Gym tips + etiquette

Hi everyone :)

So I actually joined my uni gym last semester, but so far I have failed to have the courage to go. I am a very large person, and I have zero experience in the gym, and I just feel like when I go everyone will stare at me, or I'll make some horrendous mistake in what I'm supposed to do, or SOMETHING bad will happen.

Despite that, I am determined to go - so I was hoping for some advice, or maybe some tips on how you got in the gym the first time if you were just as terrified as me? Thanks in advance :)


  • sunnyside1213
    sunnyside1213 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I had a trainer give me some tips at first. Trust me, no one will be looking at you. People are very focused on themselves.
  • lublue
    lublue Posts: 123 Member
    There's always a massive range of people at my uni gym, bigger and smaller than me, fit and unfit. You won't get stared at! The only people I think get 'stared at' in the gym are the ones who aren't working out... like painting their nails on the exercise bike for example...
  • debbiesanders1606

    I don't know if this will help or not I felt terified the first time I went to the gym, even after going to the gym before years ago. I hadn't been for so long the thought scared the life out of me. I was nervous as the idea of being in a room full of people who were a lot fitter than me and able to handle the equipment better really put me off going for ages.

    The thing to remember is that a lot of the people there will be thinking exactly the same thing, don't focus on them but focus on the work that you are going to be doing and the good that it will achieve.

    Speak to the gym instructures if you're not sure what to use or how to use it, never be afraid to ask for help if you need it.

    Hope this helps a little bit.

  • justinj1995
    justinj1995 Posts: 2 Member
    If you are new to the gym, a couple sessions with a trainer would be very helpful.
  • agw1973
    agw1973 Posts: 20 Member
    Hi, I was in the same predicament as you. I was a very large person and scared to death to go to the gym fearing that people would stare at me, make fun of me, basically any "excuse" I could come up with not to go. Finally, I just went and you know what? It wasnt bad. Nobody stared, made fun of or anything that I imagined would happen. I realized that all the people there, big, small, tall or short they are there for the same reason that you are, to better yourself and get in shape. Go and don't worry about what other people think. They arent thinking anything about you other than you're getting in shape just like them.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Just go. No one is staring, no one is caring. There is no etiquette you need to be aware of. Just go work out
  • alyssamiller77
    alyssamiller77 Posts: 891 Member
    Yes step one is don't worry about the other folks, they aren't worrying about you. I'll be honest with you, as you can see I'm not a heavy person at this point and when I do see larger folks working out all I really think is "Good for them".

    A couple tips though since you asked about gym etiquette.
    - If the gym has cleaning supplies available for your use, wipe down each piece of equipment when you're done with it, even if you don't think you got sweat on it.
    - If someone is working on a piece of strength equipment that you need, either move on to something else until they're done or ask to work in with them. Don't hover.
    - If you do work in with someone on a stack machine, put the pin back where they had it when you're done with your set.
    - If you notice someone kinda lurking or looking like they need something you're using, ask.
    - DO NOT USE YOUR CELL PHONE WHILE ON THE GYM FLOOR. If you have to take that call right now, stop what you're doing and go out to the lobby. It's very distracting to others if you're talking on the phone and just plain rude. Plus there's no way you're working hard enough if you can have a regular conversation while "working out" anyway.
    - If you'd like to avoid looking like a newbie, don't go from machine to machine doing one set and then moving on. Unless you're doing a circuit you should be doing at least 3 sets on each piece (depending on your workout plan of course). This is the one thing I notice people do when they don't know what they're doing. They'll jump on a machine do 5-10 reps then go hit the next machine and never return.

    I hope that helps. Don't be afraid of goofing up on the etiquette thing, you'll learn as you go. Everyone needs to be a noob sometime so just be proud of the fact you're in the gym, you're putting in the effort and you're making that next step in getting healthy. F**k anyone that can't respect you for that.
  • NixxyPetal
    Thank you all for the advice!! It really helped. I finally took the plunge this morning and went, and it wasn't that bad - just started out slowly, nothing exciting, because if I'm honest I've NEVER really done any proper exercise. It's not my favourite activity ever, but something I think I could learn to love. And you were all right, no one seemed to care what I was doing :D

    Next missions: to go again this week.

    Thanks again guys <3
    ATOLLIT Posts: 149
    Well done for going! The first time is hardest :D
  • Hbazzell
    Hbazzell Posts: 899 Member
    Does your gym offer a tour upon sign up? Most do and they will have a trainer go through and show you how to use the different machines and stuff. Also, come gyms give a guest pass or two to new people and that way you can bring buddy that way if you do something embarassing you can do it together! My boss and I would go together and laugh with eachother about how dumb we looked doing certain awkward exercises.

    Etiquitte wise, if there is a wait at a cardio machine there is usually a 30 min limit. Also,to turn on the elliptical or stair stepper....start peddling. There is no on button. My first itme at the gym I had no idea and I kept trying to figure out how to turn it on like an idiot going from machine to machine. lol.
    Also, if your gym doesnt supply them, bring a towel to wipe off the machine after. Even if I left no sweat I still do it so people wont think I am gross haha.

    If you are using locker get a combo lock, not a key lock so you dont have to carry your key around.

    Another tip on gym anxiety that I used is to go in and walk or jog on the the tredmill for a little bit and observe whats going on. You may notice things like, "ok, that guy went over to that corner to get a sani-wipe, sweet that is where they are". These thing may sound dumb to do but I had big gym anixiety years ago because of my really harsh/criticizing fitness EX-bf, so these things helped me.

    Eventually, you will feel like "this is MY gym" and you will feel happy and comfortable there. The first three times are the hardest. Just get them overwith and you will be golden.

    :) Best wished!
  • 88meli88
    88meli88 Posts: 238 Member
    Good job for going and it is the right goal to just go again this week.
    1. I think it would help if you made a plan of what you will do before you go so that you are not standing around thinking about it and feeling weird (I know I always do that after my cardio, I feel very uncertain, what is next and just do things withou a plan).

    2. It was good advice to get a trainer for a few occasions, but it is expensive, and I used to be intimidated by trainers, so see how it goes. They might just have staff on call who can show you around and explain what is for what.

    3. I used to use magazines for exercise suggestions such as Shape, Fitness, Self. These days, I use smart phone apps. There are loads of apps you can take w you that give you exercises.
    Great job and keep going.
  • bdamaster60
    bdamaster60 Posts: 595 Member
    No squatting on the dumbbell rack!
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Thank you all for the advice!! It really helped. I finally took the plunge this morning and went, and it wasn't that bad - just started out slowly, nothing exciting, because if I'm honest I've NEVER really done any proper exercise. It's not my favourite activity ever, but something I think I could learn to love. And you were all right, no one seemed to care what I was doing :D

    Next missions: to go four times this week.

    Thanks again guys <3

  • SteveJWatson
    SteveJWatson Posts: 1,225 Member
    The only etiquette I'm not sure of is where to look, because my gym have helpfully lined up machines behind the spin cycles so when there is a class on you have a line of butts about 8 feet from where you are sitting...I have tried looking up at the ceiling and down at my legs whilst I do the abs machine, but I look like a weirdo.
  • bdamaster60
    bdamaster60 Posts: 595 Member
    The only etiquette I'm not sure of is where to look, because my gym have helpfully lined up machines behind the spin cycles so when there is a class on you have a line of butts about 8 feet from where you are sitting...I have tried looking up at the ceiling and down at my legs whilst I do the abs machine, but I look like a weirdo.

    I have to find this gym of you'res and 'trial' it :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: