Getting fit for charity trek to Mount Everest Base Camp

First of all, just wanted to say a quick hi to everyone :)

Whilst I've always been very active and been conscious (most of the time) of what I'm eating, I'm about to embark on one of thethe toughest challenges I have ever encountered.

In November I am trekking to Everest Base Camp for charity, and whilst I am reasonably fit, this is another level. I've never had to be this stict with dieting and training and only 11 days in - I am already struggling with the motivation....need help please people!!! :)

However, on the plus side, have also gone 11 days without a drop of alcohol or a single cheeky social cigarette, new year, fitter me.

Anyone else trying to get fit for a particular event?


  • Hi!

    Fantastic for doing so well and for getting fit for charity! I'm new too and am struggling a bit.

    I'm also doing a charity trek but to Machu Picchu next year - I have always wanted to do the Everest Base Camp one, so am slightly jealous!

    And I too have giving up smoking - I am determined to keep it up :)
  • Good for you :) sounds incredible. Macchu Piccu was originally the trek I was going to do but then saw the Everest one and though...."hmmmmmm" lol. People I know who have done Macchu Piccu have said it is incredible and loved it so I am also jealous of you.

    Which charity are you doing it for?

    Well done for the quitting smoking. I was only a social smoker when drinking really so can imagine its harder for you. Saying that, I haven't had a drink yet so we shall see ;)
  • Wow have just seen on your profile about your sister - that is incredible!! :)
  • Laner25
    Laner25 Posts: 13 Member
    I am jealous of both of you! Everest is something I have always wanted to do and is still on my list. Need to wait until my little ones are a bit older though. Love to hear of your progress and about your upcoming trips!
  • Thank you :) I'm sure there will be a few posts flying around over the coming months. Yeah not something you can really do with young kids unfortunately - I'm going to be away for almost 3 weeks. Very excited about it though :)
  • Thanks! I'm sure we'll both be overwhelmed by these treks ;)

    I'm doing it for Live Life Then Give Life, they're an organ donation charity - it was my sister getting those lungs that inspired me!

    Who are you doing it for?

    I'm sure you'll be fine with no drinking/smoking - I always felt ashamed of being a smoker because my sister has CF and I was ruining my body for no reason, so i suppose thats whats made it easier!

    Laner25 - thanks so much! I have friends who would have loved to come but they have little dudes and dudettes so completely understand, but its on their lists for the future too!

    I will be away for 10 days and am very excited too!!!

    from what I hear, the Everest one is so much tougher than Peru, so I can't wait to see you're progress! :)
  • That is incredible. You're sister actually is an inspiration.

    I'm doing it for Whizz-Kidz, a charity that supports disabled kids. I've ran the London Marathon twice before for them. Really is a great charity.

    I think it's tougher because of the altitude...not so much because of the walking itself. Can't train for altitude so just have to go with it. Mind you Macchu Piccu is fairly elevated isn't it?
  • Yep, my sis is the one driving me!

    I've heard of Whizz-Kidz, fantastic charity! Well done for doing the London Marathon as well, dont think you'll have any problem with Everest base camp!

    Yeah its the altitude thats the killer, Machu Picchu is high but not as high as you're going.
    its a shame we cant train for that, but i guess we just have to see how we feel when we land ;)
    there's always medication we can take to help, but on my trip our Porters brew us Cocoa tea from the cocoa plant so that'll give me a buzz!!

    i'm slowly starting to train because i am super unfit :( i really cant wait to see your progress and get some tips! x