i need help... please!

Hello everyone...

I've been on MFP for a while now... I've lost 13lbs so far. I currently weigh around 155, am 5'6... honestly, I really just want to lose another 10-15lbs. My goal weight has always been 140-145.

I'm constantly bouncing in between 152 and 156 and I have been at this for months. I have my own equipment at home... used to have an elliptical, but it broke. I now have a spinning bike, I really enjoy it (much more than the elliptical!) ... however, I am not sure how to get out of this plateau...

I'm scared to up my calorie intake... and I think I need a little more education on weight loss processes.... I should be eating my daily calories, right? This scares me because I feel like as soon as I eat just a little more, I gain... I eat very healthy, very rarely binge on sweets or junk food, I limit my carb intake as well (no bread, very little rice)...

Please help me! This is so discouraging !


  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    You might try adding some resistance training of some sort to your workouts - dumbbells or body weight training (pushups, squats, lunges, etc) if you've been doing just cardio. And don't be afraid of food - it's fuel! What is your calorie goal now? And yes, you should definitely be eating your daily calories - you will slow your weight loss (may be why you're stuck now), eventually burn out, feel tired, and in the long run, eating too little can mess up your metabolism.

    Have a look at this topic: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/654536-in-place-of-a-road-map-2-0-revised-7-2-12

    Brilliant info there that makes sense, along with links to tools where you can plug in all your info and find your optimum calorie goal for fat loss. I've been following it for many months and it's working beautifully for me (and heaps of other MFPers!).

    I've been stuck on a plateau after some initial weight loss as well, and adding weights to my workouts as well as upping my calories got things moving again. I'm currently about a pound away from my "goal weight" so my scale doesn't move much these days, but I don't care so much anymore - I take measurements, and I am losing inches and fat, and having to buy smaller jeans yet again, all while eating 1800+ calories per day.

    Read through the thread, read it again if you need to - it's great info!
  • MegDaig
    MegDaig Posts: 17 Member
    How many calories a day are you consuming? I find some people are mislead by the exercise calories being added toward their daily target, are you eating back your calories burned? A good starting point for weight loss for someone of your stats is 1600 to 1800 calories.
  • pucenavel
    pucenavel Posts: 972 Member
    You should open up your diary so people can see it for starters.

    It's a pretty simple equation really. Eat less than you burn, but not too much less since that can be unhealthy.

    If you are like most people, you are probably eating slightly more than you log and burning slightly less than you log.

    For instance, was that a cup of rice or a cup and a half?

    Did you run for an hour or was it really 55 minutes.

    Personally, when I keep focused on being honest about the intake and burns, keep lots of fresh raw veggies on hand to take the edge off the munchies and do at least 1-2 LONG workouts a week (like 10 mile runs or 5000 yd swims), the weight comes/stays off.

    When I back off my workout routine or stop counting those extra helpings, I gain.
  • cristinap26
    Thank you all for your comments, this really helps!

    I definitely don't think I am eating enough, it's very difficult to eat more, I have lots of trouble with that. I've also been doing so research so I think I will try to adjust my diet.

    I do, do lunges, squats, crunches and some other exercises. I do see changes in my body, I just wish I saw the pounds come off too! I guess that's where I'm getting discouraged.

    Thanks again for the info