I dont get it..

I dont get how some people can go all day without snacking and only eat like 1200 calories, but Im always hungry and find it hard to even stay under my 1600 calories. I wish I just wasnt so hungry and then maybe I wouldnt snack so much..:grumble:


  • crystalflame
    crystalflame Posts: 1,049 Member
    It's what they're eating. You're loading up on snack packs and processed foods, which aren't going to keep you full for as long as high-protein foods and complex carbs. Switch out a 100 calorie snack pack for 100 calories of carrots and see how you feel.

    Also, I'm not endorsing 1200 calories - I think 1600 is a good number, but you might stay fuller longer if you eat things that take longer for your body to break down and process. =)
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    You're probably much better off with the 1,600 calories. 1,200 calories is for the birds...literally...IMHO only birds have a BMR that low. Most people I see on the 1200 calorie plan seem to be eating well below their BMR, especially when they net it with a gazillion hours of cardio every day.
  • whallvr
    whallvr Posts: 153 Member
    I drink a lot of water. It keeps me full and I feel less hungry.
  • Renee4joy
    Renee4joy Posts: 36 Member
    I eat 6 small meals a day. But I am always still hungry. BUt I ignore the hunger pains because sometimes I can be a bit greedy...lol
  • ToBeCountry
    ToBeCountry Posts: 81 Member
    It's what they're eating. You're loading up on snack packs and processed foods, which aren't going to keep you full for as long as high-protein foods and complex carbs. Switch out a 100 calorie snack pack for 100 calories of carrots and see how you feel.

    Also, I'm not endorsing 1200 calories - I think 1600 is a good number, but you might stay fuller longer if you eat things that take longer for your body to break down and process. =)

    Agree. I can tell a difference with what I eat.
    I'm at 1500 calories a day.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Also, eat more foods that leave you satiated...generally speaking, whole foods with fiber, protein, and healthy fats. Having hunger pangs isn't normal and isn't necessary. I net to 1Lb per week weight loss...I'm right on track and I've never had hunger pangs or felt like I was depriving my body in any way.
  • How is the calorie count determined? My plan states to have 1200 cals/day, and I am also starving...and I had a lot of carrots with my lunch today and my stomach was growling 2 hours later
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    It's what they're eating. You're loading up on snack packs and processed foods, which aren't going to keep you full for as long as high-protein foods and complex carbs. Switch out a 100 calorie snack pack for 100 calories of carrots and see how you feel.

    Also, I'm not endorsing 1200 calories - I think 1600 is a good number, but you might stay fuller longer if you eat things that take longer for your body to break down and process. =)

    If today is normal, you are also eating a lot of sugary foods, which can make you want more.
  • lalarox
    lalarox Posts: 37
    I eat between 1200-1500 a day and I am always snacking. Never hungry. I eat brakfast-snack-lunch-snack-dinner. I eat about every 2 hours except longer between my last snack and dinner. If i excercise I have another snack before/after dinner. I also drink plenty of water. It really depends on what you are eating that makes those meals/snacks keep you full.
  • kabel4892
    kabel4892 Posts: 167 Member
    It's what they're eating. You're loading up on snack packs and processed foods, which aren't going to keep you full for as long as high-protein foods and complex carbs. Switch out a 100 calorie snack pack for 100 calories of carrots and see how you feel.

    Also, I'm not endorsing 1200 calories - I think 1600 is a good number, but you might stay fuller longer if you eat things that take longer for your body to break down and process. =)

    If today is normal, you are also eating a lot of sugary foods, which can make you want more.

    Today isnt a normal day. I shouldnt have had a donut...but normally I do notice I go over on my sugars.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    How is the calorie count determined? My plan states to have 1200 cals/day, and I am also starving...and I had a lot of carrots with my lunch today and my stomach was growling 2 hours later

    Your diary isn't public, but I would ask:
    Are you eating back your exercise calories?
    Where do you have your goals set? 1lb a week is realistic if you are overweight, 2 if you are obese
    What else are you eating?
  • KahalaGal
    KahalaGal Posts: 112 Member
    Eat a protein and a complex carb
    this combo curbs appetite, does not spike blood sugar and keeps you fueled

    below 150 cal ideas

    protein + complex carb

    1/2 cup greek yogurt + 1/2 banana
    12 almonds + small/medium apple
    1 ounce grilled chicken+ 1 cup grapes
    cottage cheese + small fruit
    baby bell light + plum

    and my personal absolute favorite

    50 calorie string cheese + 1 medium fuji apple - - - portable and delicious!
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    Reduce sugar/simple carbs, increase protein and fiber. You'll stay much fuller.
  • sarahharmintx
    sarahharmintx Posts: 868 Member
    agreed on all counts.
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    Eat a protein and a complex carb
    this combo curbs appetite, does not spike blood sugar and keeps you fueled

    below 150 cal ideas

    protein + complex carb

    1/2 cup greek yogurt + 1/2 banana
    12 almonds + small/medium apple
    1 ounce grilled chicken+ 1 cup grapes
    cottage cheese + small fruit
    Who lied to you and told you that fruits were complex carbs? I mean, it's good because of the fiber and micronutrients, but they're most certainly simple carbs. Look at a fructose molecule.
  • icmuse
    icmuse Posts: 263 Member
    I am 5'0" so my base is 1200 ... of course with exercise my calorie demand goes slightly up.
    I am rarely hungry, I think the quality of the food I put in my body makes all the difference. I eat real whole foods, organic proteins: full fat organic dairy, pastured meats, organic eggs etc .... veggies, fruits ..... real fats - avocados, pastured butter, olive oil, nuts...etc...

    I eat delicious food, stay full for hours, and I am rarely hungry!

    Lots of green tea and water helps as well!

    Good luck!
  • Molly_Maguire
    Molly_Maguire Posts: 1,103 Member
    I hardly ever snack (as in maybe once every week and a half) and always stick to my goal of 1200. It was a little tough at first, until I trained my body to get used to it. Now I don't even really think about it anymore. It's just part if the daily routine.

    ETA: And it most DEFINITELY matters what kinds of food I'm eating. If I eat Chinese takeout and doughnuts for lunch, there's no doubt I'm going to be starving to death and want to snack like crazy. So I make smarter choices and fill up on fiber and nutrient-rich foods that will keep me satisfied until the next meal.
  • sgv0918
    sgv0918 Posts: 851 Member
    depends on the day too. somedays i'm better than others
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    Different strokes for different folks--I HAVE to eat breakfast or I feel sick, my coworker absolutely hates breakfast and doesn't eat her "breakfast" until 11 am. I know people who eat 1200 calories a day and are totally satisfied and healthy, others who need 2000 a day.

    I agree with others who said it might be the types of foods. You'll have to experiment a little to figure out what works for you. Fruit is good for you--vitamins, fiber, etc. Obviously, it's sweet so it will be a good substitute if you're trying to cut back on candy, cookies, etc. It will make you go "over" in sugar but it has more nutrients than, say, the average donut (not that I have anything against donuts, I eat them on rare occasions). Switch up your yogurt for a greek yogurt (less sugar, more protein), have protein & carbs together, etc. (ie cheese and apple, peanut butter and toast, etc). Make small changes that you can live with and keep working on it. You'll eventually figure out what works for you and be able to stick with it without being ravenous. If you're ravenous you are probably a) not eating enough for your activity level b) not eating enough foods with protein and fiber that keep you full longer c) combination of the above d) if all else fails, check in with the doctor to make sure you have no underlying health issues.
  • lpm7628
    lpm7628 Posts: 2 Member
    I find the amount of water I'm drinking really impacts how hungry I am. If I'm feeling hungry (and have had appropriate meals) I'll try a glass of water (10-12oz) first and reassess in 30 min. If I still feel hungry, I'll have some fruit (apple or banana usually does the trick).

    I aim for 100oz a day; figuring if I miss by some, at least I'm still around 60oz.

    Also-- if anyone else is like me and prefers to sip on chilled water, try the INSULATED Klean Kanteen. I absolutely love mine! Even in summer, it will maintain ice water (with ice cubes!) for 8-10 hours!