New and in need of support!

Hi all! I joined MFP awhile ago but did not really do much with it. I recently came back and am hoping to be successful this time. I am a 34 (almost 35) year old wife and mother of 1 (almost 10 yr old daughter). I was an athlete all my younger life and after having my daughter lost that motivation. I went back to school to get my masters 3 years ago and that is when it all fell apart.... I gained all this weight and want to get rid of it for good. I am very much an emotional eater.... and have discovered since joining here I really eat for no good reason at all (when I am not hungry). I have started to get the exercise thing down.... now just need to get the eating thing under control.

Please feel free to add me on here!


  • CrazyAnne
    CrazyAnne Posts: 217 Member
    Hi all! I joined MFP awhile ago but did not really do much with it. I recently came back and am hoping to be successful this time. I am a 34 (almost 35) year old wife and mother of 1 (almost 10 yr old daughter). I was an athlete all my younger life and after having my daughter lost that motivation. I went back to school to get my masters 3 years ago and that is when it all fell apart.... I gained all this weight and want to get rid of it for good. I am very much an emotional eater.... and have discovered since joining here I really eat for no good reason at all (when I am not hungry). I have started to get the exercise thing down.... now just need to get the eating thing under control.

    Please feel free to add me on here!

    Feel free to add me as a friend. A suggestion, add some kind of picture for people to see.
  • seren7189
    seren7189 Posts: 24 Member
    Hi, I'm new too and will also need people to motivate me and keep me honest, when i first set up my account I only added my food diary on days when I was doing well... thats prob why my son is almost 9 and I still havent lost the baby weight. So anyone who wants to add me, the more the merrier!
  • nickielouise36
    nickielouise36 Posts: 38 Member
    hi all im nicola.. ive been on here for years.. BUT finially decided 2013 is my year.. so want to go from 16 stone size 20 to a good size 12 ... if any1 wants to add me feel free all can support each other.. happy healthy eating all xxxxxxxx
  • gettingfitnana303
    Hello, please feel free to add me on your friends list. I just started in January after my yearly physical. The doctor said I should lose some weight to get my cholestral at better numbers. I like logging in everyday because I never really realized how many calories I was sneaking in my day. And I was using LOTS of butter. I enjoy baking and I've never met a food I didn't like. It's all a struggle but WE CAN DO THIS.
  • mrsjas2000
    mrsjas2000 Posts: 908 Member
    you can add me the more support the better