Need advice: Sick but have a deadline

So, my wedding is in 28 days. I have 13 lb to go. Seven down, thirteen to go. I've put on a lot of muscle, and lost a full pants size so far.
I've been doing the JM30DS, and love it - I'm in her 3rd workout now. I've also been walking every night - moderate pace - around our neighborhood - averaging about 30 min/ night. Just recently, I also learned that you CANNOT go under 1200 cal/day (net) when dieting because your body will go into starvation mode, and refuse to release fat. (How frustrating! I was being so good about sticking to 1000 cal or less (net).)
So everything was going well enough, but then I got hit with this... whatever it is. It's like the flu without the fever. Upper respiratory congestion, settling into chest congestion with horrible, horrible coughing.
So, in an attempt to give my body the rest it needs to recouperate, I've cut my 30DS back to every other day, and my walking is cut back, too. I still cough until I throw up all the way through the workout, and after. (That's so gross. I knoooow - believe me - I'm the one living it.)
I don't know what to do - I'm SO frustrated. I can't possibly eat any less. And I can't workout anymore or any harder. I HAVE to get this last 13 lb (minimum) off by Feb 9. I refuse to look back on these pictures for the rest of my life and wish I'd tried harder or done more.
I'm really desperate. Please help.
(Also. We're having a wedding in 28 days. We're broke. Please don't suggest something that costs tons of money - or any extra money at all.)
