*** Supportive Friends -- Looking to Release 50+ Pounds ***



  • StephanieStC
    StephanieStC Posts: 59 Member
    Hi, I'm Stephanie. I just want to say that I really like your ticker "decoration". It made me laugh. I am 41, will be 42 next month and I recently asked myself,

    What do I really want for my birthday???

    The answer is: to be rid of an extra 70 lbs. That would be the best present of all. Since my birthday is 4 weeks away, I am working to be down 10 lbs this year, and hopefully, this time next year, I will be at my goal weight

    I have two small boys, 1 and 5, and I am a SAHM, going back to school for accounting, part-time.

    I'm glad you opened this group up and am looking forward to "getting to know" everyone!
  • penny_eclipse
    penny_eclipse Posts: 524 Member
    Hey everyone, glad to *meet* you all. If you're looking for friends please add me but *disclaimer, I don't comment of anything unless I have something to add/say to the discussion (but I do read it unless it's during the deepest darkest nighttime of the uk, then sometimes I'll miss it), and also I can sometimes be a bit blunt so it's not all sunshine and glitter all the time on my wall.*

    But I'd really happily have you all as friends! X
  • aimeesally
    Hey all, I'm Aimee, 27 from Manchester UK. I work for sky in their technical call centre but I'm actually a musician and qualified teacher but job got cut due to recession hence sky.

    The reason for weight loss is I am sick of being the fat sister.

    I also booked a holiday to Rome after being dumped by the guy who two months previously was talking about marriage.

    I really want some support though as I can't leave the house to do exercise. That's not a get out thing it's a medical thing but I'm hoping that with more confidence my social anxiety will go down. Fingers crossed as I want to turn 30 in a few years and be a hot person with confidence
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Hello All!
    My name is Stephanie and like some of the others, was an original 'skinny chick'. I started my journey on Jan 2 2010 weighing 368lbs. I had had enough of being tired, sore knees, sore back, not being able to buy what I wanted in clothes...you know the story. I started at a gym, trained with my wonderful trainer once a week and in 2011 found MFP. I lost 120lbs and for me had passed the all important 250lb mark...finally closer to the 100s and not the 300s!! Then on Dec 1 2011 I found out that my husband and I were finally pregnant. In July I gave birth to the most wonderful little girl who is now 5 mos old and keeps me very busy.

    During my pregnancy I stopped exercising (just too sore and tired) and lost some of my good eating habits. I was making some okay progress albeit slow when I headed home for Christmas (I'm a Canadian living in London, UK). Well bring back all my old ways and I have returned home 15lbs heavier than when I went and a lot more than before I was pregnant. I'm not happy with having to buy big clothes again (I pitched everything as soon as it didn't fit the first time around). I'm resigned to the fact that it is going to be more challenging now to lose the weight as I am on vacay from the gym and even if I wasn't, I can't be there 6 days a week (and don't want to be now that little one is here). I am however using her as my motivation. I don't want her to think being this big is okay or normal or healthy or to be teased for having the fat mom.

    I look forward to getting to know those of you who are joining us and to the original, girls, I'm glad to see you!!
  • Honestgoth
    wow, a lot of people. Well I'm angela, I'm looking to lose between 55 and 75 pounds, I miss my high school days of 160 but I'd probably be a healthier 140. Either way I've never felt skinny. So it'd be nice to jump on that wagon. :) Now that I finally have healthy self confidence, its time to match it to my body.
  • Tawshan
    Tawshan Posts: 22 Member
    Hello everyone, Would love to be in a group like this. This is Sanem. From istanbul, Turkey. I'm 21 with 12 years of experience ;) I'm aiming to lose around 80 pouns. I know it won't be easy as I'm working quite hard and not have time to do exercises really. Still I'll do my best. We are all here because we decided to create the time arent we.

    I was never a skinny girl. And always told to lose weight. Well after my teenage years I guess. After spending many years as a not so healthy and not so confident person, I decıded to get my confidence and health back on my mid 30's. I'm here to support anyone who needs and wants it. Feel free to add me.
  • wake4us1966
    My name is Mark and I am a husband and father. I need to lose around 60 pounds. I have lost 10 so far.
  • knight76306
    knight76306 Posts: 260 Member
    Good Morning!

    I'd like to join. I used to belong to a group a long time ago. It really makes a difference to have support. I'm Renee, 47, have 2 daughters (16 and 22), 2 (almost 3 ) year old grand daughter and onother one that will be here in 2 weeks or less. About 5 years ago I lost over 110+ pounds. Have kept most of it off. The last year or so life has been rough (divoice, job, ect) and I've put back on 50 lbs. So, gotta get it off.

    Like others, started putting other people first and forgot about me again. Time to fix that. I'm not good for anyone if I feel like crap and can function to full capacity.

    Looking forward to knowing everyone.
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    I am a 44 yo single mum from Sydney Australia, work full time currently on holidays for another week and probably a bad time to join a group/thread as I am going away for 4 days tomorrow and wont have access to the threads! Oh well :)

    I have battled with my weight since my early 20's when I stopped playing sport and started nightclubbing and drinking! Through my 20's I yo-yo'd between 65-80kg and then in my 30"s yo-yo'd between 60-104kg... My 40's have seen me between 70-92kg. I've just been up and down up and down so many times. Honestly, it's time to stop.

    I last maintained 60-63kg for about 5 years... which was when my daughter was young. But then a whole lot of excuses took over and I lost the plot, and have steadily been gaining weight (and dieting) for the last 5 years. I think I started a new diet every day in 2012 and finally at the end of last year I had enough.

    In December I found and started listening to a podcast called Fat 2 Fit Radio. And from that, and the things that I heard about BMR and TDEE, then started doing some research, read the posts here about eating more to lose weight and finally realised that I've been starving myself fatter. It's hard to get my head around, but I'm now eating MORE and feel so much better. I joined the gym last week (have not been for 5 years) and am LOVING it. I love the feeling that I get after a workout when I know I've done something to IMPROVE myself again.

    I feel really motivated that this year is going to be the year that I re-discover myself and find the bits and pieces that got lost along the way. Life is good!!

    I intend to track my food and exercise every day and my diary is open so I can't hide anything! I'm also trying to do a blog, but only writing it in twice a week or so at this rate. Well, apart from that one day where I did 5 posts... (was excited that day).

    Please feel free to send me a friend request, but please also write a message so I know a little bit about you as well :) Thanks so much.

    We can all do this! We have the tools, the knowledge and with the help of this group, support. Almost like 1 + 1 = 2. Can't possibly go wrong :)
  • CanToGirl
    CanToGirl Posts: 474 Member
    Wow lots of great people here. Remember the more you come back the more you will get out of this thread.
    Well happy to see my scale going in the right direction this morning. Lost 2.2 lbs. was going to go to the gym this morning but I have LOTS of errends to do and the in-laws are watching Eve (my daughter) so gotta take advantage of that.
    Will check back in later and hope everyone has a great day and make good choices!

  • What is MFP?
  • penny_eclipse
    penny_eclipse Posts: 524 Member
    What is MFP?

    My fitness pal
  • slboling
    slboling Posts: 117 Member
    My name is Steve. I was always athletic until after I got married and started a family. I also went to work for a food company and did nothing but go from restaurant to restaurant showing and cooking food. Great job, but horrible effect on the body. Life changed. I became a nurse and discovered that I wasn't healthy. OK, I actually figured that out even without an expensive degree. I am almost half way to my goal and would love to join with others to be successful.
  • clcole522
    clcole522 Posts: 68 Member
    Hello, my name is Cat ( short for Catherine) , I would love to be apart of this group ...I was a 9 year stay at home mom, who has now gone all Career mom (1 year) .. And I jumped back into it with both feet! I am in TV, local programming...1 hour, daily talk show, I help book and produce.. Some days its working sun up to sun down... And with that comes along alot, A LOT of "mommy guilt"... My husband has had to pick up a lot of the "mommy duties", he is a school teacher, so it helps that my kids, who are 11 and 6, are on the same schedule...
    I was always, and still consider myself an athlete. High School, right on to College. Always have been healthy, love to exercise.
    Birth of my fist child, recked me.... The weight gain, the C-Section... It was awful. I did lose some, but not enough when my 2nd child came along...And another C-Section....And of course staying home day in and day out, didn't help.
    I read someone else's post about always putting other's needs in front of mine, and that is so true when you are a "MOM"
    Well, 12 days before Xmas in 2008, I lost my dad, very sudden 57 years old.... I was that "daddy's little girl" that bond between an father and daughter, just can't explain it! This crushed me, my world just fell apart. I also, lived over 400 miles away from my parents, so when I came back to reality, January and February were very rough, home alone... Feeling I left my support group, family and friends back in NY.... So I decided I couldn't take it anymore, and I made my YMCA, my second home... I was there sometimes 3 times a day..Spin Class, became my new love! And I was never a runner, yes I said I was an athlete, but I was a basketball player through and through...I needed a ball to chase after, I couldn't just go out and run.....WELL, thats what I thought.... I started running, the "couch to 5k" program....And fell in love with running, I just love the way I feel after I'm done...
    So, a long story short, 4 years later, I have lost lots and Just since I'm back working, I have gained little...Thats not bad.
    Still struggling to juggle stay at home with career mom...But I"m doing ok.
    I would like to lose another 50...I have been using MFP since 2009 and I love it... To be honest, its an on again off again type relationship, again, trying to juggle so many things...I truly believe its a group thing, it makes a world of difference when you have other's around you, feeling the pains you go through, and not just the pains, but the rewards too...That feeling on the scale when you gain that pound, or lost that pound... We all know what that feels like..
    I take it "one day at a time"... ITs the best I can do......I look forward to getting to know many of you. Love to meet new friends, feel free to add me.. Here's to 2013!!!!
  • laneybird
    laneybird Posts: 532 Member
    I love reading everyones stories! I feel more mentally on track this time and having a group of people with similar goals and even similar issues helps SO much! I am glad I had a release of about 3.5 lbs this morning... at least I know I am doing something right again. I am WAY competitve, so I am hard on myself and expect to do good.

    Well I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!!
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    So many lovely new faces! Nice to see some fellas here too. We used to have a skinny rooster but he went MIA.

    Laney - well done on your release. That is a fantastic amount.

    Well it is day 3 since I got my Christmas overstuffing scale shocker. Its actually been going pretty well and has reminded me that I can fit in exercise with baby's schedule. I know I'm not going to be getting the burns I used to get when I was at the gym 6 days a week but I can still be moving. Been for a couple of walks with the baby and when she has been sleeping I've gotten in some time on the wii, enjoying 'just dance'. Hoping to abscond with a friends hand weights so I can do some 30DS as well.
    Baby is very interested in our food and wants to gum on anything which is great motivation to get out the carrots and celery as she can't actually eat them and they make her poor sore gums feel better.
    Hope everyone has a great weekend! Don't forget your water!:flowerforyou:
  • hmayo86
    hmayo86 Posts: 81 Member
    Hello! I'm Holly and would love to join this group! I just turned 26 and after 3 years of searching, finally landed a job that has something to do with my college degree. I, too, have been down the weight loss road before and I swore that I would never gain back the weight I lost before I got married. After moving 3 times in 6 months, being self diagnosed as depressed because I was unemployed, and then just plain being too lazy to get off the couch, I've gained a total of 83 lbs since 2009.. I've had an MFP account for about a year but never really utilized it until the last week or so when I discovered my best friend was using it, too. A few of her friends have added me but I need all the support and motivation I can get...especially after a 3 lb gain at my first weigh-in today. I have a closet full of clothes that don't fit and I'm determined to get back in them! :smile: I'm still figuring out how to use MFP and would love to add new friends, so feel free to send me a request... Please!!! :happy:
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    I too am an original skinny chic. I live in Maine with my sweet hubby and 2 teenage daughters. I lost 70 lbs last year and felt young again. Then I became sick with sinus and inner ear issues for 5 months, had surgery, holidays etc and gained back over 40lbs. I'm finally feeling better and I'm ready to get those lbs off again. I've spent too much energy being mad at myself. It's time to do something about it. Welcome to all of you. I started writing replies to each of you but the list just got too long (which is great!) so I'll post what I started. Becky - thanks for starting this thread. I'm looking forward to our daily support posts and making a difference in each others lives.

    Carhicks and Julie and laney and steph – nice to catch up with you all again.
    Julie and laney – way to drop a few pounds this week!!

    Monica – I’m looking forward to getting to know you.

    Ciji – I’m with you on the 70lbs to lose.

    Penny – I also gained back a great deal and I’m trying to get over it and focus on taking it back off. I’ve been so mad at myself for a month and in that month I gained another 5lbs. Lot of good that did! Nice job on your lifestyle changes so far. So come to terms with what you already know – you gained some weight back – and get on with your new plan. A year from now you will wish you had started today!

    Leslie - logging your food on MFP is great but I really think combining it with a support group will be key to your success. When we were all on here daily we really motivated each other. We created challenges and celebrated each others success. I’m really looking forward to getting back to that place again.

    Gayle – Welcome! Remember - Most Diets aren't about actions, they're about thoughts. If you think you hate the gym then you probably will. Try to focus on just 1 thing you like about the gym. I’m not a huge fan of the gym so I think about a skinny version of "ME MYSELF and I" while I’m there. Congrats on your nuptials by the way!

    Tracy – Your story sounds like so many of ours. It’s going to be fun getting to know you. It sounds like you have a very busy house! It’s ok to focus on ourselves. It makes us happier and easier to be around!

    Laura from Montana – what’s your story? Your profile pix is hysterical!! What kind of move is that?

    Nickie – we have similar goals. I won’t be 21 in April but my daughter is turning sweet 16 in April and I have a smoking dress that I really want to fit back into. That gives us 3 months! We can drop 20 by then for sure!!

    Tesha – congrats on losing 12lbs! Eating less and exercising more is the key. I set mini goals (walk a minimum of 30 min a day and log all my food). That helped me. I’m back on it and this time I’m not going to let life get in the way.

    Melody – log those calories! That’s what I need to start doing again. Once we do it for every meal it will become a good habit and we’ll start to see the payoff on the scale!

    Keep it skinny chics - see you on Monday.
  • j6bz
    j6bz Posts: 1
    You captured my attention with Be ****ing Awesome! Because that's where I want to be. My weight is the last monkey on my back. Quit smoking almost two years ago...I'm done being fat and I want to wake up each day without thinking about my weight in a negative way. I want to get down to 170-175, I was there once and looked pretty healthy, a happy size 14. I'm a 40 year old mother of two awesome boys and married to a fabulous (and very fit) husband for 18 years this April.
  • CanToGirl
    CanToGirl Posts: 474 Member
    Hello everyone.
    With all my errends yesterday, got lots of walking in. Ate well and stepped on the scale this morning and lost another lb. but Friday is my weigh in, so hope that, plus more is lost by then.
    Tonight is going to be another food test. Going over to our friends place to watch our beloved Packers play the 49ers. So lots of naughty food there. Going to be bring my own healthy food but still a test. Then we have the last of the Christmas gathering tomorrow but not to worried there.
    Hope everyone is doing well and will check back in later.
