those who read the Hobbit/and watched movie

DJJW Posts: 519 Member
Not weight loss related but hoping someone can answer this for me. I was planning on reading the Hobbit before going to see the movie. Now everyone wants to go this weekend! AHHH that's alot of reading in a day and 1/2. So this movie is part 1of 3.....can anyone tell me (without giving anything away please, i'm funny that way) on what chapter the movie stops at, so I can get that part read by tomorrow night?


  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Just read it in a day? It isn't like it is the LotR or anything...
  • j75j75
    j75j75 Posts: 854 Member
    IDK I read the hobbit like 10 years ago. And I have yet to see the movie...
  • iulia_maddie
    iulia_maddie Posts: 2,780 Member
    I found that the movie doesn't follow the book exactly, there is stuff in the movie that does not happen in the book (it's a fairly short story to be made into 3 movies) I was halfway through the book when i saw the movie. It didnt spoil the rest of the book for me.
  • Sweatinglikeapigtolooklikeafox
    Just read the whole book?
    Seriously is not that long and the movie adds stuff that doesn't happen in the book and they move 1or 2 chapters around....really pissed me off!
    I think it took me about 4 hours to read it and I stopped a lot of the time as I was at work.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    The movie is not an adaptation of the book. It's quite a short book, no way could that be made into 3 movies. Instead, the trilogy brings in a lot of the back story, it uses other of Tolkein's works such as The Silmariliion and others. It's very clearly a prequel to Lord of The Rings, and just uses The Hobbit novel as a vehicle to tell an awful lot of other stuff.

    Go see the movie. Then read the book. You don't have to do one before the other, they're not that closely aligned.

    If you really want to, start reading a bit of the book now.
  • Codefox
    Codefox Posts: 308 Member
    Yeah, the movie is based off the main plot of the book but there are fairly significant differences. If you read the first 170 pages or so of the book I believe you'll be covered.
  • Crayvn
    Crayvn Posts: 390 Member
    go to youtube..and watch the ORIGINAL hobbit cartoon..will give you a general idea of what its about..its only about an 1hr long..
  • RiannonC
    RiannonC Posts: 145 Member
    The movie is not an adaptation of the book. It's quite a short book, no way could that be made into 3 movies. Instead, the trilogy brings in a lot of the back story, it uses other of Tolkein's works such as The Silmariliion and others. It's very clearly a prequel to Lord of The Rings, and just uses The Hobbit novel as a vehicle to tell an awful lot of other stuff.

    Go see the movie. Then read the book. You don't have to do one before the other, they're not that closely aligned.

    If you really want to, start reading a bit of the book now.

    Yes there are a few things added but the movie is still primarily very much an adaptation of the book. I always prefer reading the book before the movie as well, and that's no less valid in this case. i believe the movie covers approximately up through Chapter 7 "Queer Lodgings."
  • sheenarama
    sheenarama Posts: 733 Member
    I agree with the others. It's not a long book at all. Just start reading and see how far you get :) It'll give you a bit of a premise. If you don't get that far.. The ending will be a surprise for you!
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
    It stops around the end of chapter 6. However, there are things added into the movie from the appendices that are not in the original book (that fill in gaps and make everything better!). Just FYI...
  • LordBezoar
    LordBezoar Posts: 625 Member
    To be fair, Jackson did not add much that did not come from the universe. The vast majority of the additional stuff came from the appendices and is really there to develop the characters and tie this movie to the others. As others have said, it is a pretty short book and can easily be read in an afternoon or so. However, I wouldn't stress too much about reading before watching--unless you really feel strongly about it. In which case, the movie ends on Chapter Six.
  • DJJW
    DJJW Posts: 519 Member
    It stops around the end of chapter 6. However, there are things added into the movie from the appendices that are not in the original book (that fill in gaps and make everything better!). Just FYI...

    That gives me a goal, thank you.
  • DJJW
    DJJW Posts: 519 Member
    The movie is not an adaptation of the book. It's quite a short book, no way could that be made into 3 movies. Instead, the trilogy brings in a lot of the back story, it uses other of Tolkein's works such as The Silmariliion and others. It's very clearly a prequel to Lord of The Rings, and just uses The Hobbit novel as a vehicle to tell an awful lot of other stuff.

    Go see the movie. Then read the book. You don't have to do one before the other, they're not that closely aligned.

    If you really want to, start reading a bit of the book now.

    Yes there are a few things added but the movie is still primarily very much an adaptation of the book. I always prefer reading the book before the movie as well, and that's no less valid in this case. i believe the movie covers approximately up through Chapter 7 "Queer Lodgings."
    Thanks! :)
  • DJJW
    DJJW Posts: 519 Member
    Yeah, the movie is based off the main plot of the book but there are fairly significant differences. If you read the first 170 pages or so of the book I believe you'll be covered.

    thank you! I can get that far :)
  • DJJW
    DJJW Posts: 519 Member
    Thanks to all that answered. I DO plan on just reading the whole thing this week, not waiting for the rest of the movies. My "timeline" just got put on a crunch. I don't have to read it first or be familiar with it, it's just the way I like to do it. Book first (LOVE) than I like to follow it up with how someone else sees the characters. I'm funny that way. I've already made it to page 40, so it is going pretty fast, but that's about as much day time reading hours i've got today, will read more tonight after kids get settled. Thank you again :)
  • Lola5328
    Movie was awesome! And my kids like it too, which they didn't like the other movies they said they were boring. My eight year old liked it so much her Daddy took her again, he was surprised on how excited she was to see it again and wants to watch it a third time. That is one that will be added to our movie library!!