What do ya do when you don't like fruits and veggies?



  • petesouthwood
    petesouthwood Posts: 1 Member
    What´s your goal? Do you want to loose weight? Or just eat in a more healthy way?
  • UncleRiotous
    My suggestion would be to try foods from different cultures. If you don't like veggies as a side dish try finding some dishes from other cultures that use them in different ways. There is a whole heap of difference between carrots served boiled and a carrot and chickpea tagine from Morocco.

    Basically though I think you just need to deal with it, as long as your mental attitude is "I don't like veggies or fruit" then you won't get past it.
  • ludgerclay
    ludgerclay Posts: 95 Member
    ummmm, your profile says you're 35, so which is it?

    Do you wanna be healthy, that's the question? You have to want to be healthy & eat them, no one can help you but you.

  • MissJanet55
    MissJanet55 Posts: 457 Member
    I have read that when people don't like a particular food it is more often because of texture than taste. So I would suggest steering clear of frozen or canned vegetables, and eat fresh. There is such a wide variety of taste that it's hard for me to imagine you dislike all except for a few (and for what it's worth, I was recently looking at the Canada food guide and potato is no longer listed under vegetable, it's under starch). Eggplant might be a bit of a stretch, and I know many people find a lot of greens too bitter, but there is a ton of variation out there.

    Smoothies do take a little time to make and to clean up after. But if you really want to make a change you have to be prepared to put in a little effort. It will be worth it.
  • footiechick82
    footiechick82 Posts: 1,203 Member
    My best friend is the pickiest eater I've ever encountered in my LIFE! She has a similar pallet to you...

    I stuff her with healthy food when I'm with her because she has a tendency to eat like crap. The best way I get her to eat her veggies is to put them with something and make them taste like candy OR, put them in soup.

    1. Chicken and Rice Soup... I load it with carrots, celery and onions and I make the rice on the side. I get her to put in the broth first and from there, she adds as much rice as she wants. That way I know she's getting at least a full serving of veggies in her soup.

    2. I make a whole chicken. I use moroccan spices (amazing!) because they are sweet. I use sweet potatoes, white potatoes (or red), carrots and sometimes I will throw in zuccini or whatever else I can find. Because of the spices (mostly the cinnimon I add), the carrots and the sweet potatoes come out so sweet it's like candy-ish.

    3. Baked Cauliflower and Broccoli. She is IN LOVE with this and asks me to make it for her everytime I see her. VERY easy and I let her eat whatever else she wants if she eats a good portion.
    - get a pirrates dish (or whatever is deep enough) and put in the broccoli and cauliflower broken up
    - add oil (preferably extra virgin olive oil or rice bran oil [rice bran promotes weight loss]), salt and pepper, garlic and thyme (preferably fresh)
    - get your hands in there and mix it around
    - bake @ 350 for about 25-30 minutes or until the veggies are tender (the cauliflower usually gets a bit brown)
    - sit for a few minutes to cool off and serve

    4. I stuff chicken breast with asparagus and cheese (old cheddar, parm or goat usually) or I use broccoli. If you are good at stuffing the chicken before it goes in the pan, great, if not *do it after the chicken is browned before putting it in the oven.
    - make sure the chicken is washed and dryyyyyyy (very important!) dip in egg and then in bread crumbs
    - place on HOT skillet with oil
    - let cook until golden brown, then flip to make it golden brown on the other side (for the crispiness)
    - *if not stuffed - do so now!
    - put in the oven @ 350 and let bake for 15-20 minutes or until the chicken is cooked

    5. Boathouse smoothies - sweet and lots of veggies and fruit but healthy. http://www.bolthouse.com/products/beverages/smoothies

    There's a few suggestions on how I get her to eat up! I can't STAND mushrooms, so sorry, can't help there! LOL
  • dare2love81
    dare2love81 Posts: 928 Member
    One of two answers:

    1. Eat them anyways.
    2. Don't eat them.

    Simple, really.
  • leannems
    leannems Posts: 516 Member
    ummmm, your profile says you're 35, so which is it?

    Do you wanna be healthy, that's the question? You have to want to be healthy & eat them, no one can help you but you.


    Something about this thread smells bad.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I'm the same way, and desperate to get more greens. Thinking about cooking spinach, then mixing it up in ground sirloin and having that.

    An omelet with spinach and mushrooms are a possibility as well. I just hate the slimy texture. I love onions and garlic, and don't eat near enough of anything else.
  • peejay34mason
    peejay34mason Posts: 138 Member
    Is your issue more taste or texture? If taste, I would suggest spicing things up a bit (literally) curry, oregano, ginger, dill or even as simple as salt. Be creative think outside the box. I have been amazed my some of the things people come up with (like honey, ginger, brown sugar spaghetti squash, which I just fixed for my family who would have NEVER eaten squash and they loved it particularly my picky husband who really likes very few veggies) Also, you can juice your veggies and/or fruits really mix things up.

    If the issue is more texture, just avoid the soft slimy styles (mushrooms and tomatoes as you had mentioned). You may want more the turgid style of fresh veggies not cooked, eat them raw again can be doctored to your liking with dips (low fat, low cal versions) or glazes.

    Worst case, as some have mentioned, drink V8 infusions to get your RDA of fruits and veggies.

    I am only throwing out suggestions as I do not have the loathing of fruits and vegetables as you, so if it helps great! If not... sorry I tried!
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    Pureed soups. I can get my kids to eat AN veggie if I puree it into a soup. Roast the veggies first for the best flavor. Toss in all your favorite seasonings, blend away. Add a little water if it's too thick.

    Really - not to be a snotty brat, but you're old enough to know better. If you don't like them served one way, try another. No one said you had to eat them all raw, or from a can.
  • nguk123
    nguk123 Posts: 223
    A blanket dislike of the entire category of 'vegetables' is extemely abnormal, and I suggest therapy / professional help.

    You're not likely to get results posting on this forum for something like this.

    (Unless you misrepresented the depth of your 'veggie' loathing.)
  • cuterbee
    cuterbee Posts: 545
    If you hate the texture of spinach, maybe you should try just barely stir-frying it in a pam-coated pan (don't add any extra oil, and don't cook it very long). I don't like it out of the can or steamed but I love it this way.

    You might try eating frozen vegetables while they are still frozen. My kids would always eat them this way (I like many this way as well; for many years, it was the only way I could eat peas). Fresh, uncooked green beans or bell peppers are pretty good, too; not much flavor, but very crispy. I also like uncooked acorn squash (can't eat that any other way, but it's great raw).

    If regular vegetables/fruits aren't doing it for you, try some of the ones that are unusual for those of us in North America -- jicama, edamame, japanese eggplant, persimmon, star fruit, lychee, mango...any of that stuff at the store that doesn't look normal to you, take a bit home and try it.
  • Robertetritsch
    Robertetritsch Posts: 2 Member
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    In most countries juice counts as one serving per day regardless of how much you drink, I don't know why people persist with this myth that it is as beneficial as whole produce. A ton of nutrients are wasted if you discard the pulp, all you do is concentrate the sugars. Pureed/ smoothie/ blended counts as multiple servings if you eat multiple different fruits or veggies - but if you eat three servings of the same thing it counts as one.
  • cls_333
    cls_333 Posts: 206 Member
    Eat them anyway. You are a grown up, do what you know you should.

    I don't like going to work everyday, but I do because I should.

    That said, try all dif types, and ways of preparing them, you should be able to tolerate at least some prepared certain ways.

    I love this!
    maybe a little blunt, but truthful non the less
    you will get no where eating meat and junk.
    I think taste is mind over matter!
    I wanted to cut the calories so I sacrficed the cream and sugar in my coffee.
    Now I drink it black with a splash of ground cinnamon
    it was NOT easy
    after 30 years of cream and sugar
    I really thought and BELIEVED that I hated black coffee and could never EVER drink it
    I made some adjustments, tried a new coffee brand
    and today after almost three weeks i can choke down black coffee
    Do I LIKE it?
    it is NOT my favorite!
    Does it taste good?
    It tastes natural, but no where near as delicious as my cream and sugared version
    Why tolerate it?
    Because I LOVE caffiene!

    You have to make adjustments and get used to it. Ease in slowly with the veg try different textures and cooking methods.
    Or just dive right in, they wont hurt ya!

    Either way if you are serious about health and weight loss you must eat your veg, no other options.

    Good for you! I love black coffee. I think you will too after a period of time. It will grow on you. Kinda like veggies :)
  • sweetsarahv
    sweetsarahv Posts: 180 Member
    I am so excited this topic exists!

    I am trying to learn to like veggies. I now can choke down green beans, broccoli, and salad w/ a good bit of dressing on it (which i know defeats the purpose.) I have given up on fruit though. The wet, soft consistency just does me in!!!!!

    Can't wait to read about more ideas from people though to get my proper nutrition in!
  • Jchalz
    Jchalz Posts: 1 Member
    sauteed peppers, mushrooms, onions (no oil, of course) with any green is good!
    No substitutes for veggies!

    I like pita mini pizzas.

    Whole wheat pita
    Prego Smart spaghetti sauce (Contains no oil)
    green peppers

    Spread sauce on pita, added diced or cut veggies, a sprinkle garlic, bake on 375 for 20 mins, broil for 5 mins.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    A blanket dislike of the entire category of 'vegetables' is extemely abnormal, and I suggest therapy / professional help.

    You're not likely to get results posting on this forum for something like this.

    (Unless you misrepresented the depth of your 'veggie' loathing.)

    :laugh: Maybe it's a phobia?
  • nguk123
    nguk123 Posts: 223
    >>The wet, soft consistency just does me in!!!!!

    Granny Smith Apples soft? pears are soft ?
    Dried fruit is also delicious. Dried fruit is not wet