Anyone work 3rd shift like me?

Just looking for some people who might have a similar schedule like me...I was working 2 full time jobs and eating horrible because I had no time to do anything. So I quit one job almost 2 wks ago because my health is more important to me. I've been working 3rd shift for 7 months but finding it hard to stick to a routine the past 2 weeks. Sleeping is all messed up for me :sad: Wanted to find some new friends with similar schedule or maybe people who have been through the same thing. Good luck everyone! :drinker:


  • yes i work third shift and i understand how it is hard to stay on a schedule and not snack. At work try to bring low calorie snakes with you like 100 cal greek yogurt and 100 cal cookies. Drink lots of water. Ive read you are only hungry 15 min so fight the urge!
  • lovinglifemore
    lovinglifemore Posts: 49 Member
    I work 2 nights per week 11pm to 7am, every weekend. I find I eat to stay awake. It has caused some problems with my blood sugars, as I'm type 2 diabetic. It takes all week to recuperate from the lack of sleep because I have 3 little ones at home. My health would definitely suffer if I worked full time nights.
  • I work third shift too and what makes it even worse is that I work around food everyday. It's so hard watching the other workers eat whatever and still trying to stay on track. Im doing alot better with it though but its still hard
  • hlandry6
    hlandry6 Posts: 230
    Night shift nurse here...Lucky for me I do not have much of an appetite. I do snack of things to keep myself awake. I have a hard time logging on here because its so confusing =/
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    i used to work third shift thurs fri sat and sunday nights (11p-9a), and then monday-friday i worked 12-5 at another job (this was when i graduated college, did this a little over a year).
    it was so hard to adjust at first to being awake during the week, then awake all night and my eating was all messed up.
    what did help me was not trying to go to bed right away when i got home at 930am. i would stay up til 12 or 1pm, then go to bed and get up around 10pm. i also taped a black sheet down in my room, that helped a lot. i would try and eat hour appropriate meals too, so making dinner foods at 10am and eating breakfast at 10pm would not confuse me too much. i would get home from work, make eggs or something and watch tv or take the dog out. when i woke up around 10pm i would have a sandwich or whatever, and then i would eat around 2am at work.
    not gonna lie like i said it really messed with me during the week when i was working 12 to 5, but i was able to sort of sync them up bc i would still be up later since i didnt work until 12, so i could eat later at night.
    good luck to you, for a while i would get stomach aches because of the food schedule. i hope you can adapt!
  • I had been working to jobs until oct 1st of last yr i did so for several months and only got 3-4 hrs of sleep a night, but your right your health is more important so i did what you did and now i only have the one job. Once you fall back into a comfortable routine you should see a huge improvement :) GOOD LUCK!
  • XeanEm
    XeanEm Posts: 2
    Oh man i remember the torture... i worked 8pm to 4am..everyday!. worst time ever. I always had to rely on fast foods and sweets.. worst of all when i come home it take another full hour making it 5am. I not only lost my health i lost friends too. I felt miserable every single day.. and the worst thing is we had only saturday and sunday off but i would come home on saturday morning at 5..and i got classes over the weekend... wow i ended up putting about 25 lbs..
    Best thing i ever did was to quit that job. :)
  • I work 10PM to 6AM. For me the thing that has worked and I know it probably goes against the norm, is that I still don't eat at night. I eat breakfast when I get home...go to lunch when I get up and then 4 hours later eat dinner. I hate the shift but that is the way it goes. I have worked this shift ( well it was 11 to 7 until a few weeks ago) since the end of 2008.

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • I work 6pm-3am, so not quite but late enough that I need to start eating something later in the night in order to stay up. My big problem being that there is a case full of cookies and a freezer full of cookie dough :/ I work at a Sandwich Shop...
  • Thanks everyone! Its nice to know I'm not alone with these crazy hours and not the only one who gets confused on logging.
  • alyssa92982
    alyssa92982 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Yup I work 11p-7a, my sleep is always not enough or screwed up
  • I feel ya alyssa92982 same here :grumble:
  • hsnider29
    hsnider29 Posts: 394 Member
    I work 9pm-7am 3 nights a week. I still eat fairly normal meals. I just log everything. I don't eat a meal at work but I do bring snacks. Tonight I ate some carrots and dip, a greek yogurt and some oatmeal while at work. I will probably go home and eat a sandwich and then eat dinner after I wake up, get my kids rounded up and cook.

    I was having real sleep deprivation issues as I have done this shift for the past 3 years since my daughter was 2 months. I had to end putting her in daycare so I could sleep. I go home and take my daughter to daycare and get my 13 year old off to school and then I sleep until about 3 pm. It has made a world of difference for me and I can easily revert back to being a "day" person on my days off.
  • I'm having sleep problems now..I am so tired but oncce I get home its like my body doesn't want to sleep