Why am I not losing inches?

I've lost 15-16lbs since I started back in May. I honestly have very little left to lose. In fact, I'm ok if I don't lose anymore weight as I really want to gain muscle and strength and LOSE INCHES. Particularly off my hips and butt. I am currently eating at a very slight deficit.

I eat 1400-1500 calories per day. I eat clean 90% of the time.
I workout 3-5 times per week and eat back my exercise calories.
I'm constantly changing my workout routines to keep my body guessing.
I've been doing Body Pump but also squats & dead lifts on my own with free weights.
I've been patient knowing that the last little bit takes the longest....until now.

I took my measurements on 9/29. Since then the weight on the scale has fluctuated within 3lbs of each other. Haven't lost anymore than that, haven't gained anymore than that.

Just took my measurements again and every.single.one is the exact same as it was in September. Not a 1/4" smaller. Took pics and again look exactly the same. Trust me when I say I have inches to lose on my hips so why isn't it coming off??

ETA: I NEED to lose 2 inches off my hips before the end of April. I have a wedding dress to fit into that I currently don't fit into at the hips (and cannot be let out anymore than it is). I know I could drop my calories to 1200, stop working out so I don't have any extra water weight hanging on but we all know that's not healthy and doesn't fit into my long term goals.


  • Calantorntain
    Calantorntain Posts: 172 Member
    What is your body fat percentage?
  • goldfish29
    goldfish29 Posts: 44 Member
    I haven't checked it since losing the 15-ish pounds but at the time it was....gulp.....37% :( I would say it's definitely lower. Maybe I should get it rechecked.
  • Calantorntain
    Calantorntain Posts: 172 Member
    I haven't checked it since losing the 15-ish pounds but at the time it was....gulp.....37% :( I would say it's definitely lower. Maybe I should get it rechecked.

    Ok, I wanted to make sure you actually had some fat available to lose :)

    I think that MFP waaaay over estimates the calories burned during exercise. Perhaps, instead of eating back all of them, only eat back 25% or 50%?

    Also, if you can afford it, I highly recommend taking kettlebell classes (don't get one of those 5lb home systems, that will do nothing. I started off at 15lbs, and in 5 weeks I was up to 45lbs for some exercises). I loved the class I took, although sadly it doesn't fit in my budget. Instead I am now following "New Lifting Rules for Women" and loving that, although it's less insanely fat burning. I'm only one week in so I cannot yet speak to its effectiveness for weight loss, but I definitely think it's going to help me shed more pounds.
  • goldfish29
    goldfish29 Posts: 44 Member
    Thanks for your response! I do wear a HRM for exercise to caluclate my calories burned however who knows exactly how accurate that is as well? Maybe I'll cut back on eating back my exercise calories for now.
  • 3shirts
    3shirts Posts: 294 Member
    An HRM, if set with your weight and height etc is pretty accurate. I was really shocked just how different the numbers are compared to the estimates on here. Well worth getting one if you can.
    It is also interesting to see how high your heart rate goes and will help you avoid overdoing it. You can also see the improvement in fitness over time. I really notice how much faster my heart rate drop back down to resting now that I'm getting fitter.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    just keep at it. sometimes it takes a while to catch up.

    i didnt see changes until around 15 pounds and then from 15-20 i barely so any change on the scale but went down 3-4 pant sizes in just that 15-20 pound lost stage.