Does your scale work like mine?

I've been food journaling for years but am new to the on-line version. Just curious....does anyone have the "My scale/weight fluctuates up and down but when i am exercising and watching what i eat the scale will not move for days and then when I'm ready to give up it moves down?" I swear it's like my body is having it's own temper tantrum.

But maybe it's because I obsess over the darn scale when I'm actively trying to make it go down.


  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    I had a 5.9 gain last week then when I decide to log it the scale gave me back the 5.9 that is stole from me. Try not weighing yourself everyday as you weight goes up and down daily. I will peek but don't make yourself crazy over it. You must be feeling better getting health and being better to your body. Know that you are doing the right thing. Hang in there!
  • Canzonet
    Canzonet Posts: 4 Member
    YES - ABSOLUTELY!!! I've been experiencing the same thing. My weight used to fluctuate between 1 and 4 pounds from one day to the next, but since I've been faithful to exercising and recording everything I eat, I've noticed the same thing. My weight will stay EXACTLY the same (right down to the 10th of a pound) for days and just when I get really aggravated and think that my scale is broken, my scale weight goes down 1 lb. So, now I don't get upset anymore when it happens because I know I'll be seeing a pound drop soon.
  • mlv333
    mlv333 Posts: 86 Member
    For me it has everything to do with my cycle. I'm bloating and cranky, and I want to give up. I usually gain a good 3-4 lbs; and then it's over and I lose 4-5, and I'm rejuvenated.
  • bethie0828
    bethie0828 Posts: 35 Member
    For me it has everything to do with my cycle. I'm bloating and cranky, and I want to give up. I usually gain a good 3-4 lbs; and then it's over and I lose 4-5, and I'm rejuvenated.

    My sister in law's doctor said the best day to weigh yourself is 3 days after the last day of your period for accuate weight for the month.
  • melissaogdenrhode
    Thank you all...this is comforting to know that it's not just me!
  • angela75022
    angela75022 Posts: 100 Member
    The scale has been driving me crazy too... I've decided to weigh myself just once a week...
    most of my friends do Monday mornings... and just put the scale under the sink for the rest of the week,
    because if it's out, you'll get on "just to see".

    I just started this THIS WEEK... and I'm going through scale withdrawl lol
    but I'm not feeling discouraged everyday that I see the scale go up that 2-4 lbs,
    when I know I ate well and exercised my butt off the day before.
  • zoey116
    zoey116 Posts: 75
    I'd been wondering the same thing! I feel better hearing I'm not the only one wondering about this :o)
  • SimonLondon
    SimonLondon Posts: 350
    I was also in a plateau for weeks and it did start to drive me nuts. Over Easter I went home and stayed with family and was eating MORE and guess what, it somehow kick started the weight loss again and I'm down 4lbs.

    This is my own opinion but I honestly believe that your body gets too used to steady intakes of food so I mix and match (go over my daily calorie one day, then back to normal, then maybe a little less etc). This seems to not give my body any way of getting used to a fixed amount of calories each day.
  • melissaogdenrhode
    I think I'll have to go back to doing that. I'm being compulsive about it i guess. As long as my clothes keep fitting better I guess I need not obsess. I'll have to restrict my weigh-ins.