Baby belly

How to lose a "baby belly" from having twins?


  • loseformy3
    Hey, I'm Loseformy3, can anyone help me??
  • laceybrobie
    laceybrobie Posts: 495 Member
    i have not lost mine yet, but i have had 2 c sections and from my profile pic you can tell i have lost some in my tummy.
  • laceybrobie
    laceybrobie Posts: 495 Member
    do you have an pics you are willing to share? I would like to see how mine differes frm yours.
  • lashwish
    congrats! (on the twins not the belly)

    I am 2 days shy of 18m post partum with my twinners. I would say that initially i thought there was no hope but now I wouldn't consider a tummy tuck.

    I gained 70lbs w/my boys & was ginormous.

    it wasn't until 3m pp that I decided I needed to take serious action...I tried doing any exercise I could during nap time, even if it was 20 mins.

    what I have done since then... c25k, Chalene Extreme, tracey mallet, tracey anderson, zumba (2x/wk), bodyrock, tupler technique

    i have lost 40+lbs & do not want to lose anymore & my stomach is still the worst part of my body but its better than I ever imagined. I will try & take current photos. I think I posted my before in another thread but I can find them again. i will never wear a bikini again though

    i went from never working out prior to kids to working out 5-6/wk now
  • MrsTaryn
    Its hard work but it can be done. Im a mom to 2 girls aged 4 and 22 months