Since when did my weight creep back up... 190 lbs??? :noway: :embarassed:

The horror!
A friend recommended My Fitness Pal - used it to diarise my food for today and I'm shocked how easily I must have been overeating without even realising.
I managed to lose just over a stone with weight watchers a year or so ago, but its all crept back on over recent months as I've suffered a mental health relapse. I'm combating my depression and low mood, and I'm determined to beat my emotional eating!

I'm trying to work towards regular jogging and getting back to pilates. :smile:


  • healthyinpink
    healthyinpink Posts: 87 Member
    Hey girly (: I know the feeling, the weight slowly creeps back up when you least expect it. But I'm glad you realized before you gained even more. Log everything you eat and remember, "Food is fuel not therapy" :D<3 You can do it!
  • SameMe_JustLess
    SameMe_JustLess Posts: 245 Member
    I was the same as you, I don't normally eat too unhealthy, but my portion size was out of control!!! Now, even if I have a bad day I am committed to tracking it.

    Depression is a *****. Hopefully just taking control and taking steps to get healthy will help you even before the scale starts to move!

    Good luck!!!
  • Mental health issues like depression do totally suck and comfort eating totally messes up any eating plan.
    I'm looking forward to seeing the beginnings of my progress using my diaries on here and stuff =D
  • DeniseBarone
    DeniseBarone Posts: 80 Member
    Good girl!
  • motylekcytrynka
    motylekcytrynka Posts: 48 Member
    Comfort eating, stress eating, yeah... Been there, done that. And additional weigh always comes back. Good luck & feel free to add me. :smile:
  • suttercm
    suttercm Posts: 189 Member
    "Food is fuel not therapy"

    I need to put this on my fridge!
  • mabug01
    mabug01 Posts: 1,273 Member
    Congratulations on starting! You are beautiful and you deserve to be healthy and happy. Never give up. You've got this!
  • Smokey19
    Smokey19 Posts: 796 Member
    I found that my weight crept up on me as well until I weighed 304 before I started taking control of my life. I suffer from major depression and have to battle that as well. I was able to get counseling and started taking medication and am now pretty stable. I was hospitalized for depression 6 times, but now feel better. I know that you can do this healthy lifestyle change and having a group of supportive friends can really be helpful. I am on here every day and have an open diary. Please feel free to add me. My name is Kimberlee, 49.
  • Thanks for all the nice welcomes, guys! :) xx
  • DeniseBarone
    DeniseBarone Posts: 80 Member
    Oh, it's so desperately annoying, isn't it? And I suffer from depression as well. At around this time last year, I got so incredibly frustrated at weighing 167.5, I started paying close attention to what I was eating, and slowly managed to lose 7.5 pounds. So I weighed 160.0 on the day I underwent right hip surgery, on June 19, 2012. I knew I'd be severely limited in being able to exercise the way I am accustomed to exercising. I tend to be one of those kinds of people who think nothing of walking three miles, but who then overcompensate when it comes to eating. And so, because I knew I couldn't exercise at all, I got very careful with portion control. Well, amazingly enough, I lost eight pounds and weighed the lowest I've ever reached in a long time, 152.0 pounds.
    I'm much better now, and don't think anything of swimming a mile a day, but I come home ravenous. So I've slowly regained the weight and weighed in this morning at 159.5!
    It's a constant balancing act.
  • Amanda21202
    Amanda21202 Posts: 210 Member
    Mental health issues like depression do totally suck and comfort eating totally messes up any eating plan.

    This ^ was my problem too!
  • Comfort eating affects me as well. All you can do is get back up when you fall down. That has made all the difference in me keeping off my weight for so long. Heck, yesterday I really screwed up. I'm paying for it today though...
  • jmm774
    jmm774 Posts: 34
    "Food is fuel not therapy"

    I like it.