weight watchers

anyone on here try it? my MIL raves about it, but I don't get it. Commercials are vague and I don't trust anything celebrity endorsed.


  • I did it for 6 months. It did get me started in terms of logging what I eat and consciously making better eating choices. BUT, it is expensive, they push WW products and there is not the kind of community support as there is here. It was good for me to start with, but I like MFP better. I like being able to go by calories which I can find on nutrition labels instead of having to use a goofy formula. I also feel like I can make much better decisions about what I eat because I can track macros here too.
  • stacey2525
    stacey2525 Posts: 65 Member
    I joined online I love it I list 30 before on it and didn't stick with it so here I am again
  • FitzyFitzpatrick
    FitzyFitzpatrick Posts: 188 Member
    I just can't rationalize PAYING for something that you can do for FREE! And counting points doesn't help you out in the world when you don't have a point calculator.

    I've tried it, lost 30 years ago. Regained my sense of self, and changed my lifestyle forever with MFP & FitBit. THIS works if you let it!
  • paintbrush1966
    paintbrush1966 Posts: 7 Member
    I did lose 65lbs on it but it is expensive and when my support person left me high and dry...I gained it all back and then some. Yes, they push their products and things I would not consider healthy to put into your system. I would spend the money on a gym membership and not worry about a silly point system. I realize more here about what I eat than I ever did on WW.
  • angelique_redhead
    angelique_redhead Posts: 782 Member
    Their cookbooks can be useful but you can get those on Ebay, Half Priced Books or Amazon used. The food tends to be low fat.
  • LivingJuicy
    LivingJuicy Posts: 54 Member
    I lost 50 pounds on it over 13 years ago and gained it all back and then some when I quit. It's a great program, but I agree with the above poster. It's expensive and they overcomplicate it. The sense of community and support vary from meeting to meeting. I went to a great meeting with an awesome leader, but when I moved, I could never find a good meeting or leader. There is the element of in person accountability as far as weighing in goes, but I have found that having friends here on MFP gives me the same accountability. I find counting calories on MFP more freeing than the WW plan in my food choices and lifestyle. But if your style is to be told a plan to stick to, then you may have a lot of success on WW. Good luck!
  • barbiesnd
    barbiesnd Posts: 54 Member
    I have done WW on and off over the years. Let me just start by saying "I think it's great and it does the job".. BUT, I think MFP is fantastic!!!!

    With WW I found the whole point thing very hard to follow. You had to carry a card around with you look up the calories, fat and fiber line them all up and it would give you the points value of what you were eating!?!?!?!?!

    MFP you plug in the food and it gives you all the info that you need........simple!!

    A lot of people need WW so that they are accountable at weigh-in. Get a good set of scales and pick a day to weigh.

    A lot of people need WW just to have someone in their corner.

    MFP you have more cheerleaders than you could ever need.

    Most of all MFP is free, WW is not!!!!
  • I've tried it, but i honestly prefer MFP. I think its easier to just scan my foods from my phone rather than look up "points" and plus MFP is free! :) I have seen a lot of sucess stories from both sites though
  • bugtrain
    bugtrain Posts: 251 Member
    I'm doing it now..along with MFP.I like the set up of MFP the best.....but I like counting the points better than calories for some reason.You can eat your own foods and they encourage you to eat your veggies and fruits as well as getting some exercise in each day.It's all a matter of what works for the individual at the time.
    I forgot to add that I don't do the meetings....I do it all online.It's basically the same as MFP....they even have a scanner app for your phone.
  • I lost 35# on Weight Watchers. I loved the support that I received at meetings, and the great ideas that other members gave to me. I also went to meetings with my sister. She was the biggest help to me and my weigh loss success. After going for almost 2 years, I lost all the weight that I wanted and quit. I learned some life long lessons from Weight Watchers.
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    I lost all 90 lbs with WW Points Plus (the latest plan).

    It works if you follow it diligently. Just like MFP, it's all about moderation and tracking your food. I tried to switch to counting calories, since MFP is free, but found I like counting points much better.

    I am an Online member, so it's $18 a month. I spent way more than that on crap food and eating out prior to WW, so the cost isn't that big of a deal.

    That said, these message boards are much more lively, so I like it here.
  • mrso97
    mrso97 Posts: 147 Member
    i was on ww thru work...it was pricey..i lost weight but put it all on...and thensome....this is free and you dont weigh in with a group of people....:)