Problem with fitbit

For the last two days my fitbit is taking a fit. I had earned 224 or so exercise calories and as the day progresses I keep loosing them yesterday it went all the way down to 35 from 224. Today I also earned 224 or so and again it is going down. Anyone else had this kind of thing happen. I did email customer support but so far no response. Just thought I ask her as well. Thanks


  • whatsasimba
    whatsasimba Posts: 6 Member
    Fitbit has two settings, personalized and sedentary. It's under your food plan.

    Sedentary gives you your calories AS you earn them. So you get your BMR calories (those you burn just from sitting, breathing, sleeping, having a working heart, etc) AND you get any calories that you earn from exercise. But you get them in real time. So you might have earned 700 calories by 12, but if you eat a 400 calorie breakfast and a 400 calorie lunch, you might be showing up as being over your calories (so far).

    I suspect you might have yours set to Personalized. Personalized makes assumptions based averages of past calories burned and gives you an allotment of calories to start each day. So, let's say you typically do about 10,000 steps a day, but one day last week you ran a 10k. That gets thrown into the algorithm for figuring out your average calories. When Monday rolls around, and you're doing LESS than your average (which was inflated because of the 10k), you'll start with an inflated number of calories, but as the day goes on and you don't live up to your past average, you'll start losing calories, so you'll end up with fewer than you started the day with.

    Does that help? Or did I misread the question? The community section over at is really good at tackling these questions, too.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    Fitbit has two settings, personalized and sedentary. It's under your food plan.

    Interesting - I didn't know you could change it from doing that!

    Mine always does that. It assumes you'll keep moving at the same rate you have been and when you stop moving (sitting or sleeping) it starts subtracting.... Since I don't go to bed until around midnight anyway it's not a huge issue, but if you're going to bed where there's a lot of time before midnight that it'll be subtracting during I can see where it would be an issue.