Is anyone in Colorado struggling with food addiction?

I am an addictions therapist who has the MOST DIFFICULT addiction to overcome myself--the addiction to great-tasting, unhealthy food. I am trying to overcome this in 2013 because I have been living in this body for almost three years and have been very unhappy. I know, since studying addiction, that food addiction is a REAL ailment that can kill us. I am disappointed that there is not a network of support out there that doesn't cost an arm and a leg to help people overcome this difficulty. I know that the weight loss industry is just that--an industry and they are only focused on making money. The more times we fail in our attempts to lose weight, the more money they get from us. Anyone agree???


  • The Binge Eating Disorder Association estimates that some 8 million Americans suffer from addiction to highly processed food. There are no ifs ands or buts on the subject of food addiction: it is as real as cocaine or alcohol addiction and, in fact, affects exactly the same pleasure/impulse control centers of the brain as recognized drugs. This is especially true of what David Kessler calls hyperpalatable foods -- foods dense in calories from sugar/fat/salt. Oxford University Press has just published the medical textbook on the subject: Food and Addiction: A Comprehensive Handbook, edited by Kelly D. Brownwell & Mark S. Gold.

    If you Google food addiction, you will find a lot of help available -- reputable science, books, 12-step programs and other resources. Know that you aren't alone and that help IS available.