night eater



  • hopsonc24
    hopsonc24 Posts: 143 Member
    That used to be a problem for me as well. I started going to the gym before dinner, now by the time I get home and pack lunches for the next day and make and eat dinner it is 8-830 and Im not able to binge in the evenings.
  • kcusnem
    kcusnem Posts: 15 Member
    I used to be the same until I discovered drinking warm lemon water! What I do is buy a bag of fresh lemons, squeeze half a lemon into a glass and add hot water from the kettle and then a splash of cold water from the water filter so its at a drinkable temp and then I drink it as quickly as I can (some people also add maple syrup or honey or cinnamon)! I'd say just under a pint of water is added. Once I have drunk it I feel full up! It takes a while to get used to the taste but it really works! I also drink a glass first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. Lemon juice is full of goodness! It is good for digestion and is packed with vitamin C! Ever since I have added this ritual to my routine I don't snack at night... I used to toss and turn in bed feeling hungry and I couldn't sleep until I had binged a little out the fridge! No more!

    Some of you may of heard of things like the lemon juice diet and the maple syrup diet, its sort of similar I guess and helps to suppress the appetite but personally I would not be that extreme and drink nothing but lemon water or whatever! I have just taken the concept and personalized it to suit me and fit it around healthy eating. If you look up "lemon juice benefits" or "lemon water benefits" there are lots of articles about drinking lemon water and how good it is for you! I feel great doing it :)

    EDIT: I guess what I am suggesting is kind of like creating a new habit and maybe thats partly why it has worked! For me anyways :P

    Going to try! I love lemon water and have read that it's a ritual in the Ayurvedic diet too. I made some homemade lemonaide with splenda that I keep in the fridge as well. Helps satisfy that sweet tooth and fill you up with water and lemony goodness. :)
  • kcusnem
    kcusnem Posts: 15 Member
    That used to be a problem for me as well. I started going to the gym before dinner, now by the time I get home and pack lunches for the next day and make and eat dinner it is 8-830 and Im not able to binge in the evenings.

    When I was younger I found that to be so true!!! We'd do aerobics at 6pm every night and by the time I drove home and fixed dinner I was ready to crash into bed with no snacks even on my mind! Plus I think revving up your metabolism late helps burn some calories while you sleep ;)
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,196 Member
    I want to bring this topic back up to the top. I do so well during the day but then when I get home my hubby has dinner made and I eat too much! He was a chef before he became disabled and I eat gormet almost every day! Problem for me is portion size at night. I just want to keep eating what he makes! He makes healthy low fat no salt added foods, but I just eat too much of it. That plus I am an emotional eater, i. e. boredom, anger, happy, and anything in between, I will go look for a snack. Salty and sweet are what I go for. So buttered popcorn works well (Smart Pop - not so), or if I have chips, I need a dip or something sweet to go with it. I've got so many eating problems! I don't know where to start to control them!! I've been a member since 2010 and did well the first time I got serious with this software. But, when I stopped, I put it all back on again. Any advice???:explode: :frown: