter.
  • Bobby__Clerici
    Bobby__Clerici Posts: 741 Member
    of course it does. plenty of jobs require a certain image and with everything else being somewhat equal its better to choose the fit/attractive person.
    Very true...nature is cruel....:ohwell:
  • lorcart
    lorcart Posts: 406 Member
    Absolutely! In the past when I was overweight I had a very hard time getting a new job. I lost 100 lbs and BOOM! I had more job offers than you could shake a stick at. I changed jobs whenever i wanted a new one, no sweat. I gained weight, lost my job (nothing to do with the weight gain, I can honestly say that) and I was unemployed for quite some time.
    I think part of it was my appearance and another part I honestly just wasn't as confident in interviews.
  • missmegan831
    missmegan831 Posts: 824 Member
    It could be her weight or the jobs she is applying for. I am a self employed massage therapist and for the longest time I couldnt find work at spas/salons and one owner told me straight up and honest that I didnt carry my weight well enough to present myself to clients.. well piss off to him because now I'm my own boss...

    The economy is hard right now and I wish your friend all the best.
  • missmegan831
    missmegan831 Posts: 824 Member
    I'm sure this won't win me any friends, but the truth is fat people are seen as lazy, unmotivated and lacking self-discipline. Plus, there are issues of health insurance costs and more missed work due to bad knees, etc.

    ^^^^ Its sad to admit but this lady has a good point... society stereotypes people on image first whether it be race, dress, weight, beauty.. thats the first thing a potential employer sees is your body, before you even have a chance to open your mouth to start the interview.
  • Biggoal50
    Biggoal50 Posts: 33 Member
    I worked at a temp/recruitment agency for one year. Age and appearance matter. At the place I worked there was a code for discrimination. Fat people didn't have 'enough energy'. Old people were 'over qualified'. Ugly people weren't "front office'. It's horrible.Obese applicants need to compensate by being perfectly dressed and overly energetic/bubbly. Smile, smile, smile. Sad but true.
  • gtchs
    gtchs Posts: 116 Member
    I'd say yes.
  • Unfortunately yes. I have lots of experience with this one. Whether it's fair or not, our appearance translates into "credibility" to do a job well. The legal field is especially hard if you are going to be in the public eye (paralegal, criminal investigator, etc). My advice to you is not tell your friend she needs to lose weight but to encourage her to put her very best foot forward when going to an interview. Spend the extra money for a good hair cut, manicure, good shoes, and well fitting clothing. No perfume, please (gives the impression you're hiding bad hygiene) but tasteful makeup. And most of all, a good attitude with confidence and interest in the company you are applying to.
  • lcmix
    lcmix Posts: 2
    being overweight often screws up your confidence, and confidence is key to landing the job. this low confidence compounded with a judgmental society makes it extremely difficult for an obese person to build a career.
  • Iceman420
    Iceman420 Posts: 195
    I'm sure this won't win me any friends, but the truth is fat people are seen as lazy, unmotivated and lacking self-discipline. Plus, there are issues of health insurance costs and more missed work due to bad knees, etc.

    This is very true. I was able to get hired full time at this company, but I don't expect the same kindness from other companies. I'm going to get this weight off before I even think about looking for another job!