Moms who breastfeed/breastfed

Okay, so I had my baby at the end of Oct. I was 200 lbs when I went in to have him, and about 181 after I had him. I am about 160 now. But I have been on a plateau for weeks. At first I was allowing 500 cals for breastfeeding, and I always eat my exercise calories back. Well, plateau began, so I lowered it to 300 cals extra for breastfeeding, still on plateau. I am doing shred, and I am losing inches, but I really want to lose some weight. I am 5'2" and do not need extra weight on my body. My son is so new, he eats 8-10 times a day, so I know that's burning a substantial amount of calories, exactly how many, I obviously don't know. Anyways, my question to moms losing weight who breastfeed/fed is how did you adjust your caloric intake. I'm not looking for text book answers, I am looking for what WORKED for you ladies. Please help. I am trying to be healthy and do it correctly, but my scale is not moving.


  • aloha311
    aloha311 Posts: 118 Member
    First of all congrats on the baby boy. :) how old is your son? I know to maintain and get a good supply of breast milk you shouldn't start dieting or strenuous exercising until at least 8 weeks post partum. I completely understand how you feel. I'm also 5'2 and my youngest is now 7 months old. She is the youngest of 5 kiddos. :) when I had her I was 182 I'm 138.8 today. It has not happened overnight though. ;) as far as calories go when breast feeding you should not be netting less then 1800 calories. Another thing to note is that some women don't lose all the weight when breast feeding. For me personally my body held onto the last 15 pounds or so until I stopped breast feeding. Try not to get discouraged and trust me when I say I know how hard this is but try not to focus on the scale. Focus on the inches lost and the way clothes fit. Take pictures every week. Trust me you WILL see a difference. :)
  • aloha311
    aloha311 Posts: 118 Member
    Oh and another thing to remember is that our bodies take at least 6 months to start to balance our hormones back out after having a baby. Sometimes longer. It might be that your body is still trying to adjust. :)
  • shivles
    shivles Posts: 468 Member
    While feeding you will not loose a massive amount, your body NEEDS extra weight and fat to make nutritious milk for your baby. Chill out and enjoy your new baby, the weight loss can wait! Once you stop feeding or he starts taking more solids than milk you will loose at a normal rate.

    I'm a breastfeeding support councillor feel free to message me any time with questions :)
  • MrsG31
    MrsG31 Posts: 364 Member
    I am not sure what advice I could give you, but wanted to say congrats on your new baby boy and for breastfeeding!

    I BF both of kids until about 9 months old. With my first, I went back to my pre-pregnancy weight shortly after having her, but none of my clothes would fit as apparently the shape of my body changed, lol. In the beginning I didn't eat that well because I just wasn't hungry...and I mean in the VERY beginning. Later nursing made me very hungry and thirsty, but I did try to eat healthy. I wasn't exercising except for the occasional walk with the baby and dog. I had to start supplementing with formula at 4 months and never seemed to lose any more weight.

    With my 2nd it was way different. I didn't gain as much with him and he took to nursing like a champ. We didn't have to supplement until 6 months and by then I had lost about 15 pounds and was less than my pre-pregnancy weight. People were starting to say I looked skinny and I was able to fit into pants I hadn't worn in years! When I look at pictures from then you could really tell the difference, especially in my face. But the thing was, I was eating like crazy! I was so hungry and loved me some Little Debbie Oatmeal Cream Pies! It was a preggo craving that carried on afterwards, lol. I ate at least one of those a day, and cookies, ice was ridiculous. After we stopped nursing the weight slowly crept back on.

    So see....I have no idea why I lost so much weight the 2nd time and have no real advice, sorry! But I hope you continue with the breastfeeding- it is hard work, but so worth it! Congrats again!
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    My son was born 10/24 so sounds like we're in the same boat :) I'm trying not to stress the weight loss part right now, just trying to eat as healthily as possible and I figure my body will hold on to what it needs to feed the kiddo. What I've heard is that until they're weaned we won't really lose the last 10-15 lbs. I put on 50!
  • PrincessKittenpants
    I honestly, did not count the breastfeeding calories. It was my normal day to day activity so I would only count actual exercise. My son is 3 and I'm still fighting the baby buldge. It takes time sweetie, just enjoy your time with your son:)
  • belsameth
    belsameth Posts: 11 Member
    I'm only a newbie, started a week ago so obviously not much experience :) I tandem feed a 4 month old and 3 year old. I add 500 for the baby and 200 for toddler as he feeds quite often still. I also eat my exercise calories back. I'm supposed to net 1640 I think, but usually struggle without adding unhealthy food as got really bad eating habits. I did loose 4lb in first week though, but trying to up my healthy calories this week :) and congratulations on your baby :)
  • Julie7741
    Julie7741 Posts: 93 Member
    I could not lose while breast feeding. I was in a similar situation, lost some, then stopped. I found that if I cut lower on the calories, my supply would suffer. So, I just had to live with it until my daughters were weaned. Happened the same way both times.

    My doctor said some people lose a lot while nursing, others have an experience similar to mine where their bodies just won't let go of the extra fat reserves.
  • sammys1girly
    sammys1girly Posts: 1,045 Member
    I breastfed all three of my babies and am short as well...5' 1.25". It does take time to lose that weight, but if you keep breastfeeding and eating reasonably (I actually ate alot while breastfeeding), most of the weight should melt off within the next several does take time.Enjoy your baby!
  • ShandiH
    ShandiH Posts: 232 Member
    My first thought was to stop doing the shred and focus on regular cardio. The shred is focused on strength training, along with some cardio - hence why you are losing inches but not pounds. Just a thought to try. I personally think what you adjust for the calories is good; I would up it back to 500 if you change to regular cardio.

    My daughter is 7 weeks old today so I'm at the very beginning of my journey . . . Good luck! And congrats on the baby boy!
  • emczech5
    emczech5 Posts: 224 Member
    I just read the other day ( I can't for the life of me remember where, probably babycenter) that although breast feeding can help you lose weight sometimes when you breast feed your body will hold on to some of those fat reserves you built up during pregnancy to aid in milk production.

    Remember that it took 9 months to make that baby, so you should allow yourself at least another 9 months for your body to get back to normal.
  • Pepper2185
    Pepper2185 Posts: 994 Member
    I had a baby in October, too!

    I'm still using 500 calories for breastfeeding because I'm breastfeeding exclusively. I will only lower my breastfeeding calories once baby starts eating solids and doesn't nurse as much.

    I also delivered at around 200 pounds, and I'm sitting in the 160s right now.

    The scale isn't moving much for me, either, but I'm losing inches (like you). I'm WAY happier to lose inches! If you have more lean muscle, you can weigh more, but still fit in a smaller package. Don't focus on the number on the scale!

    Also be careful about messing with your calories. Our first instinct when we want to lose weight is to cut out more calories. This can interfere with milk supply for some women, and your body really does need the extra fuel. Some women just hold onto an extra few pounds of fat for milk production, and don't lose it until they have weaned.

    Keep up the healthy food and exercise, and enjoy losing those inches!
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,118 Member
    My daughter is 4 weeks old and I am unable to breastfeed exclusively (Do not produce enough milk) my consultant told me to use 20cal per oz since I pump. I eat a 2100 calorie diet and so far have lost 25lbs. 20 of it was 2 days after delivery and I have slowly lost the 5lbs still have a lot more to go.
  • Momma1213
    I BF my daughter for 13-14 months. I lost some weight but most of it did not come off until well after I was done feeding her. I remember being super frustrated that the weight did not melt off as I was led to believe if you BF. I did not log food at that time but I do recall specifically making a huge effort to eat healthy, no coffee, and no alcohol. The importance of what I ate was underscored by the fact that I had eaten part of a Bloomin' Onion from the Outback and it did something nasty to my milk and sent my child to the ER as she could not hold any food down.
    Be patient and focus on the measurement, not the weight. Our bodies change after pregnancy and birth and you do need to get to know and become comfortable with the "new" you.
    Good luck!
  • codapea
    codapea Posts: 182 Member
    I couldn't lose weight while breastfeeding, except for the first 3 or 4 weeks postpartum (when all the water weight and stuff is going). I know some people can, and you get so hopeful hearing stories of women who took advantage of the extra calories burned to lose weight while nursing, but that was never the case for me with my babies.

    That's not to say don't try, though! You can still improve your fitness (sign up for a 5K!) and body shape without losing weight. And maybe you are just on the normal weight loss plateau that happens to most of us after losing a lot quickly. My weight loss has not been 1.5 pounds a week every week, it's been more like 6 pounds one week, 2 pounds the next, then 2-3 weeks nothing, and repeat.
  • Shaylam82
    Shaylam82 Posts: 25 Member
    I had my son in the middle of Sept. At 6 weeks PP I had lost about 30lbs. I gained about 8 back over the holiday o_O. I just started watching my calories and weorking out. I lost 5 lbs the first week and hope to continue losing. I am a Type II diabetic and want to get off my meds so I also have to watch my carbs. I actually had an oversupply so I have tons of milk in the deep freezer :) If my supply starts to drop, I'll start using some of that and eat a little more, but so far so good.
  • Davina_JH
    Davina_JH Posts: 473 Member
    I agree with shivles and faughorn...I think when nursing, your body natural holds on to weight (especially around your middle) to ensure you have enough energy stored to produce milk. I don't count breastfeeding calories burned because I figure nursing is making it harder to lose weight, and so it balances that out. (I have a nine month old still exclusively breastfeeding) Congratulations on the birth of your son! :)
  • itsasecret22
    I'm just starting out, I BF exclusively(no solids) my 4.5 month old. I add 300 calories per day. From what I've read you burn about 20 calories per oz of milk(makes sense, breast milk has from 17-24 or so calls per oz). I have quite a bit more to
    Lose than you do though! Some extra pounds may stay on as your body does require some extra fat to help produce milk.
  • 3RachaelFaith3
    3RachaelFaith3 Posts: 283 Member
    Just to answer a few questions, I am breastfeeding him exclusively and he is about 9 weeks old. I am so glad I asked this, bc the majority of you said that I would hold on to around 10-15 lbs, I had no idea about that! But it definitely makes sense. Thanks so much for all of your helpful input. Oh and just fyi, I didn't start shred til 8 weeks pp and my doc cleared me. I wanted to start before lol.. but I knew it was best to wait, bc I had a c section. My milk supply is pretty good, my healthier diet isn't cutting into it, so I'll just try to stress less about it and just see what happens once he weans, hopefully at a year. Thanks again! You guys rock
  • Jillsie11
    Jillsie11 Posts: 249 Member
    Just to answer a few questions, I am breastfeeding him exclusively and he is about 9 weeks old. I am so glad I asked this, bc the majority of you said that I would hold on to around 10-15 lbs, I had no idea about that! But it definitely makes sense. Thanks so much for all of your helpful input. Oh and just fyi, I didn't start shred til 8 weeks pp and my doc cleared me. I wanted to start before lol.. but I knew it was best to wait, bc I had a c section. My milk supply is pretty good, my healthier diet isn't cutting into it, so I'll just try to stress less about it and just see what happens once he weans, hopefully at a year. Thanks again! You guys rock

    I'm in almost the exact same boat as you...had my 2nd daughter in October and have been holding on to these last 10 lbs. I gained during my pregnancy. I've been getting frustrated as well...glad to see all this positive advice.

    Also, for me (still testing this out to see if it works) I think I wasn't eating enough. I was set to lose a pound a week, I've been exercising, and was still seeing NOTHING change on the scale. So I changed my settings to lose 1/2 a pound a week, and I FINALLY saw the scale move. So maybe you should eat more...?

    All that to say, guess we'll just keep doing what we're doing and hope something happens soon! But, I feel your pain!:)