Very discouraged

Between my calorie intake and exercise, I am under what I am allowed and still not losing. 1200 calories is not alot of food :sad:
How do I keep from getting more discouraged ?


  • sljohn84
    sljohn84 Posts: 107 Member
    Dont weigh yourself every beginning to get discouraged too. I think im going to stop and only weigh once a week. I wasnt too happy with the scale either I keep fluctuating which is still normal.
  • I'm very much the same. Have plateau-ed at 83 kg and won't go any lower despite being on 1280 kcals! I am still 'overweight' but can't seem to shift any more. I need to get down to 80 or less. Very annoying.
  • Dont weigh yourself every beginning to get discouraged too. I think im going to stop and only weigh once a week. I wasnt too happy with the scale either I keep fluctuating which is still normal.

    I don't weigh every day, I usually weigh once a week, but this week I weighed twice. I couldn't weigh every day, the fluctuations would make me crazy !!! I'm usually hungry alot now and I try to curb that with almonds. I figure I'm losing, and I'm not. Very frustrating.
  • Amanda_Gx6
    Amanda_Gx6 Posts: 320 Member
    Okay time to BREATHE! Don't be discouraged, you've reach a little road biggy! Wet food make you feel fuller longer...try switching out some of your calories with ones that include wet foods. Hit the reset in your mind don't weigh yourself for a week and don't obsess. Its just a little bump just push through it!
  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member
    Then eat more than 1200 calories ( You joined this month so I"m guessing it hasn't been a lot of time right? It takes longer than 11 days to lose weight, just like it took longer than that to gain weight. You'll get there, take before pictures and then during, they speak a lot more than the scale will, also, do measurements. DOn't be discouraged, you'll get there.
  • im with ya..i was weighing everyday..lost 9 and then gained 3 and still exercised and stayed under my 1200....but i came back to this page and am gonna keep on the diet i have to be getting somewhere if im eating healthy and exercising..right? i hope...
  • bellagirl125
    bellagirl125 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi...I would look at how many calories you are consuming each maybe eating too fewer calories then you should be and are in starvation mode... thats when the body holds on to every little bit of food because the body feels it is not getting enough to sustain itself...check online how much you should be eating for your weight and how much you want to loss...this system told me I should eat only 1200 calories a day...that is not safe for anyone...(adult women). i now eat 1600 calories per day and have been losing consistently...if I am hitting a plateau I up my exercise intensity :) I weigh myself every other day...but once a week would be good.

    Also if you find you are fluctuating in weight... check the food you could be bloated because of what you eat...check out Dr. OZ. he talks about food allergies that can make your weight fluctuate (gain).

    Best of luck :)
  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    >>> <<<

    Posting this link again because it is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT.

    You may do better eating more than you have been.
  • littlekat1
    littlekat1 Posts: 53 Member
    I've been the same weight for 1.5 weeks, stopped weighing myself every day because the scale wasn't moving, stay below my calorie limit, work out 6 days a week and still nothing.

    It's hard to keep a positive outlook when you are doing everything you are supposed to and your body does not respond.
  • jtslim42
    jtslim42 Posts: 240
    Don't get discouraged. Losing weight is not something that happens overnight. Slow and steady wins the race.:bigsmile:
  • Take a look at how much water you are drinking. You should drink half your body weight in fl. oz. of water EVERY day. So a 180 lb person should drink 60 oz or 7.5 glasses of water a day. Often when you think you are hungry, you are actually thirsty. Without enough water, you're body can't run properly and even if you are within the proper range of calories, carbs, and protein, you won't lose weight. You're body will dehydrate the food you consume and dehydrated food can cause weight gain. Also remember that protein is what makes you feel full, so check to see that you eat protein rich sources for breakfast, such as yogurt.
  • I'm very much the same. Have plateau-ed at 83 kg and won't go any lower despite being on 1280 kcals! I am still 'overweight' but can't seem to shift any more. I need to get down to 80 or less. Very annoying.

    I hear ya !!! Its basically starving to get down to where we want to be ! :cry:
  • akaMrsmojo
    akaMrsmojo Posts: 762 Member
    Done this for three years, you are eating too little. You need to net at least 1200 calories or your body freaks. Eat more, no one should eat less than 1200. Your body needs fuel and you do not want to damage your metabolism. I lost 40 and never ever went under 1200 and always ate my calories. I kept all of it off for almost 3 years until I bought a house and start stress eating. I gained 15 and I new better. But I am a stress eater.
  • rpapesr
    rpapesr Posts: 49 Member
    Yes, 1200 IS a diet. And it takes a while to get your body to adjust. I found that I can't live off of 1200 calories so I turned to exercise to increase my calorie allowance. Walking for an hour a day can give you up to an additional 400 calories. Also, make sure you work yourself up to 8 glasses of water a day. It helps on many levels but it also helps to fill you up. It's tough at first but work your way up and eventually you will crave it. Most importantly, give it time... Three week is not uncommon to start to see results, once you get there I have found that it is a constant. Good Luck!
  • What weight are you? Because I'm around 140 and I've stopped losing weight. I measure my waist, bust and hips to track my progress now, because the scales don't reflect the difference in my body (which is, frankly, bangin' at the minute compared to a month ago!).
  • Mischievous_Rascal
    Mischievous_Rascal Posts: 1,791 Member
    Then eat more than 1200 calories ( You joined this month so I"m guessing it hasn't been a lot of time right? It takes longer than 11 days to lose weight, just like it took longer than that to gain weight. You'll get there, take before pictures and then during, they speak a lot more than the scale will, also, do measurements. DOn't be discouraged, you'll get there.

    ^ This :)

    I found this site this morning for calculating everything quickly and it's pretty close to all the math you have to do manually for IPOARM, although I would take the time to do the work on Fit2Fat to get an accurate BF %:

    This was mine this morning:

    Caloric Need:

    Estimated Base BMR: 1310 Calories. (If I hibernated all day I would need this many calories - 1200 is too low for anyone who's actually out of bed.)

    Estimated TDEE: 2259 Calories. (Maintenance)

    Estimated Daily Caloric Need For Weight Loss: 1759 Calories. (I have mine set to 1825/day and I usually eat back most of the calories I burn at the gym. As long as I do this - and watch my salt intake - I lose at a slow and steady pace.)

    Good luck to you!
  • Take a look at how much water you are drinking. You should drink half your body weight in fl. oz. of water EVERY day. So a 180 lb person should drink 60 oz or 7.5 glasses of water a day. Often when you think you are hungry, you are actually thirsty. Without enough water, you're body can't run properly and even if you are within the proper range of calories, carbs, and protein, you won't lose weight. You're body will dehydrate the food you consume and dehydrated food can cause weight gain. Also remember that protein is what makes you feel full, so check to see that you eat protein rich sources for breakfast, such as yogurt.

    I weight 142 and drink 8 glasses of water, plus coffee, plus green tea. I eat protein at every meal. I drink when I'm hungry in between meals. I know that protein and good fats give you the full and satiety feeling. Still not losing...............:sad:
  • Then eat more than 1200 calories ( You joined this month so I"m guessing it hasn't been a lot of time right? It takes longer than 11 days to lose weight, just like it took longer than that to gain weight. You'll get there, take before pictures and then during, they speak a lot more than the scale will, also, do measurements. DOn't be discouraged, you'll get there.

    ^ This :)

    I found this site this morning for calculating everything quickly and it's pretty close to all the math you have to do manually for IPOARM, although I would take the time to do the work on Fit2Fat to get an accurate BF %:

    This was mine this morning:

    Caloric Need:

    Estimated Base BMR: 1310 Calories. (If I hibernated all day I would need this many calories - 1200 is too low for anyone who's actually out of bed.)

    Estimated TDEE: 2259 Calories. (Maintenance)

    Estimated Daily Caloric Need For Weight Loss: 1759 Calories. (I have mine set to 1825/day and I usually eat back most of the calories I burn at the gym. As long as I do this - and watch my salt intake - I lose at a slow and steady pace.)

    Good luck to you!

    INTERESTING. This site says for me to get to my goals weight (120 pounds) I need to eat 1,200 calories. I'm already half way there with just breakfast today - which only consists of yogurt with blueberries, raspberries, grapes. coffee and orange juice !
  • Yes, 1200 IS a diet. And it takes a while to get your body to adjust. I found that I can't live off of 1200 calories so I turned to exercise to increase my calorie allowance. Walking for an hour a day can give you up to an additional 400 calories. Also, make sure you work yourself up to 8 glasses of water a day. It helps on many levels but it also helps to fill you up. It's tough at first but work your way up and eventually you will crave it. Most importantly, give it time... Three week is not uncommon to start to see results, once you get there I have found that it is a constant. Good Luck!

    I've exercised for over 25 years and keep my weight pretty much in check, but always seem to gain back the 10 I lose. I'm trying this approach by actually counting calories , which I've never done, and drinking more water which I've never done either. Hoping this will help me lose the weight and keep it off, even at age 48.
  • Done this for three years, you are eating too little. You need to net at least 1200 calories or your body freaks. Eat more, no one should eat less than 1200. Your body needs fuel and you do not want to damage your metabolism. I lost 40 and never ever went under 1200 and always ate my calories. I kept all of it off for almost 3 years until I bought a house and start stress eating. I gained 15 and I new better. But I am a stress eater.

    I don't eat less than 1200 calories. If I burn through exercise, I allow myself more calories. I typically burn between 400-900 calories a workout, depending on what I'm doing, so I will eat more otherwise I will feel weak and lethargic. yuck !