Newbie and wondering if I can do this

Like so many others, been on the yo-yo's for years. Lose, gain, lose, gain even more. So sick and tired of this cycle. I have no one but myself to blame, and it's getting old, very old. I see all these pictures on the success boards, and I am amazed to say the least. But how do you do it day after day? Or is that my answer, just do it....

I lost 5 pounds the first week, and I know the results are not typical and I will probably slow down after this week. I can't help but think that next week I will only see a 1 or 2 pound loss. I need to shed 70 pounds.

Keep posting the pictures, and keep giving me hope, because I will need it.... Each and every day.


  • Tinarash213
    Sounds like I could have wrote the exact same post as you did. Glad to know I'm not alone. Although my "lose, gain, lose, gain" has really been lose very little, gain a few more over time, lose a couple, gain more over time... I've had 5 children and I don't think I've ever really lost all the "baby weight" since baby number 2 and that child is now 23 years old this month!!

    I'm really hoping this is what is going to do the trick for me this time. My health and family health history is starting to catch up to me and it's time to get my act together and get healthy!

    Congrats on your 5lb loss in your first week! That's awesome!! And just keep putting one foot in front of the other and let's do this! :)
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Next week you may not lose anything, but you will still keep eating healthy and moving your body.

    And the week after that, no matter what the scale says, you will keep eating healthy and moving your body.

    And eventually the scale will give you a number that makes you happy, and you will keep eating healthy and moving your body....
  • Camilletanis
    Camilletanis Posts: 8 Member
    the best advice i can give is to be patient. :)
  • juliec33
    juliec33 Posts: 238 Member
    You can do it if you THINK you can do it. You have to have no doubts about your eventual success. Remember, losing weight and getting healthy is a marathon - not a sprint. Expect some bumps in the road and a few detours along the way. If you have a meal that is less than healthy (as we all do sometimes) make sure your next meal includes good for you foods. If you miss a day of exercise, be grateful for the rest and make sure you don't miss your next scheduled workout. Set small attainable goals and some that don't even relate to a number on the scale. My first goal ever on this journey was just to show up for every scheduled workout - no excuses. Once I was there I always gave it 100% but my goal was just to get there.

    You will hear lots of people on here say lots of different thing about "do this" and "don't do that", "eat this and don't eat that". You will ultimately need to figure out yourself what will work for you over the long haul. It's trial and error and what works for me won't necessarily work for you or your lifestyle. Absorb all of the advice and use what makes sense to you.

    Good luck on this journey! I have no doubt about your success if you really want this and are ready for a lifestyle change. Add me if you like...I've lost 80 lbs and kept all but a few pounds off for about 2 years. I'm still learning and struggle every day not to slip back into the old habits.

    YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!!!!
  • ashleydmassey
    ashleydmassey Posts: 106 Member
    First, let me say, you CAN do this!!!! One way to stay with it is to focus more on the actions and less on the results. The results WILL come. And let me say, they will flood you like nothing else you've known if you hang in there and commit to yourself to be a new you. Not only do you gain the reward of weight loss, there is so much more. (Energy, confidence, etc.) Patience is key. Patience is easier when you are just focusing on the moment to moment actions each day. The results are what you will reap. Hang in there. Don't expect it to fall off too quickly. Once you've hit 10 pounds, 20 pounds, your internal self starts shifting and you realize how much power you have with persistence. I will add you and will be glad to be a morale booster or whatever else you need. I started unofficially in May 2012, officially in July 2012. My initial kickoff, what really got me going, was telling myself that I was okay with waiting a year to reach my goal. (Approx. 80 pound loss) Gradually the exercise built up. I've learned about food all along the way, figuring out what works for me and what doesn't.

    Chin up! It will be yours if you pursue it. Don't allow your mind to manipulate you into failing, because it's a common thing for those pesky minds to do. :wink:

  • gopackgo69
    Thanks for all the advice. Keep it coming, as I need it every day! Friend me and I'll be sure to reach out and also offer encouragement when needed. Great job to all on pounds lost everyone~