

  • NYGoddess77
    NYGoddess77 Posts: 146 Member

    Week 1:
    Cut out refined and processed sugar; go for whole grain instead of starchy "white" carbs.

    Week 2:
    Eat more veggies, paying particular attention to leafy greens rich in vitamins and minerals; do 30 minutes of physical activity at least 3-4 times a week, even if that entails just a brisk walk.

    Week 3:
    Eat more omega-3-fatty acids in the form of flax (seed or oil) and fresh wild salmon.

    Week 4:
    Get more antioxidants in the form of whole fresh fruit, berries, and even green tea.

    Week 5:
    Eliminate trans-fatty acids and hydrogenated fats; choose healthy oils like olive, walnut, canola, and flaxseed.

    Week 6:
    Pay attention to getting enough fiber and calcium; boost exercise commitment to 60 minutes a session at least 3 to 4 times a week.

    Week 7:
    Focus on sources of hydration (eliminate sodas and curb caffeine and alcohol; drink lots of water).

    Week 8:
    Create your Survivor Kit (a small lunch or tote bag that has the right foods you can eat when you're on the go, or can't eat lunch or dinner on time, etc.

    Week 9:
    Identify foods you can't control portion-wise and completely eliminate them from your diet.

    Week 10:
    These ideas don't have to go in this order. Habitually eating right and making time for exercise is the only secret to lifelong health. Just remember: You can split up your workouts into two 30-minute sessions or three 20-minute sessions on a given day. It all adds up and it all counts!
  • nikiswimr
    nikiswimr Posts: 150 Member
    Hey guys, I lost track of this for a few days (traveling) but I'm glad that everyone is still here! I am definitely down for this weeks challenge. I got my long run in today (6 mi) and then because I'm clearly insane, I bought the P90x DVDs and started day # 1 today. So my calorie intake is going to look insane, but I burned 1000 cals (per HRM) and am under for the day!

    Breakfast: Panera bagel w/ cream cheese
    Snack 1: Kashi cherry dark chocolate granola bar
    Lunch: Organic chicken chili, small apple, small peanut butter cookie
    Snack 2: Yogurt (Dannon light and fit), Kashi pumpkin pie granola bar
    Snack 3: (In between run and P90x) 2 servings strawberries
    Dinner: 2 servings spinach, 2 servings salad greens, 2 servings medium salsa, organic chili and beans, dannon light and fit yogurt with 2 servings strawberries
    Treat: (because I have the calories!) 2 glasses of red wine and a long bath

    Indulged on the carbs today, will plan on getting more veggies in tomorrow.
  • nicoled87
    nicoled87 Posts: 20
    B-0 (running late this morning!)

    8 glasses water!! (finishing getting them down right now!)

    Went over on carbs and sugar today....more veggies tomorrow.

    Total in-1332
    60 min. of strength training-193

    Deficit-61 calories
  • NYGoddess77
    NYGoddess77 Posts: 146 Member
    Good morning everyone, here are a couple of tips for your fat loss journey. Remember; this is not a weight loss journey. Weight loss includes losing fat along with muscle tissue. You don't want to lose muscle, you want to lose the fat.

    It's important not to go to bed with undigested food in your stomach, especially carbohydrates and fat. The rule is to eat at least 3 hours before bed. So what about those nights when you're so hungry that if you don't eat, you know it will affect your sleep?

    1) The answer is a protein shake. Usually, truly feeling hungry is a sign indicating a lot of muscle breakdown. When you have muscle breakdown you need protein, especially at night, which is when your muscles do most of their recovering. So if you are famished, a small protein shake with no added ingredients, like fruit or milk, will not only allow you to sleep but speed up your recovery process as well.

    2) If you find you are still craving food even after you've eaten as much as you are "supposed to" to stay on your program, try drinking water to clean the salt and flavor out of your mouth, or better still, brush your teeth, and you will effectively end the meal. If you're still hungry after that, your body may simply need more food.
  • gabyp0716
    gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
    Hello everyone,
    Hope you guys are doing great this week so far. I've been having a little of a tough time. We received some really sad family news this weekend and it has really taken a toll on me and I have found the energy to workout. I'm watching what I eat (no need to completely drop everything after all the hard work).
    Anyways, I'm really hoping to kick this funk soon and get back in the gym. Its nice to come here and see what you guys are up to :).
    I do have a question. Specially for you Chryl.... I've really been thinking about buying an HRM. I know there is a lot of talk here about which ones are the greatest and so forth. But I wanted to see if any of you have any particular experience with them. I've been looking at a Polar F6 at Amazon for like 90 bucks and in all honesty I didn't want to spend that much on it. But I do feel like it might be something to take me to the next level, so I was wondering if its worth forking the money for it or if there is any cheaper ones that would work pretty good.
    Thanks you guys!
  • NYGoddess77
    NYGoddess77 Posts: 146 Member
    Hello everyone,
    Hope you guys are doing great this week so far. I've been having a little of a tough time. We received some really sad family news this weekend and it has really taken a toll on me and I have found the energy to workout. I'm watching what I eat (no need to completely drop everything after all the hard work).
    Anyways, I'm really hoping to kick this funk soon and get back in the gym. Its nice to come here and see what you guys are up to :).
    I do have a question. Specially for you Chryl.... I've really been thinking about buying an HRM. I know there is a lot of talk here about which ones are the greatest and so forth. But I wanted to see if any of you have any particular experience with them. I've been looking at a Polar F6 at Amazon for like 90 bucks and in all honesty I didn't want to spend that much on it. But I do feel like it might be something to take me to the next level, so I was wondering if its worth forking the money for it or if there is any cheaper ones that would work pretty good.
    Thanks you guys!

    Sorry to here about your family probelms love. Heart rate Monitors are the best thing to use at every workout. Even if you're gardening or cleaning up the's a workout lol. It tells you exactly how many calories and grams of fat that you've burned. The one I have is a SPORTLINE DUA 1025. It's the actual watch band and chest strap. Those are the best kinds to get. Don't just settle for the watch band. I paid about $80 for mine at Modells.Thats about how much they are going for.
  • gabyp0716
    gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
    Hello All,
    So things have been about the same for me. I've pretty much have decided to give myself this week for a "mental health" break and start strong on Monday. I know that sounds bad... right... more excuses! But I just want to spend some time with my family and help out with the grieving process as much as I can. :frown:
    On a positive note. I'm super excited because I bough the Brazil Butt Lift (should arrive next week) which is perfect. I want to add this program to my morning rutine starting May 1st to have at least one month under my belt by the time my fiance moves in on June 1st. Looking forward to him noticing the change :wink:
    I also bought a HRM that should hopefully be delivered next week as well. I really want to be able to track my calories burned during the BBL so I knew I needed to get one.
    Thank you all for your support.
    :flowerforyou: Gaby
  • NYGoddess77
    NYGoddess77 Posts: 146 Member
    Hey Gaby,

    Again, I'm so sorry for your family situation. Prayers go out to all of you. I'm glad that you'ved bought a program and HRM. Put it on for every workout you want to know a exactly what ur burning. Do you know where your Target HR zone is? You'd have to continuosly be in this zone or above in order to benefit from your workout.

    Everyone, if you'd like to know more about Beachbody and what they have to offer, both physically and financially copy and paste my site in your browser and look around. Become a beachbody club member and have access to an array of options from healthy recipes, fitness tips, becoming a coach, contests, sweepstakes, and all the support you could ever ask for.
  • nikiswimr
    nikiswimr Posts: 150 Member
    I've been using my new HRM (Polar FX) for about a week now and I love it. NYGoddess what is your opinion on wearing the HRM during weight training sessions w/ P90x. I was thinking that with the short recovery it counts more as circuit training then just weight lifting but I know HRMs are supposed to be fairly inaccurate w/ weight training.
  • NYGoddess77
    NYGoddess77 Posts: 146 Member
    Hey Niki,

    I use the HRM for every exercise I do to keep track of my calories and fat burned. It is to my understanding that HRM's do not accurately calculate calories burned in ISOLATED strength training routines.
    In my opinion, P90X is a synergistic or circuit traininf program whether it's " Legs & Back" or what ever. I still feel the burn in all areas when i do the strength training routines...especially when Ab Ripper X is added. If I feel I haven't burned enough...I would always pop in Cardio X or an INSANITY routine.

    But here's something to take a look at:
  • nikiswimr
    nikiswimr Posts: 150 Member
    Awesome, I counted my calories from chest and back today, it sure felt like I was burning! This is my first time to try P90x and it's really upping the intensity of my workouts. Now I only need to get the diet part back on track. Thanks for the tips above!
  • NYGoddess77
    NYGoddess77 Posts: 146 Member
    GM Niki,

    I Love P90X...this program is whipping me into shape. The meal plan is easy to follow. I use the Portion approach. What do you use?
    I'll be starting my second round of P90X...i'll be doing the classic version this time
  • gabyp0716
    gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
    Hello Ladies,
    Sorry I've been gone for so long. My life has turned into a mess. I don't know if you see my status update. But i was out of town for the weekend which was amazing. But I came back on Monday to finding out my neighbor's burned their apartment and the 3 units next to them (top & bottom) were evacuated and right now, me and my dog are in a hotel. I'm soo mad. I just wanted to get back in my rutine, but I don't have any of my workout gear, I don't have a kitchen to make healthy meals and I could be out of my apartment for at least a week, up to three weeks. So I'm going to do the best I can.