Tips and Tricks

Hey everyone! I thought I would see what you guys are doing to help yourselves succeed in your weight loss.

I have potion control issues, sometimes it just doesn't LOOK like I having enough food. So I eat off the salad plate, and most of the time I am like WHOA that's alot of food. I know that probably seems silly because I know the plate is smaller but it seems to trick my mind to think that I am eating more or at least enough!

Does anyone else have any fun or interesting tricks that they use to keep themselves going??


  • yogacookies
    Hi there! I've been eating from smaller plates and bowls for years now, simply because I find cute plates and I buy them. So naturally, I have trained my mind to expect these portions. Also, by eating smaller-portioned meals throughout the day, I maintain my energy levels and metabolism doesn't rise and fall in between meals. I also pack my own lunches for work, so that's another healthy tip I would recommend. Cooking nothing but whole foods has kept my weight in check and leftovers are awesome. :) Good luck
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    I have been able to 'slow down' meal time quite a bit. This seems to give my body a chance to let me know it is full before I finish that plate of food. Sometime just put the fork down and wait, talk with your dinner partners, read or whatever. I also drink at least two glasses of water with every meal, I make a point to stop eating and drink water while I am eating this gives me my water for the day and slows down the eating process and allows my brain to tell me I am full before I wolf down my entire meal.

    Just me - for what it's worth. :smile:
  • RentThisSpace
    RentThisSpace Posts: 96 Member
    A couple of easy ones that I use:

    -Stop eating when you aren't hungry any more. This does not mean full. If you are full, you probably ate too much, but if you are no longer hungry, you probably ate the right amount.
    -Don't clean off your plate, despite what your parents said. If this is a regular problem, invest in smaller plates.
    -Like Yoga said, pack your own lunch full of nutritious snacks and meals. I have 3 small meals I take everyday to work, and eat breakfast before I leave and dinner when I get home. This keeps the metabolism stable and your body never wanting food. Plus, by planning out your meals, you know its nutritious for you already and removes the guesswork.
    -Move around every hour, especially if you work at a desk all day. Get up and walk around your office or plant, take a walk around your building, something to keep you from being too sedentary.
    -Work out some everyday. No matter what, you have time to do pushups or situps, even if its during commercials of your TV show. Some working out is better than none at all.
    -Have a regular sleep pattern. This will help to keep your body used to regular sleep and meal patterns.
    -Keep your mind busy. Not thinking about food helps to not be hungry. Concentrate on your work or hobby to take your mind off eating.
    -Keep your end goal in mind. Remember the sacrifice now for the body you want to have later at the beach this year, or to be able run that 5K finally, or get into those skinny jeans, or whatever your specific reason for weight loss is. Keep that in mind when you feel like going off the rails and remember that having a good body feels infinitely better than that extra piece of chocolate cake.

    I'm sure there are lots more, but this is what I could think up quickly. Good luck and keep up the good work.
  • SammyLynn010
    SammyLynn010 Posts: 293 Member
    Left overs are a must almost anytime we cook! lol

    I need to drink more water with my meals... I am tooo attached to diet pop! I know I am pickling my body! lol

    thanks for your tips!

    I hope we get some more! =D
  • SammyLynn010
    SammyLynn010 Posts: 293 Member
    Rent! those were great!! =)

  • suejonestx
    suejonestx Posts: 256 Member
    I'm still a ways from my goal, but here are some tips that help me:

    --log all of your food on MFP, everything! It really helps to track everything you put in your mouth. If you can't find the exact item to log, either enter it yourself or substitute something similar.
    --drink tons of water. when you're hungry, try drinking a large glass of water first, to make sure it's really hunger, not thirst
    --when that little voice gives you a reason not to exercise, ignore it and at least start your exercise routine, more than likely, you'll get motivated in the first few minutes to keep going
    --when you get the urge to snack, try snacking on fruit
    --remember how hard you've been working when you get the desire to eat something unhealthy, for me, not wanting to "ruin" a run or workout motivates me to keep my hand out of the bag of chips!
    --find something else to do (even if it's laundry) when you're at home and about to cheat
    --if you DO need a sweet or salty fix, eat something small, like one of those mini-containers of ice cream, which pack only 120 or so calories, which is a lot less than an entire pint, pour out a small amount of chips or snacks into a small bowl to help you not have too many
    --watch the Biggest Loser! seriously, if those folks can run 5 miles on the treadmill, I can too! :) That show can be really motivating.
    --last of all, remember that the right way to lose weight is slowly. if you lose only 1 pound per week, that's AWESOME! I try to think about it in months...if I lose an average of 1 pound per week, that's about 20 pounds by end of Summer! Wow!!!

    Good luck to everyone!
  • shellshalla
    shellshalla Posts: 263 Member
    Here's some I've learned in the last month:

    - Ever have problems catching your breath after a hard burst of cardio? I do interval training with fast bursts of running with walking. Something a basketball coach told me a long time ago to hep me with my asthma I use all the time....NEVER put your hands on ur knees to calm and catch your breath. It just shrinks down the capacity of your lungs and how much air you can get in. Instead, put your hands on top of your head and intertwine your fingers. You can catch your breath SOOOO much faster and do more fast bursts over all!!! Works wonders I swear :)

    - REALLY watch your sodium intake. I can really tell when I get too much and I'm all bloated. MFP put my goal at no more then 2500 grams of sodium a day, but the FDA recommends no more then 2300 so I changed mine to that on MFP. Unfortunately alot of those "diet" meals such as Smart Ones/Lean Cuisine and etc have alot of sodium. Fresh homemade meals have so much less.
    - Along with that, drink lots of water. And if you consume some extra sodium for whatever reason drink more water.
    - Exercise...I am not a person that can just eat healthy and really lose weight. I need to be working out, which is fine with me. I have never been a runner, but I'm trying to change that.
    - Plan your meals the day before. I do this every day, so I get what I need and don't go over. I pack my lunch for work, along with 2 snacks (mid-morning and mid-afternoon) the night before.
    - If you know in advance you're going out to eat at a particular restaurant, see if they have their nutritional facts online. It makes picking a meal way less stressful when you're out to have a good time.

    Hope those help :)
  • pearlyfatcat
    pearlyfatcat Posts: 31 Member
    I have portion control issues too, so to overcome it I measure everything!!!! My husband laughs at me over this, but I helps me. I use measuring cups, spoons and a digital scale. My portions of meat and the real portions were WAY different! Lol. Before I eat I log my food into MFP to make sure I have enough calories left. If not I will cut back on what I am fixing. The big one is water, water, water!!!
  • SammyLynn010
    SammyLynn010 Posts: 293 Member
    Okay...something tells me that I need more water in my life! hahaha

    I also need to invest in a HRM and a digital scale! lol ... You girls are making me realize soo much about this being healthy stuff! =D ... I use measuring cups all the time too though!

    I am liking these tips and tricks more and more!