where do you lose weight first?



  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    Everywhere but my moobs
  • My face and boobs. I dropped a cup size in the first 3 months, followed by my waist. My hips, butt and thighs are slowly coming to the party
  • AverageUkDude
    AverageUkDude Posts: 371 Member
    Arms, legs, *kitten*, moobs then finally when my bf% drops too about 15-18% my stomach finally starts to loose. Bloody annoying it is.
  • bri_ra
    bri_ra Posts: 6
    Face, shoulders and hips. Damn jelly belly is harder to get rid of! Grrrrr!
  • aimeeernest
    aimeeernest Posts: 159 Member
    not sure, all i know is that I lose from my stomach last :sad:
  • laneybird
    laneybird Posts: 532 Member
    Def my face first! That's the first thing I noticed in a picture when I had gained some weight back was how different my face looked.
  • jusme085
    jusme085 Posts: 16 Member
    My waist down to my love handles, which now seem truely large because my waist is thinner :( GO AWAY LOVE HANDLES, I DONT LIKE YOU!!
  • belly
  • My bust area, and then around my face. Very, very last is my stomach. So sad!
  • Jenky85
    Jenky85 Posts: 190 Member
    Stomach/waist which is good as it makes me feel better slight away. I wish I didn't lose my boobs too though :(
  • free8gent
    free8gent Posts: 61 Member
    1. Waist
    2. Face
    3. Back, Shoulders, Arms, Belly
    4. Chest
    5. Hips / legs...I've got to wait to see it where I need to lose it most :wink:
  • SMN1392
    SMN1392 Posts: 14 Member
    Waist/stomach. Boobs and thighs last.
  • jaxxie
    jaxxie Posts: 576 Member
    I wish I knew where it comes off first, but I can tell you where it comes off last........the places I wish would come off first, lol! Tri's, back and just under the boobies (I have no idea what to do in that area, but it is said that abs are made in the kitchen)!!!!!
  • chervil6
    chervil6 Posts: 236 Member
    stomach 1st which is always good
  • My Boobs went first. My hips and thighs seem to stay the same.

    this! and i lose it in my face really quickly too. Im very slim on my top half uk size 8-10 but bigger on bottom sz 10-12
  • fatjavotte
    fatjavotte Posts: 96 Member
    1- back
    2- waist and arms
    3- thighs and hips
  • elebel82
    elebel82 Posts: 69 Member
    face and oddly and pointlessly enough - my calves

    Or at least that's where I notice it, while shaving my legs, this is the second time I've lost weight where I've suddenly thought "where's the rest" and tried to find the unshaved spot that doesn't exist because it's just that my calves got smaller.
  • Daysednconfused
    Daysednconfused Posts: 975 Member
    Funny, my face takes forever to change! Not sure where I lose it first, probably azz - where I have nothing to begin with!
  • curvycarrie
    curvycarrie Posts: 56 Member
    ^^ i know exactly what you mean, i always say my husband can fart and lose 5 lbs lol...i think i tend to lose it off my face first also,...i only wish that it would come off of what i like to call my *love handles* first!!
  • alifer
    alifer Posts: 387 Member
    Waist, face, then back.