SICK :((

So I have a cold which really sucks because I was unable to do my leg exercise today and will probably not workout untill Monday if I feel better. It just really sucks because I just got back into the gym after a 2 week break and was getting back into shape. I didn't feel horrible this morning but my nose was stuffed up and there was some congestion in my noise and throat. I probably could have gone exercising today but I didn't want to go a half *kitten* it and also I didn't want to comprimise my health. I just hate colds because there is really nothing to do about them but weight them out. And usually I get a sinus infection so then I end up going to the Doctor which can be expensive. So I am hoping I will feel better so I can start working out again on Monday. Hope everyone else is taking care of there health and is not sick!


  • mrs_schultz2012
    mrs_schultz2012 Posts: 395 Member
    i've been sick for over a month now...runny nose, nasty cough....not fun! feel better soon!! :flowerforyou:
  • ToshaFeb268
    I can relate. I have been not feeling well all week long and had planned a workout routined and all. I am not too bummed out about it because sometimes we get sick and have to put things off until we are well enough. I am making sure that I get the proper rest needed for now. I wish you well. :smile:
  • apachebat
    apachebat Posts: 119 Member
    Seriously! I feel like I've had a cold about every other week since my daughter started September!!! It's hard to stay on track and incredibly frustrating. Get well soon!
  • 21Pontoon
    It sucks when you get knocked just after getting back to it :( Sorry you're ill!
    Take some you time, a bit of rest and you may feel better

    Take care x
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    I hate being sick. The last time I had a sinus infection, my doctor recommended the Neti Pot. I've been using it every morning and every night for almost 3 years and rarely get sick anymore. When I do (usually due to allergies) it's not near as bad and doesn't last very long.

    Neti Pot solution: bring 2 quarts water to a boil. Turn off fire, add 4 teaspoons non-iodized salt (I use Kosher) and 2 teaspoons baking soda, stir till dissolves and store in a container.

    For your throat I recommend gargling with warm salt water several times a day.

    Salt- draws out infection
    Baking Soda- dissolves mucus
  • tallieterp
    tallieterp Posts: 257 Member
    focus on staying hydrated and getting the right nutrients into your system. Keep up with what you're able to without running yourself down more. Work outs will not be as successful if your whole system isn't working right. Don't get down on yourself just get a plan in place for when you feel back on your feet... start slow!
  • smitha7
    smitha7 Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you guys for all the warm wishes!! I hope everyone that Is sick feels better and that no one has the flu! Because aparently this is the worst flu season ever!
  • strawberrytoast
    strawberrytoast Posts: 711 Member
    Id forget the workout and rest with plenty of water and vitamins. Im just getting over it had the fever, sinitus and now a touch of bronchitis. Ibuprofane and paracetamol are you friends if you can take them. I never get sick too or if i do its 1 day only :( hope you feel better soon.