Help! wtf?

kellilucky13 Posts: 16
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I did my weekly weigh-in....and the evil-scale said that I was nearly 1 pound over! Ughh! Ok, I have been eating right...stayed under my calorie intake (and not too much), by like 200 calories under....drank a lot of water/de-caffeinated green tea.........
so, what the hell?? I'm sure I havent been on this journey, like some of you have, but.....what gives? I'm feeling a bit frustrated right now. I can now remember why I would always say 'F*%k-it' in the past! you try so hard.......and sometimes you get nothing! Grrrrrrr.....


  • MattySparky
    MattySparky Posts: 771
    you've lost 7 lbs.... you cant expect there to be a change right away, it certainly doesn't happen overnight that's for sure, trust me I've been at this only 15 months and I still hit obstacles.
  • brechingirl
    brechingirl Posts: 19 Member
    You should not be under by 200 calories, you are not eating enough if you do that. Be under by 50 or so is enough.
  • mama22girlz
    mama22girlz Posts: 291
    Are you exspecting a visit from TOM, that always messes with my weigh ins.
  • MattySparky
    MattySparky Posts: 771
    You should not be under by 200 calories, you are not eating enough if you do that. Be under by 50 or so is enough.

    sometimes Im under by 400 calories, sometimes Im right on. The calorie thing is NOT an exact science. Although a caloric defecit will cause weightloss, you cant obsess right down to the calorie. The main thing is not to go over but there is certainly nothing wrong with going under by a bit, especially if you are giving your body good nutrition and not just empty calories.
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    Are you exspecting a visit from TOM, that always messes with my weigh ins.

    I 2nd this question. It was the first thought I had. Something else you may want to look at is your sodium and potassium. Sodium=bad, potassium=good when it comes to retaining water. Another thought I just had is exercise. Have you started or changed your exercise routine recently? When you activate previously inactive muscles they hold on to water to help with glycogen storage. After you stick to the routine for a couple weeks, they will let go of most of that water and the pounds will "melt" off. Being under cals by too much may be a part of the answer, be sure to stay as close as possible without going over (kinda like the show "The Price is Right!")
  • perrim
    perrim Posts: 117
    I was also thinking TOM...also, how long of a time frame are we talking about? We women can fluctuate between a few pounds here and there on any given day. Although I weigh myself daily, I only do an "official" weigh in once a week, sometimes not even that often. One more thing to consider...if you're working out, you could be building some muscle. Give yourself a break and if you don't see results in another week or even two, then maybe consider tweeking your diet some.
  • karenmi
    karenmi Posts: 242 Member
    You should not be under by 200 calories, you are not eating enough if you do that. Be under by 50 or so is enough.

    sometimes Im under by 400 calories, sometimes Im right on. The calorie thing is NOT an exact science. Although a caloric defecit will cause weightloss, you cant obsess right down to the calorie. The main thing is not to go over but there is certainly nothing wrong with going under by a bit, especially if you are giving your body good nutrition and not just empty calories.
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    I would suggest drinking a lot of water today, maybe taking a break from the exercise and try your weigh in again tomorrow. If you're close to your TOM, wait until a few days into it to weigh again. I have many fluctuations due to hormones, sodium intake, lack of sleep, lack of water. 1 pound is nothing and I bet it's gone in a few days.
  • karenmi
    karenmi Posts: 242 Member
    Just a thought, if you say the calorie thing is not an exact science, yet you're asking "WTF?"....I don't get it!

    If you're under by 200 calories on a consistent basis and your total is say, 1200 a day, then I would argue that you're not eating enough. I agree that being under or over by around 50 isn't too bad, but 200 or more is not a good thing.

    You say that we should not obsess over every calorie, well I think the same applies to weight, we should not obsess over every pound.

    It's not easy, this journey to a healthier you, and the weight loss is the easy part. It's keeping it off that's hard (I know, I've been there and kept 50 lbs off for 5 years). But you've done great, you've lost 7 lbs already, so you're obviously doing something right, so keep at it and you will be successful!
  • Berliner
    Berliner Posts: 20 Member
    the more you are under your calorie intake, the more you are going to let your body think you are starving. 200 here and there at times is ok, but everyday is to much.
    A normal eating habit of 1200 is the lowest people can eat without setting your body up for low metabolism and all that. If you are in that range minus the 200 cal then you consumed only 1000. Let's say you worked out and burned 400 cal, that will put you at 600 cal for the day. WAY TO LOW!!! eat more frequently.

    I think you have accomplished more than I have at this point. I bust my behind and have lost only 2 lbs. Oh well, I am feeling good at this moment and will not let this put me down.

    Keep doing watch you do.
  • MattySparky
    MattySparky Posts: 771
    and error has occured
  • MattySparky
    MattySparky Posts: 771
    Just a thought, if you say the calorie thing is not an exact science, yet you're asking "WTF?"....I don't get it!

    If you're under by 200 calories on a consistent basis and your total is say, 1200 a day, then I would argue that you're not eating enough. I agree that being under or over by around 50 isn't too bad, but 200 or more is not a good thing.

    You say that we should not obsess over every calorie, well I think the same applies to weight, we should not obsess over every pound.

    It's not easy, this journey to a healthier you, and the weight loss is the easy part. It's keeping it off that's hard (I know, I've been there and kept 50 lbs off for 5 years). But you've done great, you've lost 7 lbs already, so you're obviously doing something right, so keep at it and you will be successful!

    Your'e confusing me with the person who started this topic. Im not saying "wft"... I was replying to another post by saying not to obsess over every single calorie. Can you not see that I am not the person who started this topic? Also I clearly quoted someone in my reply.
  • Thank you all for the input. I am finding, through reading the sodium content on packages, that I am eating too much sodium. That can definitely make a one pound difference. I am trying to drink more water, and hopefully flush the salt out of my system. The day after I weighed a pound more, I noticed my ankles were swollen. I thought, BINGO! And, no TOM. TOM hasn't showed up in quite some time. =) Doc is thinking maybe PCOS. Will have it confirmed soon. But, that can make a difference in weight gain/loss. I will just keep on doing what I'm doing, and be patient (or try to) with the scale and my progress.
    Thank you all again! =)
  • AnnieeR
    AnnieeR Posts: 229
    Water retention can make a HUGE difference. The other thing is not to get too hung up on the scale - you could be still losing inches but not pounds or gaining muscle if you're exercising a lot.... I was up a pound on my weigh in day last week, but today I was down 3, so don't despair!!
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    Thank you all for the input. I am finding, through reading the sodium content on packages, that I am eating too much sodium. That can definitely make a one pound difference. I am trying to drink more water, and hopefully flush the salt out of my system. The day after I weighed a pound more, I noticed my ankles were swollen. I thought, BINGO! And, no TOM. TOM hasn't showed up in quite some time. =) Doc is thinking maybe PCOS. Will have it confirmed soon. But, that can make a difference in weight gain/loss. I will just keep on doing what I'm doing, and be patient (or try to) with the scale and my progress.
    Thank you all again! =)

    Sodium was making a difference to me as well. I'm always over. Sometimes a little sometimes a lot. I changed my data so that sodium is tracked as well as cals, fat, carbs, and protein.
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    I just did exactly the same thing. My official weigh-in day was last friday and I weighed exactly the same as the previous friday. I made up my mind I was just going to keep going and I was showing 2 lbs down by Monday. I do think mine was water weight gain and I'm terrible with the sodium too. Just can't seem to get that under grips with everything else. Just keep going it will work.
  • I think I have been flushing out my system of the sodium in the past 24 hours. Ankles look a bit smaller this morning. =) I think it's time I give up the diet sodas, too (been drinking diet 7-up). Even though a lot of the diet drinks advertise 'low sodium', I have noticed there is still a pretty good amount in them. I guess this is why every 'diet' site says WATER WATER WATER. This whole thing is definitely a learning experience, with many trials and errors. Thank you all!!
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    Another way to get rid of sodium is to up your potassium intake. In an ideal world, our potassium intake would exceed our sodium intake.:tongue: Let me tell you, MINE isn't there yet!:laugh: However, I have started tracking potassium as well as sodium. I'm starting to find foods that are high in potassium and low in sodium are less processed (raw veggies, milk, raw fruits, etc.). I have found a granola bar that is almost equal (not bad considering some of the other bars I've looked at!). I try to load up on these types of things. I can tell rather quickly when I've had too much sodium and not enough water or potassium. Give upping your potassium a try for a week or two along with the increased water. I'm on week 3 of this, and it's looking good so far!

    Glad to hear that your ankles are shrinking! Keep it up. My money is on a significant loss the next time you weigh in! Let us know!
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