Ready to get FIT!

I'm farily new to this board but not to weight loss. I think I've dropped and gained the same 40 pounds about 10 times. This time I'm determined to make it stick. We move in about 8 months and I've had this dresser full of my cute skinny clothes for ever. I'm not taking any clothes with me that don't fit, so my goal is to be able to wear those ones and get rid of the bigger sizes! I'm doing a food log, exercise log, and a fitness competion with co-workers. I'm looking for support as well as willing to give it, add me as a friend if you are interessed in a solid support system! Good luck losing everyone!


  • reyna99
    reyna99 Posts: 489 Member
    You can add me :)

    This is your year for a new you and a new lifestyle!!