New member approaching 40 need motivation

Hi, based in the UK and have around 11-15 lbs to lose. Work and having a 1 year old son have seen my exercise levels and calorie intake go in opposite directions. Too many glasses of wine each night after the struggle of getting the baby to sleep, working in the restaurant business, has brought me here.

Have started running during my lunch hour and tracking everything I put in my mouth. Now need the motivation to keep it up, so looking to add some friends for that boost.


  • Easnic44
    Easnic44 Posts: 41 Member
    feel free to add me could do with some suport and motivation myself!!x
  • wmstormvet
    I am 42 and could use some motivation to keep going too. Would love to help! Please add me if you like.
  • TheKeithEllis
    TheKeithEllis Posts: 155 Member
    Your 1 year old son should be all the motivation you need. :) Certainly having a 2 year and a 2 month old has refocused me. Feel free to add me.
  • mineboy
    mineboy Posts: 2,478 Member
    hi all,
    well am 45 and have been there.......... just get your *kitten* moving and watch what you eat.
    am here for support if you want it.. just send an add ok..
    Vin, Fire Rescue Fire Fighter for the Australia outback mine's.
  • veggylicious
    veggylicious Posts: 10 Member
    I am approaching 40 - feel free to add me!!
  • AmandaW01
    AmandaW01 Posts: 138
    Hi, I'm 43 and also have children - it certainly seemed to make things tougher, but also gives you that focus. Feel free to add me :-)
  • joybedford
    joybedford Posts: 1,680 Member
    Hi I am Joy I am 41 and live in the UK. I have 3 children add me if you want.