

Does anyone else get a dry mouth/lips when they drink a lot of water????? I've had about a litre so far today and I keep drinking it because of the dry mouth/lips and then I'm up going to the loo every 20 minutes. It is driving me MAD.



  • susannahsutton1
    YES! My lips are really sore. I had to go to Boots to get lipbalm! This may be what they call a first world problem...
  • RosscoBoscko
    RosscoBoscko Posts: 632 Member
    At a guess I'd say its your body acclimatizing to the increased water intake as its not used to it. The dry mouth and lips may be down to, and this is a wild guess, something to do with osmosis. As you drink more water, the external most cells at least temporarily will have more water then the skin sells underneath, due to absorption, so will transfer water inwards to balance this out. Once you have drunk the water this will leave the external cells craving water as there is less there, whilst the other water is already being transfered around your body.

    This is as I say an, albeit only very slightly, educated guess.
  • wcasie
    wcasie Posts: 299 Member
    hmmm no are you drinking bottled water or filtered water? I am a chubby diabetic and i am always thirsty I drink neary 100 or so ounches a day and never noticed. you could try switching it up with plain tea and seeing if it has the same effect
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    I drink a heap of water & ALWAYS have dry lips, but not because of the water.... mine are dry cause I live by the beach & ever since moving here 7 years ago my lips have been dry all the time. Actually ever since meeting hubby 16 years ago my lips have been dry, cause coming to his place (same house I'm in now) would always do it to me.

    Dry mouth though...nope...that's what saliva is for.

    As for the loo.... yeah more water in = more water out. Hold it in a little longer to train your bladder a bit more, cause it will always get you otherwise.
  • GoddessG
    GoddessG Posts: 175 Member
    There were a series of days (about 2 weeks) that this happened. Then I reviewed my nutrition/exercise log. I realized that my water intake as way lower than the body required (for my low-low-low carb diet). So I increased it significantly and within a few days (not day 1), not only did it go away, but my skin felt better and a plateau was broken.

    My water rule of thumb is body weight (in lbs) divided by 2, times .75 = water in ounces required.

    Spending so much time in the lou will go away.
  • RosscoBoscko
    RosscoBoscko Posts: 632 Member
    I drink a heap of water & ALWAYS have dry lips, but not because of the water.... mine are dry cause I live by the beach & ever since moving here 7 years ago my lips have been dry all the time. Actually ever since meeting hubby 16 years ago my lips have been dry, cause coming to his place (same house I'm in now) would always do it to me.

    Dry mouth though...nope...that's what saliva is for.

    As for the loo.... yeah more water in = more water out. Hold it in a little longer to train your bladder a bit more, cause it will always get you otherwise.

    That probably helps show it is at least something to do with osmosis I guess as the salt in theair will be drawing the water out of the cells in the opposite direction to the op. Think thats the cases from my school biology lessons!!!
  • queenhiphop
    queenhiphop Posts: 286 Member
    Just for the record I always drink a lot of water, I always have done. I drink about 3-4 litres a day which I don't think is a crazy amount considering I'm up from 5am and go to bed at 11pm or 12am. It has just always happened no matter what my diet has been and I am SO ANNOYED..................... just wanted to vent really.. thank you for the replies

    And I have always had a weak bladder.
  • susannahsutton1
    How do you cope on so few hours sleep? I only got 7 last night and feel like death!!
  • Jordy1983
    Jordy1983 Posts: 25 Member
    Are your saliva glands (back of your jaw) swollen at all?
  • RosscoBoscko
    RosscoBoscko Posts: 632 Member
    The other thing to say would be that although you drink a lot of water, you do have quite a lot of dehydratents(sp) in your daily intake, tea, coffee, occasional fizzy drinks etc. This combined with any occasions of higher salt in take would increase you're need for water.

    Might be an idea to monitor your sodium in take as if this is high then could be a cause.
  • queenhiphop
    queenhiphop Posts: 286 Member
    The other thing to say would be that although you drink a lot of water, you do have quite a lot of dehydratents(sp) in your daily intake, tea, coffee, occasional fizzy drinks etc. This combined with any occasions of higher salt in take would increase you're need for water.

    That is true.. It is something I need to address. I need the coffee as I don't sleep much. This is unavoidable thanks to my job. Maybe it is just something I need to learn to cope with :)
  • queenhiphop
    queenhiphop Posts: 286 Member
    Are your saliva glands (back of your jaw) swollen at all?

  • queenhiphop
    queenhiphop Posts: 286 Member

    As for the loo.... yeah more water in = more water out. Hold it in a little longer to train your bladder a bit more, cause it will always get you otherwise.

    NOOOOOOOOOOO way... this might work for some people but I am not going to allow UTI's to take over my life - a common problem in my body, sorry TMI =D
  • RosscoBoscko
    RosscoBoscko Posts: 632 Member
    The other thing to say would be that although you drink a lot of water, you do have quite a lot of dehydratents(sp) in your daily intake, tea, coffee, occasional fizzy drinks etc. This combined with any occasions of higher salt in take would increase you're need for water.

    That is true.. It is something I need to address. I need the coffee as I don't sleep much. This is unavoidable thanks to my job. Maybe it is just something I need to learn to cope with :)

    Regarding that, its pretty much impossible to do like you say due to working etc, but if you could stop the coffee for a month, during which you'd feel like absolute cr*p, you wouldn't need it any more. They have basically proven that the need for coffee is actually a self perpetuating addiction. If you can manage to go cold turkey for a month your body will kick this and you will feel exactly the same without it as you currently do with, but like I say easier said than done.

    I'm lucky, I don't actually drink tea or coffee, although most nights I only sleep 3-4 hours anyway lol.
  • Jordy1983
    Jordy1983 Posts: 25 Member
    The other thing to say would be that although you drink a lot of water, you do have quite a lot of dehydratents(sp) in your daily intake, tea, coffee, occasional fizzy drinks etc. This combined with any occasions of higher salt in take would increase you're need for water.

    That is true.. It is something I need to address. I need the coffee as I don't sleep much. This is unavoidable thanks to my job. Maybe it is just something I need to learn to cope with :)

    It might not be something you need to learn to cope with. You should at least pay your doctor a visit to make sure it's not related to something else.
  • Aggi_Thom
    Aggi_Thom Posts: 4 Member
    I used to find that, so now I drink carbonated water with a dash of lemon juice. The same hydration but no dry mouth / lips. PLUS...it tastes nice and fresh. Hope that helps. :)
  • kingofcrunk
    kingofcrunk Posts: 372 Member
    Don't give up coffee and tea. They are both great.
    I suggest Blistex intensive moisturiser lip stuff from Boots for the lips - it is the best lip balm I've ever used.
    For the mouth I suggest nothing as I'm not an expert.
    I also suggest toileting whenever you need to - you don't want to train your body to not go... that's really wrong.
  • queenhiphop
    queenhiphop Posts: 286 Member
    Don't give up coffee and tea. They are both great.
    I suggest Blistex intensive moisturiser lip stuff from Boots for the lips - it is the best lip balm I've ever used.
    For the mouth I suggest nothing as I'm not an expert.
    I also suggest toileting whenever you need to - you don't want to train your body to not go... that's really wrong.

    Thank you, king of crunk

    Can't wait for tomorrow night :D !!!!
  • queenhiphop
    queenhiphop Posts: 286 Member
    I used to find that, so now I drink carbonated water with a dash of lemon juice. The same hydration but no dry mouth / lips. PLUS...it tastes nice and fresh. Hope that helps. :)

    Oh wow I might try this, as I rarely drink fizzy water. Just sometimes when I'm feeling flash. Thanks :)
  • RosscoBoscko
    RosscoBoscko Posts: 632 Member
    Don't give up coffee and tea. They are both great.
    I suggest Blistex intensive moisturiser lip stuff from Boots for the lips - it is the best lip balm I've ever used.
    For the mouth I suggest nothing as I'm not an expert.
    I also suggest toileting whenever you need to - you don't want to train your body to not go... that's really wrong.

    Never said give up tea and coffee, just be aware of the effect they have. Same as anything if you like them, have them but in moderation, but regarding the sleeping/feeling awake without coffee its a case of needing to kick the addiction and then carry on afterwards with more controlled intake so not addicted again.