Need some help

I had posted this earlier but most likely in the wrong board area.

I have been on MFP for a little while and have seen good results I've already lost 25 lbs, but school is in full swing and as noted below I won't have much time for exercise. I moniter what I eat and get some activity in during my lunch period. I don't want to gain any of the weight back and am still looking to lose another 28 lbs....I know I won't reach my goal of having it off by summer but that is okay.

Okay for those of you who don't know I am in my Master's studies for Mental Health Cousneling. I am in my internships and will be working 91 + hours a week. This is how it breaks down
Mo - up at 6 am home at 8 pm - cook dinner and pick up house
Tu - up at 6 am home at 5 pm - cook dinner and pick up house
We - up at 6 am home at 11:30 pm - go to bed
TH - up at 6 am home at 5 pm - cook, clean and school call from 8-10pm
FR - up at 6 am home at 11:30 pm - go to bed
SA - up at 6 am home at 11:30 pm - go to bed
SU - day off. Time for homework

that is about what my weeks will look like. if anyone has any ideas how to work more time in for some exercises I would be willing to listen. Oh. I am also trying to find the time to file for divorce seeing my wife no longer wants to be in a relationship....So I'm up for any ideas.

Thank you all in advance for any suggestions you may have.


  • laceybrobie
    laceybrobie Posts: 495 Member
    Its hard but get up at 5AM and do a 30 min DVD... lift some soup cans from the pantry etc.. run up and down the stairs.. that 1 hour of sleep when you can is worth it to work out.

    I am up between 3-4AM now at the GYM at 5. Lift Machines from 5-530.. Spin from 530-630. Get showered and cleaned up from 630-715.. work at 730 til 5-530. then off to the 2nd job from 530-930. then home for a quick bitte to eat hang with the fam and off to bed somewhere between 1030-11pm.

    I do not feel tired now when i get up this early.. My body has adjusted and is ready to get up and head to the gym.

    you can do it...
  • KRobertson36
    KRobertson36 Posts: 25 Member
    I've been working on the getting up early aspect. I am finding that difficult, but I think that is in relation to attempting to deal with an up coming divorce which I would never have seen coming. So I would agree getting up earlier is generally going to be the route to take.
  • Josalinn
    Josalinn Posts: 1,066 Member
    If you are spending any length of time in front of a computer, try taking a 5 min break every hour or 90 min. Do some squats, sit ups, push ups, tricep dips off the edge of your chair. Not only will you get you exercise, but getting the blood moving will also help you focus better on your studies. I'm in law school, so I understand! Also after about the 90 min mark your brain starts to get distracted. so doing something completely unrelated should help.

    Also are you eating enough? If you keep your body fueled all day with meals and snacks that are balanced with protein and carbs you will feel full and eat less over all. There are a lot of snacks you can eat on the go (string cheese and an apple for instance). has a lot of good advice for how to handle time management and other study related things. Also please try to get about 7 hours of sleep. You will be happier =) I know its hard.

    I can't (literally not allowed) give you any advice on the divorce other than higher a lawyer.

    Good luck with your internships =)
  • KRobertson36
    KRobertson36 Posts: 25 Member
    Josalinn ~

    I completely understand you can't give legal advice, and I have a lawyer geared up and meeting with him soon to get things started. I guess one of the hard things is being a single parent with little to no warning. On those days I can I attempt to get those 7 hrs, but there are days it just won't happen. As a side note I get about 45 min lunch break and do use about 30 min to get some activity in. I play Pickle ball and get other activity in.

    I have been on and off about logging what I eat and am again getting better as my mood is picking back up. I tend to eat heavier the longer the day goes...I should probably move this around. 1 problem I run into is working for the Department of Corrections it is difficult to bring food into the institution. I can however do some of those activities you suggested.

    Thank you so much.
  • jenniferjohnson319
    I am getting back on MFP trying to gt back into a decent pregnancy weight. I am up at 5:00 to shower get ready for work, spend a few minutes with my husband and daughter and then I am out the door. Time for exercise is almost nonexistant.

    I am fortunate that I have an hour lunch break. I quickly eat something and I walk. I drove the path I walk at lunch a few times a week and I walk almost 2 miles.

    My husband is a picky eater and dinner time is dreaded by me very much. I have gotten to the point where I make myself and my daughter something and he can fend for himself!
  • Josalinn
    Josalinn Posts: 1,066 Member
    Being a single parent is hard. And it may seem a little daunting to you now, but it can be a wonderful thing. My mom was a single mom and had me in the middle of her doctorate! She worked long hours and I saw more of a chem lab growing up than I ever wanted to. But we have an amazing relationship and are best friends. I say this as encouragement for your upcoming adventure.

    Honestly, I don't think you should worry about exercise if it will stress you out. If you eat every 3 hours or so you won't over eat later and you will lose weight.
  • KRobertson36
    KRobertson36 Posts: 25 Member