Gripping the bar.

So this might be dumb, but I have a really hard time getting a good grip on the barbell when I lift. I don't know if it's because a) I'm weak b) My hands are really small c) I'm ignorant since I'm a novice to weightlifting. I'm thinking it's a combo of all three, but I need some advice. The barbell at the gym is the standard bar, I think it is 40 - 44 pounds. In my eyes, the tube is HUGE. My fingers can't touch my palms when I grip it. The same also goes for when I deadlift. What is the proper grip on the barbell? Am I just making a big deal out of nothing? Thanks.


  • aproc
    aproc Posts: 1,033 Member
    If its a problem of your hands just being too small, then maybe you should look into straps for deadlifting and other exercises? I use versa grips for deadlifting and any pulling exercise I have to do with heavy weights. I have no problem holding onto the bar to do complete my sets with them.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Get straps for pulling exercises. For pushing work, just make sure the bar is properly balanced so that you maintain control. Use a spotter.
  • qballjr13
    qballjr13 Posts: 174 Member
    Along with the suggestions also work on your grip strength. Take some heavy dumbells and walk carrying them. Or when you do bar work try holding the last rep until you feel like your hands are going to let loose, this eventually will get longer and longer. You can also try to work in some forearm exercises, this will significantly help with grip.