Hello from England, UK :)

Hello, My name is Kayley, I am 23 and a mother to one little girl :)
I started my diet, like the majority of the world, on January 1st and used MFP from day 1.
I love it! I love that I can control my diet, and make some new friends.
Please all feel free to add me for advice, support and a new buddy :)


  • I've added you! Good luck with your weight loss.

    I'm accepting all invites too, feel free to add me up guys!
  • Hi Kayley! I'm Mike, live in the states, married 41 years!!!!!, 3 daughters, 2 grandkids. Been very active all my life while also steadily gaining weight!! Started MFP last week, lost 6.4 lbs!!!! It was pretty easy. One of my kids , Kelly, is also on MFP. Our family is originally from England, let's say from 300 years ago! Ha. Have holidayed in UK several times and always enjoy communicating with my English cousins. Good luck on the weight loss!
  • Hey Kayley! I am also a mommy to a beautiful almost 6 month old daughter. I also joined around the first of year to get out of these mom jeans and get back to my pre pregnancy jeans! I love seeing other mommies on here like me trying to get back in shape and eat healthier. Good luck with everything, I'll be sure to add you = ]
  • lessofLisain13
    lessofLisain13 Posts: 15 Member
    Hey Kayley, I am originally from the UK, but now live in the US, thinking about moving back home though!! Feel free to add.. and Good luck on your journey!!
  • Easnic44
    Easnic44 Posts: 41 Member

    Also from the Uk feel free to add me hunx
  • Helllllllo, im Sophia, im 20 and from Wales! :) anyone feel free to add me :smile: x
  • carlyjayney1980
    carlyjayney1980 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi I'm carly 32 from the UK mum of 2. This site is fab!! Feel free to add me X