Moms of Kids with Chronic/Lifelong Health Conditions

I'm wondering if there are other Moms (or Dads) out there who have a child (or children) with chronic and/or lifelong health condition, and who struggle to maintain their own healthy habits.

For five years before my second pregnancy and for a year after it, I was fitness fanatic -- I had lost 20 pounds and dropped 4 clothing sizes. When my younger son was 1, he diagnosed with a congenital heart defect, and since then (he's now 8), he's had two open-heart surgeries, the most recent one was three weeks ago.

The first few years -- before and after his diagnosis -- were rough, and I was either too consumed with his doctors' appointments or too exhausted to even think about fitness or what I was shoving in my mouth. So, for the past seven years, I've struggled to maintain a fitness routine, struggled to not stress eat, struggled to even drop one clothing size and maintain it. Last summer, I started using another online food-tracking app, and was making good progress, and thinking Yay! Finally! I can't use my kid as an excuse anymore, his surgery was *years* ago, it's time to get myself back on track.

Aaannnnd then his annual cardiac checkup last August spiraled into multiple follow-up appointments and procedures, and then a very unexpected second open-heart surgery. He is doing remarkably well now, which is more than I can say for my waistline or my cholesterol levels! Right now, I weigh more than I did the day I brought my heart kid home from the hospital after he was born!

I am determined, however, for 2013 to be the year I lose 20 pounds in the Year 13.

I was hoping to find others who have found themselves in a similar situation -- trying to get healthy and stay healthy while balancing the needs of a child with a chronic health condition.


  • MarniLombardo
    MarniLombardo Posts: 5 Member
    That was me one year ago. Putting everyone else first and leaving myself last. Then, I got my exercise program together, but I was an emotional eater and ate too much and found comfort in carbs. Got it all together last year, including my diet, and lost about 8% body fat. I feel like now I'm better able to take care of my kids, including deal with Cambrea's heart issues as they come up. I'm in a better mood and feel like I'm a better role model for her and my 2 1/2 old on being healthy by exercising and eating right. Being a good role model is really important to me because I feel like Cambrea needs all the help she can get; and if I can in any way influence her to live a healthy lifestyle then it's all worth it. :) You can do it!!