new here

kcoffey49 Posts: 7
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
I'm new to the site. I'm from PA and although I'd like to lose about 100 lbs. i'm taking this slow. I've already lost a little over 100 lbs. with gastric bypass surgery i had done in Nov. of 2006 but never made it to goal (far from it). So I'm taking small steps to lose. My first step is to lose 15 lbs. to get down to 235 lbs. After that i'll go from there, but I know it's one step at a time.
I'm 49 yrs. old and any support would be appreciated.
I've never counted calories before so this is going to be a challenge, but my nutritionist was very adimit about it in order for me to lose that i need to start counting. After looking at different sites this one seems to have everything i'm looking for from calorie counting to support. Thank you!

Created by - Free Calorie Counter


  • SofieJack196
    SofieJack196 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi and welcome, this is a great place to start. Good luck and if you would like feel free to add me:smile:
  • Funnydream
    Funnydream Posts: 87 Member
    Hi, I am also new here and been doing this for 5 days now. I have already lost 18 pounds but have another 35 to go! I think it's great that you've joined up - as losing weight is all about calories IN and calories OUT. Once you get the balance right it should start to fly off. What I'm trying to do is earn enough calories from exercise so as I can to offset what I'm eating. I'm trying to eat mostly veg and fruit and stay under 1200 per day, which seems fine to me.

    I do wish you the best of luck. I didn't know that people could be "added", as I'm new to this too - but add me if you want. I have no idea how to do that.

    I'm in the UK by the way under an ash cloud it seems.

    Best Wishes
  • Hello & wecome 2 mfp ; I too have 100 + lbs 2 lose & I know it's a journey that will take awhile ,I had stomach stapling surgery in 1993 & had lost 60 lbs ....But with 3 pregnancies the pounds just came back on + some extra .......If you'd like you can add me as a friend & we can give each other motivation .... my Email : ....
  • Thank you! I know I have to start doing something or I'll start gaining and that's the last thing I want to do. So far my first day of counting calories is going good. I'm trying not to think ahead, just one minute at a time.
  • lisalynn35
    lisalynn35 Posts: 250 Member
    Welcome to MFP! For me this has been a great tool and I hope it will be for you too.:smile:
  • Hi,
    18 lbs is great! Are you excercising also? I know I'm going to really have to motivate myself to do that. This is my first day of counting calories and so far so good but all I was thinking about was food and what I can eat. I do work but I also need to find a hobby to keep busy especially this summer since I don't work over the summer.
    Keep up the good work :smile: I'll keep you posted on my progress. Thanks!
  • Thank you, I hope things go well for me on here as I never counted calories before. Time will tell.
  • Hi Carol,
    How are things going for you? Today is my first day counting calories. All I was thinking about this morning was food and I just wanted to splurge but I didn't. I'm doing good so far. I'll keep in touch and let you know how I'm doing. My email is and you're welcome to email me anytime also. We both have alot to lose in lbs. but alot to gain in self esteem and health. Take care! :smile:
  • Funnydream
    Funnydream Posts: 87 Member
    Hi Kcoffey. I think you've done really well on your first day. You wanted to splurge but you didn't, that's brilliant. Re exercise - it really has motivated me on here - as I go for a walk, then log it and find that, like today, I had burned over 300 calories on a quite gentle 2 hour walk! So - if you have that spare time coming up soon in the summer - what about doing walking as a hobby, or swimming - it's just so motivational to do them and enter them on here and see what you have burned. It works for me anyway, but hey, we're all different.

    Don't give up - the hardest thing was making the decision join here and start the counting.

    I'm thinking of getting a dog - I thought that the walking of the dog would be a powerful force to get out of the house and burn more calories. Or am I getting just too obsessed?

    Keep up the good start.
  • mom2Toby
    mom2Toby Posts: 12
    I am also new... I am 26 yrs old and have a 2 yr old little boy! I have lost about 40 lbs since I had him. I go up and down in my weight and am very tired of it! I am following the WW plan! So wish me luck!!
  • Thats great Funnydream. I didn't do any excercising today. I work a split shift during the week, I work 4 hrs. in the morning, come home then go back in at night and work another 4 hrs.
    I know I need to get motivated here. I do have a stationary bike. I think it's time to dust it off and use it.
  • Good luck on WW plan. I know what you mean about going up and down and although it's only a few pounds up and down for me it gets depressing. I get to the point that I don't want to get on the scale. Keep in touch and let us all know how you're doing. I think you're going to be just fine. Stay positive!:smile:
  • Funnydream
    Funnydream Posts: 87 Member
    The exercise bike is a great idea - go for it! I'm not working at the moment, and petrol is so expensive here in the UK, so I'm trying to walk EVERYWHERE. It all adds up. Good Luck with the bike, and don't get depressed! There seems to be masses of encouragement on this site.
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