Insanity + Weight Gain

Hi all,

Just a quick question to those doing or who have completed insanity out there. I've started Insanity and after a lot of reading I've noticed weight going up through the first month. I've got around 40lbs to lose, and I'm not looking for a quick fix but it is disheartening to see the scale go up. Will most of it just be water retention? Perhaps I should be glugging more water to combat this? Inevitably I've put on 2lbs in 2 days (on day 3 now) after starting Insanity, which obviously can't be pure muscle or food (hopefully!) and I just wondered if drinking a lot more will be kinder to me on the scale?

Thanks in advance.
Maria x


  • Microfiber
    Microfiber Posts: 956 Member
    I think a new fitness regime initially pushes the weight up before it starts going down. Stick at it and review again after 2 weeks.
  • drgndancer
    drgndancer Posts: 426 Member
    Water retention in the muscles to aid in repair. It's normal and there's really nothing you can do about it (nor should you). The scale is a crude tool for fitness at best. Follow the program, do your measurements and look at your before and after pictures. Weighing yourself is fine, but try to avoid doing it more than once a week, and do it at the same time/day each week. Weight fluctuates up to five pounds for all kinds of reasons that have nothing to do with fat. Weighing yourself daily is a recipe for madness, or at least frustration.
  • Muscle weighs more if I am not mistaken. Are you doing any weigh training with it? Lean meats and raw veggies, plenty of water!

  • Thanks for the reminders!
  • jtslim42
    jtslim42 Posts: 240
    Try not to rely on the scale as much. Take pictures and take measurements. Good luck!
  • maria0104
    maria0104 Posts: 64 Member
    Thanks guys, guess I just needed some other people to reaffirm what I already knew!
    Thanks x