Balancing protien/carbs/sugar

I'm having real issues with balancing this out. My calorie goal is 1300, I'm not a fan of carbs, and I'm also gluten intolerant, however I've forced myself to eat GF muesli (high fibre low fat) and GF bread to makes sure my body isn't going completely without carbs.

I tend to eat a lot more protein instead, and my sugars are high, but fat is low. So basically my nutrition is like this:

Carbs - half/Under half of daily allowance
Protein - Usually over the daily allowance by about 20%
Fat - around about half the daily allowance
Sugar - usually twice the daily allowance! (yikes)

I guess my main concern is will it affect me losing weight efficiently? My weight has been going down which is good, but I also care about giving my body what it needs. Is it ok to not be eating as much carbs if I'm having extra protein? And is too much sugar a bad thing even if I'm low in fat?

I should add that my food choices are healthy - loads of veges (raw), fruit, lean meats, no processed foods, eggs etc.

The only "bad" food i have is every day I treat myself to 5 small squares of Chocolate (70% cocoa). Although that doesn't seem to be contributing much to my sugar, its the fruit, slim milk, tomatoes that the bulk of the sugar is coming from!

I also go to the gym about 4-5 times a week (not hard-core, some cardio and a bit of strength, usuallly about 30-40min max)


  • VANE88A
    bump! anyone? :)
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Weight loss is about CALORIES, not macros. If you are meeting your calorie goal and not exceeding your TDEE, you will lose weight even if it is all 100% sugar...or 100% protein.

    Macros are important for health. But for weight loss, it's calories.
  • VANE88A
    Oh yes I'm aware of that :) i don't want to just lose weight, I also want to make sure that it will support my body to be healthy, I'm hoping to tone up (I only have about 5 more kg's to lose weight-wise, have lost about 12kgs so far) and someone mentioned to me that you need to balance your macros in order to get toned? something about more protein?
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Get toned = gain muscle mass.

    Yes, you'll need protein to do it, but if you are still losing fat, why not focus on just one goal at a time? It's insanely difficult to do both. Most women don't seem to understand that to get toned, you first have to lose body fat to see any muscle growth underneath, and then after that, you have to actually build that muscle. Building muscle takes more calories than losing fat.